Dragon-Marked War God Chapter 2960: Weird Soul Storm


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As the four treasures of the profound spiritual palace, even the instructors in the ghost valley are unusually favored, but even if they are the instructors, there may not necessarily be a few people who can spend a lot of money, and one year of cultivation is a year.

Gu Maolu and Jiang Chen left in the ghost valley after only cultivating for ten days.

The ghost valley is very big, within a hundred miles, the energy of the gods in the air is unusually rich, and it is more powerful than the practice of sky fire forging. Not an exaggeration.

Countless divine birds whispered low, and ten thousand beasts breathed, making Ghost Valley a unique place for cultivation.

The whispers of birds are everywhere in the ghost valley, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, which is refreshing and happy. Cultivating here for a year is indeed more than a hundred years outside, and it is different from the time flow of being in the Ancestral Dragon Tower, but a real change of realm. Under this situation, how many people dream of cultivating of.

The valley is ethereal, long-lasting, quiet and far-reaching, and spiritual thinking is fluttering.

In the ghost valley, Jiang Chen saw only five people in total, all of them in strength far above him, even if they were not at the godly level, they were half-step godly-level powerful beings. And Jiang Chen also met a person, that is, a female tutor who had only met two sides.

Finding a wonderful place, Jiang Chen entered the cultivation again. At just this time, Jiang Chen could take the opportunity to practice the Soul-Diving Magic Technique, but this Soul-Diving Soul Technique cannot be known to outsiders. If it is known to outsiders, then he will kill the soul Shaoqian and not attack him. I recruited myself, so Jiang Chen would never use it as a last resort.

As a method of soul attack, Jiang Chen has also seen its horror. The powerful man who can seize the soul of the emperor realm can be said to be powerful. It was not a fluke that Lihunzong was able to rely on this dazzling divine art to stand tall between this Bliss City and Tongxuan Divine Palace.

“It’s time to practice this magic trick.”

Jiang Chen thought in his heart that he devoted himself to cultivation.

The cultivation in the ghost valley is also of great benefit to Jiang Chen. Although his current soul realm wants to be improved, it is extremely difficult, but the continuous warming and strengthening of the emperor realm soul also allows Jiang Chen has benefited a lot, especially the souls of the previous Emperor Realm. They are too fragile. As long as they use the means of a life and death battle, they will definitely be hit hard. The soul realm is unstable due to Jiang Chen’s lack of strength. Gu Zhong practiced with peace of mind without being disturbed by foreign objects, which was indeed quite comfortable.

Jiang Chen gradually entered the state of being in a state of tranquility. His body was ethereal, and the soul of the emperor realm was constantly deducing the soul-removing tactics. With this ultimate move, at the critical moment, Jiang Chen has the confidence to kill all the powerful people in the realm of the emperor. , But the cost is also extremely huge.

Jiang Chen’s soul realm has reached the emperor realm, and it is already twice the result with half the effort to cultivate the Demon God Technique. Therefore, the first two styles of the Demon God Technique, the first two styles of the spirit of the soul and the death of the soul, did not take long for Jiang The Chen Sacrifice practice was successful, but the third type of soul-killing is not so easy. Jiang Chen has been practicing for a long time, but he has not been able to understand the mystery, but now that he has cultivated into the first two types, it is absolutely terrifying. The killer.

More than two years have passed quietly, Jiang Chen’s cultivation in the Ghost Valley has never stopped, and his biggest gain is no different from the stability of the soul realm.


Jiang Chen suddenly felt that a huge tremor had occurred in his mind. The terrifying sensation was not in the ghost valley, but in his soul.

Jiang Chen took a breath of air, but his emperor realm soul was extremely keen. In the ghost valley, a monstrous soul storm swept across, and the invisible huge waves passed layer after layer. Storm, just like the world–>>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Dragon God of War!

Apocalypse, the wind and waves in the soul left Jiang Chen’s heart with lingering fears, but he woke up from cultivation for the first time, if one step later, he might be crushed by this soul storm, but with Jiang Chen’s soul in the imperial realm, he was confident that he would be okay to protect himself, but he would definitely suffer heavy losses.

“How could this be? How could such a terrifying soul storm soundlessly blew up in my mind? No, there must be something tricky in it!”

Jiang Chen has a stern look on his face. But the whole ghost valley is still calm and peaceful.

However, Jiang Chen is a master of art and bravery. After all, he is the soul of the Emperor Realm, so he decided to enter Ding again to find out why.

When Jiang Chen entered the cultivation state again, that terrifying soul storm completely crushed a small half of the ghost valley.

Jiang Chen saw that the figure of the Five Paths of Concentration Cultivation, at this moment, was already like a trapped beast in a quagmire and swamp. The female tutor closest to him was also pale. A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Although Jiang Chen couldn’t see what she had gone through, his guess must be the same as himself, crushed by the terrifying soul storm, and their soul realm was far inferior to his own.


The female tutor spit out blood and her expression became more and more ugly. Jiang Chen took a deep breath and withdrew the chaotic storm in the soul world, jumping out, calm and relaxed. But those who have entered the concentration cultivation are not so lucky. The moment Jiang Chen’s emperor realm soul swept through the five people, they were all trapped and unable to extricate themselves. If things go on like this, they will definitely be swallowed by that soul storm. As for where this soul storm comes from, even Jiang Chen doesn’t know.

“Wake me up!”

The voice of Jiang Chen’s soul, with a violent shout, all five of them woke up from their cultivation. The female teacher who woke up first was the female tutor. Looking at Jiang Chen in front of her, her expression became more solemn. , Heart has lingering fears.

“You awakened me from practice?”

The female tutor looked at Jiang Chen and whispered.

“Is it true.”

“Thanks a lot.”

The female tutor nodded and thanked. If it weren’t for Jiang Chen, she would really not be able to wake up. That terrifying soul storm, as if with endless magic power, could not break free if anyone was sucked into it and crushed by it. And Jiang Chen awakened all five of them with the power of the terrifying soul. It has to be said that they completely saved the lives of these five people~IndoMTL.com~ Just now she felt an extremely terrible feeling. The soul storm blew up from her mind, devastating, and the storm passed by, she could not resist it at all. Even the strength of the god-sovereign realm was not enough to support that storm’s encirclement, just like death came, there was such a sudden Then, she really felt that she was going to fall under that soul storm.

“Sen Renji, do you know what happened just now?”

“The soul storm swallows the world, wherever it goes, no grass will grow.”

“Yes, it was really dangerous just now. Could there be something irresistible in Ghost Valley?”

“The ghost valley is still calm, but once you enter the cultivation, it is like a purgatory on earth, which is really terrible.”

All four of them were full of solemn faces, and they didn’t even know what happened just now.

“If it weren’t for him just now, we might have all been swallowed by this soul storm.”

Qian Renji looked at Jiang Chen with a stern look on her face.


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