Dragon-Marked War God Chapter 2950: Qin Feng Zhiwei


I have to say that Qin Feng’s strength is definitely better than Eastern Emperor Tai’a and Lu Dong. The crazy offensive of the two people, for Qin Feng, there is no threat at all, a wave of horror. Forcing the people around him, he still couldn’t shake Qin Feng.

Electric light flint, thunder flickering, momentum soaring, unstoppable!

“Eastern Emperor Promise! The golden bell of the gods!”

The strength of Donghuang Taiji is much better than before, but Qin Feng is even better, just like a splash of water, dispelling the power of Donghuang Promise. Before turning around, Lu Dong’s sword energy swept through the void and shocked countless people. People, except for Qin Feng, everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

“The strength of this guy is so terrifying.”

“The strength of Lu Dong and Eastern Emperor Tai’a is already between the two, but it is still unknown whether or not Qin Feng can be overcome.”

“That’s right. After all, even Feng Yi from Qiling County and Wang Cheng from Fengdu County are willing to bow down to Qin Feng. This battle is not easy to fight.”

Lu Dongjian walks around the Hong Kong, if it is raining, the road is cold, and the sky is cold, and Qin Feng is calm and relaxed, between the palms, with ease, volleying, and completely shattered Lu Dong’s sword. When the rain curtain came up, Lu Dong also retreated. Under the joint efforts of Eastern Emperor Tai’a and Lu Dong, they could not shake Qin Feng. At this moment, the expressions of the two people were also very solemn.

“You two are not my opponents, you are both disciples of the Tongxuan Divine Palace. I don’t want to be a killer. Of course, the premise is that you have to understand your situation.”

Qin Feng said lightly, that neither Lu Dong nor Donghuang Tai’a had any advantage in their hands. Qin Feng didn’t want to fight to the death. Otherwise, even if he wanted to defeat them, he would definitely suffer. Qin Feng wouldn’t do anything that would seriously hurt the enemy and hurt himself by 800. Such a condescending posture is what he likes the most.

“But I happen to be a hard bone. I don’t see the kind of coffin that doesn’t shed tears.”

Lu Dong sneered. This is their last chance. He also knows that Qin Feng wants to preserve his strength and prestige, but at this time they have been forced to a desperate situation. If they don’t fight back, they may be. The crushed people can’t breathe, the matter has come to this, tear their skin, if they surrender so easily, then they will be even more sad than before, under the pressure of Qin Feng, it is difficult to breathe.

“Stubbornness! Then don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Qin Feng snorted coldly, his face was cold, his eyes were as cold as frost.

“Come again!”

Donghuang Tai’a and Lu Dong looked at each other. The battle between the two of them not only carried the glory of two people, but also the hope of life and death for the genius disciples of Dulong County, otherwise they would be trampled on forever. Under the feet, it will always be the lowest level of existence.

The determination of the two made the people of Dulong County quite moved, but when the matter was over, they had to fight back.

“Shame on your face.”

Qin Feng held the ice-silver spear and pierced the void. The spear picked up the sky, and the cold light flashed.

East Emperor Tai’a retreats, and his expression is stern. The East Emperor Wuji Jue urges him to the extreme. His strength is the most solid and the most profound.

“Feng God forbidden!”

A azure light fell from the sky, Qin Feng’s silver spear swept away, and he repelled the Eastern Emperor Tai’a. Lu Dong took advantage of the momentum and pursued non-stop, the sword and spear were constantly intertwined, light and shadow straddling, Qin Feng calmed and relaxed. , With one enemy two, no defeat.

“The two of you are still not rivals.”

Qin Feng roared, and the silver spear turned into silver light, blocking all the retreats of Eastern Emperor Tai’a. The silver light passed through, Eastern Emperor Tai’a flew upside down, Lv Dong sword rained, both Desperately fighting, he still battling step by step, without any chance, Qin Feng sneered, the divine might of the late Divine King Realm was fully displayed, a bit of coldness, breaking through the sky, and the two of them were all shocked to the point of vigour and blood, Qin Feng He breathed a sigh of relief. Disregarding everyone, in this battle, he almost cut the mess with a sharp knife, but it was also quite expensive. Although he was not injured, the exhaustion of this battle also made him not want to smash with the two.

His purpose is not to kill people. He also has to lose three thousand to kill the chickens. What he wants is the crystallization of the sky fire. He will slowly repair them in the future. These people are all his treasures. If they die, there will be no one. Continue to contribute to him the crystallization of the sky fire.

“Forget it!”

Amok Khan grabbed Lu Dong by the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

In this battle, Qin Feng occupies the absolute top. Although the two of them still have the power to fight again, the result is not optimistic. This point, Amok Khan and others are very clear.

Qin Feng had no killer, so naturally he had his own plan. However, Eastern Emperor Tai’a and Lu Dong were both furious, but they were stopped by Amok Khan, and their hearts gradually calmed down. Without a killer, it is of course not that they are pitiful, but that they are worried that he will not be considered for his service in the future.


Lu Dong snorted coldly, and tightly grasped the sky fire crystals in his hands. It was all his hard work to condense. It took him to condense two hundred sky fire crystals in a year, and he could only dry the dragon. Cultivating in prison for 20 days, but still offering 80 Skyfire Crystals to Qin Feng, how is this different from a vampire?

Eastern Emperor Tai’a is the same. Although they are full of unwillingness, Amok Khan stopped them for their sake. If this battle is really a life and death decision, it will be a miserable defeat for them, no doubt!

Life and death choice~IndoMTL.com~ He and Donghuang Tai’a are both like this, and the people of Dulong County behind them can only bear it silently and endure the humiliation.

No one is willing to hand over their hard-earned money. This is equivalent to killing them. Some people can only condense one hundred and twenty-three sky fire crystals in a year, which almost gives Qin Feng and them 60 to 70%. , But who made them the people of Dulong County?

Qiling County and Fengdu County are the crystallization of 30 yuan per person from the sky fire. They took the money to eliminate the disaster. They did not have much conflict with Qin Feng, but the people of Dulong County were completely improper by Qin Feng. , If there is resistance, kill without mercy!

“This hatred, I will avenge it sooner or later.”

Lu Dong gritted his teeth, and in his heart, he even wanted to eat his flesh. Isn’t it because of the fact that their cultivation has been unable to keep up for a hundred years? Under this situation, the entire Dulong County’s talented disciples who entered the Tongxuan Divine Mansion were greatly restricted. When they entered the Dry Dragon Prison to practice, they did not even enter a tenth of the others. What to compete with others?

It’s fair or not, no one cares. Even the instructors of Tongxuan Divine Mansion will never participate in their struggles. The strong are respected in the world, and the weak will only become other people’s stepping stones, or, Being trampled on dignity is the law of survival that no one can change!


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