Dragon-Marked War God Chapter 2961: 2 Palace Lord’s eyes


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“No way? Could it be that he saved us?”

One of the powerhouses of the gods, said in disbelief.

“Yes, believe it or not, your life is saved.”

Qian Renji said coldly.

“Looking at your strength, you should still be a disciple of the foreign palace. It’s not easy to be able to have such a method. The five of us almost capsized in the gutter and were rescued by you. Hehe. It’s kind of interesting.”

“In the future, if anyone in your foreign palace dares to bully you, report me as Chi Haifei, and the Jedi will make him frightened.”

“If someone embarrass you, you can come to the inner gate to find me, I am the elder of the inner gate Yang Xikuan.”

“Inner Palace disciple, Sheng Kun.”

“Inner Palace disciple, Sheng Bing.”

Although the four of them didn’t say much, but their life-saving grace was greater than the sky, these words undoubtedly gave Jiang Chen great comfort.

“The disciple of the foreign palace, Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen said calmly, facing the inner palace elders and the disciples of the half-step gods, there is no fear, calm and relaxed, which is quite admirable. The few people also left the Ghost Valley quickly. It is not appropriate to stay in the place of right and wrong, and they still have to tell the palace owner about this matter first.

“Your name is Qian Renji?”

Jiang Chen looked at Qian Renji in surprise.

“Do you know me?”

Qian Renji curled her eyebrows and stared at Jiang Chen curiously.

“I heard it mentioned.”

Qian Renji trembled all over, and took a deep look at Jiang Chen.


“Ziqingtian. He asked me to greet you.”

Jiang Chen said.

“Thousands of years have passed. Where can you get the dust? You can escape for a while, but can you really escape for a lifetime? Your conscience will definitely be condemned.”

Qian Renji sneered and said, but Jiang Chen could see the desolation and loneliness on her face. Qian Renji and Zi Qingtian might not just be a simple teacher-student relationship.

“You should leave here as well. If I expected it to be good, the two palace masters may be coming soon.”

Qian Renji didn’t have too much entanglement, her beloved was lost, and the entanglement was fruitless.

“What happened to the soul storm just now?”

Jiang Chen frowned and asked in a deep voice.

“This shouldn’t be told to you, but it’s because you saved my life, and it’s his friend, I don’t keep it from you. This ghost valley is transformed by an ancient beast, and its name is nine. The Nether Void Beast, which claims to be able to go to heaven and into the earth, ignores the void, was suppressed and turned into a valley by the imperial realm powerhouse of the Profound-Tongxuan Palace. It is a pity that the Nine Nether Void Beast is sealed, but after a period of time, It will rages. There were more than ten people who died under such a soul storm, but the cultivation of Ghost Valley is too tempting. Even so, Tongxuan Divine Palace did not completely shut down here.”

“Nine Nether Void Beast…”

Jiang Chen muttered in his heart, the strength of this Nine Nether Void Beast is evident, it needs to be sealed by a strong emperor, and it cannot be obliterated.

“The current Nine Nether Void Beast, is it dead or alive?”

“Countless years have passed, even if you are alive, it is the lingering life of your soul. But the centipede is dead but not stiff, and I almost died here. After all, the power of the emperor, even if it is weak, It’s not something we can fight for.”

Qian Renji shook her head and said, her eyes full of solemnity.

At this moment, several figures broke through the air and entered directly into the ghost valley.

“Master Ji, are you here? It needs to be sealed again, you leave quickly.”

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bsp; A tall figure stood on the void, and said in a deep voice, its terrifying aura made Jiang Chen feel a great pressure, and even at a glance, he felt irresistible.

“A strong man in the realm of the emperor? This supreme emperor is really domineering.”

Jiang Chen felt awe-inspiring. In the meantime, he also saw two figures, one was Master Lin when he first entered the Tongxuan Divine Mansion, and another white-haired old man who didn’t know him. His strength was comparable to Master Lin, despite the pressure on Jiang Chen. Not small, but obviously invisible to the man in the green robe.

“Yes, the second palace lord.”

Qian Renji whispered, nodding silently.

“The second palace lord? I don’t know what he is suppressing in the eighteenth floor of Earthfire Purgatory.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the Second Palace Master, who also looked at Jiang Chen indifferently.

“Get out quickly.”

The cold and domineering side of the Second Palace Lord is vividly displayed, but Jiang Chen frowns, his face is ugly, the emperor’s prestige is inviolable, and when Jiang Chen looks at him fearlessly, the Second Palace The Lord’s anger has already flooded my heart.

Just a glance, Jiang Chen felt the mighty power of the sky collapsed, this guy is too strong, too strong.

“The second palace lord calms down, I will wait for him to leave here.”

Qian Renji pulled up Jiang Chen and quickly left the ghost valley.

“The Second Palace Lord is rarely so moved, hehe, a disciple of the Divine King Realm, why be angry.”

Master Lin smiled.

“I don’t like the look in his eyes very much. Such a person must be rebellious for the first time. If it weren’t for Master Ji’s pleading, I might have wiped it out.”

The second palace lord said with a grim look, the power of the emperor, in charge of the universe, power in his hand, desire and life and death!

In front of Ghost Valley, Jiang Chen looked back, as if traveling through the ages, but what he saw was the murderous eyes of the Second Palace Master.

“One day, I want you to surrender under my hands.”

Jiang Chen said coldly.

Qian Renji frowned and said solemnly:

“If you are rebellious, don’t talk nonsense, the second palace master’s skills are deepened to reach the realm of the emperor, even if it is the peerless evildoer of the Tongxuan Palace for millions of years, how many people can surpass the palace master Don’t talk nonsense and get your upper body offended.”

Qian Renji’s warning is kind, Jiang Chen understands it in his heart, but the two palace masters’ eyes are full of killing intent, so he can’t ignore them. Such people have always been jealous, and they can’t even look at each other. .

“By the way, Master Ji, do you know what the reward is for this ranking match? If there is nothing good, I won’t fight for it.”

Jiang Chen looks at Qian Renji~IndoMTL.com~You guy is smart, and you know how to explore my secrets with me. “

Qian Renji smiled and said, graceful and elegant, with superb temperament.

“It is a medicinal plant, an extremely powerful medicinal material. Even our instructors are greedy, but that is decided by Master Lin.”

“What medicine?”

“Purple Fragrant Konjac. It can be used to enhance the soul realm, and the effect is remarkable.”

Qianrenji said.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, stepped through the iron shoes and found no place to hide. This purple-scented konjac can be obtained in the Tongxuan Divine Palace, which is really great fortune. As long as he obtains this purple fragrant konjac, Jiang Chen will have the confidence to refine the nine Sacred Bone Pills, but his success rate is not 100%. It is self-evident that it is difficult to get close to the magical pill.

But now for Jiang Chen, the first task is to obtain the Purple Fragrant Konjac. Only when he obtains the Purple Fragrant Konjac can he have the opportunity to refine the Nine Sacred Bone Pills.


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