Dragon-Marked War God Chapter 2951: Strong invincible


Everyone was extremely upset. They placed their hopes on Donghuang Tai’a and Lu Dong, but the result was still the same.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Qin Feng seemed to enjoy their angry expressions. The condescending posture and the feeling of trampling on the dignity of others made him above everyone else.

“I like the way you hate me, but you can’t get rid of me.”

Qin Feng said with a sneer, and his attitude towards everyone was the same.

“Hurry up and make offerings, when will you wait?”

“Speaking of you, hurry up, I have to practice as soon as possible.”

“A group of gangsters, you deserve to be bullied. If your strength is not good, give me honest practice, rubbish.”

Not only Qin Feng, even the people behind Qin Feng sneered at the people in Dulong County, all*, but now they are the outer palace of the Tongxuan Divine Palace, and even the lowest level of existence in the new life. The glory of the past has already left them.

“If you want to become a master of humanity, you have to endure great humiliation. You don’t know that the heavens will be relegated to the people of Sri Lanka, and you must first work hard with your heart and soul. When there is you, you will surpass me. Qin Feng, I am willing to be your stepping stone.”

Qin Feng shrugged and smiled leisurely. At this moment, more than fifty people in Dulong County, all of them were extremely reluctant to take out the crystallization of the sky fire. This is their year’s hard work, this is the driving force for their progress, but now Give it a hand.

“This is what you said. Starting from today, you are my Jiang Chen’s slaves. When I am satisfied, you are qualified to raise your head and talk to me.”

Jiang Chen’s icy voice appeared in Qin Feng’s ears. Qin Feng suddenly turned to look at Jiang Chen. The guy who used to be high-spirited and stepped on his own upper position was finally willing to appear.

“Jiang Chen? It’s really him!”

“Jiang Chen, where have you been in the past hundred years?”

“Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang finally appeared.”

“With him, our Dulong County will never be bullied anymore.”

Lu Dong gritted his teeth and said, bright red blood filled the corners of his mouth, and the look of death in his eyes once again filled his body.

“Jiang Chen! Do you dare to appear in my eyes? Hahaha, it seems that you really do not live or die. For a hundred years, I thought you had become a tortoise.”

Qin Feng laughed and said, staring at Jiang Chen firmly. Once, a hundred years ago, his sharpness was the number one among the new students. It is difficult for anyone to compete with him, but he disappeared for a hundred years, and His own strength is also advancing by leaps and bounds. At this time, how could Qin Feng let Jiang Chen go? It is a pity that Jiang Chen never showed up, which made him extremely annoyed. He could only vent all his anger on the people of Dulong County. But at this moment, Jiang Chen appeared, and the anger in his heart also gathered again. Refers to Jiang Chen.

“I didn’t want to kill you, but you deceived people too much. People in Dulong County, I’m afraid you are bullied and can’t hold their heads up, right?”

Jiang Chen looked at Amok Khan, Amok Khan and others, silently nodded. Although it was shameful, it was an indisputable fact.

“Just rely on you? Boy, don’t think I’m really afraid of you, who do you think you are? I was on the summit of Gathering Thunder Peak only because you were lucky. What is it? Now, I will take you to let you know who is the first in the new life. Now Feng Yi and Wang Cheng have become my defeated men. If you choose to surrender to me at this moment, you will kneel on the ground. I banged my head three times, and if you don’t listen, I’ll let you go, huh.”

Qin Feng said with a smile, but he was full of sarcasm at Jiang Chen, with the most *meaning.

Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed:

“A person like you doesn’t shed tears without seeing the coffin. He always thinks that he is invincible in the world. As everyone knows, you are just a frog in the bottom of the well. Newborn first? Is it really that important to you?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, cold light, majestic. His goal has never been the number one in the new life, but the point of the sword, the arrogant world, the heavens, and the people of the gods will be surpassed by him. The one who stands in my way-death!

Qin Feng’s face changed slightly, and the momentum of this guy made him feel a touch of solemnity.

“Speaking more is useless, the strength is the respect, the strong have the right to speak, otherwise, the loser is only worthy of being a dog.”

Qin Feng’s silver spear pointed directly at Jiang Chen, arrogant and undaunted.

“As you wish.”

Jiang Chen said coldly, at this moment, his strength has reached the late stage of the Divine King Realm, and he is more powerful than before. I don’t know how many times. After a hundred years of training, the aura in Jiang Chen’s body is already quite terrifying. When he woke up from his dream, Gu Maolu was almost lost and horrified. He was also in the late stage of the Divine King Realm, and Jiang Chen had just broken through. In his eyes, it was like the same ancient fierce beast, unstoppable and domineering.

Mie Jiang Chen, there is no trace of grievances and obsessions in his heart. Over the past hundred years, every time he has cultivated to the best condition, there is always a demon lingering in his heart. Qin Feng knows that it is Jiang. Chen, as long as he defeats Jiang Chen, there will be no hesitation, and this freshman’s number one will be well deserved.

“Brother Gu, do you think Jiang Chen is sure?”

Luo Ping asked in a low voice, many people from Dulong County also turned their gazes on Jiang Chen, full of curiosity, although he took the lead in the peak of Ju Lei, and when he condensed the crystallization of the sky fire, A lot of people are amazed, but it doesn’t mean that his strength is the strongest. Compared with Qin Feng, Jiang Chen’s strength seems to be just praised by others, not real.

“He, I just want to know that this new student will hold on for a few rounds in Jiang Chen’s hands.”

Gu Maolu said with a smile~IndoMTL.com~ When Jiang Chen was in the middle of the Divine King Realm, he was able to smash strong enemies, kill Liu Zhe, and fight fiercely with the Jiang brothers. Now Jiang Chen, It will only be stronger than before. This freshman is number one. Although it is a false name, Gu Maolu feels that there is no suspense for Jiang Chen to beat Qin Feng.

One hundred years! That’s a whole hundred years. In the history of Tongxuan Divine Palace, how many people can practice in the Dragon Dry Prison for one hundred years? No, at least in Gu Maolu’s cognition, it is unique.

Others are working hard to condense the Heavenly Fire Crystals, and Jiang Chen has broken through the late Divine King Realm in a hundred years. This is simply incomparable.

“Go to death for me! Deep Cold Silver Dragon!”

Qin Feng yelled, the silver gun in his hand flickered, the wind rose, and the roar was like thunder. The roar seemed to be coming from the silver gun. On the silver gun, a silver mad dragon, the dragon danced wildly, swallowed the sky and ran directly. Coming by pressing Jiang Chen, everyone took a breath of air and mourned for Jiang Chen. Qin Feng just now showed strong enough, and this move shocked both Lu Dong and Donghuang Tai’a. , If Qin Feng had just used the Deep Frost Silver Dragon, neither of them would be able to resist it.

Strong invincible!


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