Dragon-Marked War God Chapter 2949: An offering like a vampire


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“What? Eighty sky fire crystals? Why don’t you grab it, Qin Feng, don’t go too far.”

Lu Dong said in a deep voice.

“I’m too much? Hehe, this worship is not what I want? If you have the ability, you should go to the Jiang brothers for theory? These days of fire, it is not my embezzlement, but to our Tan Jun boss Jiang brothers Of.”

Qin Feng said with a sneer.

“We have only condensed more than 100 skyfire crystals in a year. These guys are simply eating people without spitting out bones.”

“Yes, even if it is the fastest among us, it is only about 200 yuan of sky fire crystals. This is half of the time, how can we practice?”

“This is just a robber.”

Luo Pingping people are all indignant, but they can only swallow their anger. Before they could sit still, fifty yuan would be fifty yuan, and it would be considered a disaster to spend money, but this time, they actually did it again. The lion opened his mouth wide, and one year’s offerings cost 80 sky fire crystals. The sky fire crystals they worked so hard to condense in the dragon tower, but in the end they all made wedding dresses for them.

“Qin Feng, don’t deceive others too much!”

Amok Khan also felt that he was greatly insulted. Dulong County was in decline before, but it was considered to have given enough face to the Jiang brothers. The offerings received by Qin Feng were better than the other Fengdu and Qiling counties. There are so many, but now that there are so many more for no reason, it is completely a vampire.

“If you don’t accept it, just let it go. Isn’t that guy Jiang Chen very powerful? Now as a tortoise, you mobs still want to rebel? This is the most benevolent for you, every Personally, eighty pieces of sky-fire crystallization, one piece less, I, Qin Feng, will never end with you. Of course, what you need to face is not my Qin Feng, but the anger of the Jiang brothers.”

Qin Feng’s words made Amok Khan’s clenched fist loosen once again. How strong the Jiang brothers are, they know very well in their hearts that the fourth Jiang family defeated Lu Dong in one palm because of Lu Dong. He took the lead in protest, but in the end he was crushed by him alone. The eldest and secondest of the Jiang brothers had not yet taken action. This shows the horror of these four brothers. You know, their brothers are the top powerhouses in the foreign palace, second only to the three leaders of the foreign palace. They have cultivated for more than a hundred thousand years. Among the top 100 masters in the top 100, the people of Dulong County had no choice but to succumb in the end.

“We all blame that **** Jiang Chen, otherwise, we wouldn’t be so miserable? Humph.”

“Yes, if it wasn’t for Jiang Chen who had offended Qin Feng, how would we be implicated by him? Where did the majesty and prestige of the new born in the past go? Now I don’t know where to hide to practice, and I don’t even dare to put a fart.孬 species.”

“That said, it’s really unlucky, it’s all caused by Jiang Chen.”

Some people from Dulong County, who are not familiar with Jiang Chen, started to complain about Jiang Chen and Qin Feng’s previous enmity and entanglement. This Qin Feng is obviously a must-have, and the anger towards Jiang Chen is completely spread to them. Body, let them become scapegoats.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Even the geniuses selected from among these geniuses are no exception. Qin Feng has a proud face, but no one dares to turn his ears, especially when he puts the Jiang brothers here There was no objection to the gold sign.

“Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, if you have the courage, you should never come out. I want you to be a sinner through the ages. If you dare to oppose me, then I will kill all of you from Dulong County.”

Qin Feng sneered in his heart. I haven’t seen Jiang Chen for a hundred years. This guy doesn’t know where to hide to practice–>>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Dragon God of War!

Here, no one knows anymore except Gu Maolu and Bai Ying.

Eastern Emperor Tai’s face was gloomy, Qin Feng repeatedly forced them to pay their offerings, and now they are in desperation. Although they have hatred and fear in their hearts, if they don’t resist, they Will be completely overwhelmed.

Moreover, the gap with others will be getting bigger and bigger. Others can rely on the crystals of the sky fire to enter the Dry Dragon Prison to practice, but they can only be regarded as old scalpers, Qin Feng and even the people behind Qin Feng Call, this kind of humiliation has made their strong heart slowly twisted.

“Eighty sky fire crystals, I, Eastern Emperor Tai’a, will never pay.”

Donghuang Tai’a said solemnly.

“I, Lu Dong, will not.”

Donghuang Tai’a and Lu Dong looked at each other. After all, they are both friends of Dulong County, and they are also familiar with Jiang Chen. The relationship between them is naturally not comparable to Qin Feng.

“Yo-huh? Do you two really want to rebel? Just rely on you, and want to oppose me, really wishful thinking, let alone the Jiang brothers, even me, you can’t get through. If you want to do something with me, you are not worthy.”

Qin Feng said coldly.

“If you don’t try it, how can you know that it won’t work, I, Eastern Emperor Tai’a, I’ve seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago. I would rather die in battle, and I will no longer be your slave.”

East Emperor Tai’a stared at Qin Feng with a torch. The latter sneered. His eyes were also extremely sharp. It seemed that they would not be able to kill them. They really wanted to rebel.

“The Donghuang brother said that we entered the Tongxuan Divine Mansion, and we are going to become a generation of powerhouses, rather than being a bull and a horse for you guys. This battle, I will accompany you to the end!”

Lv Dong is aggressive, and Qin Feng is not afraid of Maimang.

“Also, let you two go on together. I, Qin Feng, will use your two heads to stand up today. I see who can be me!”

Qin Feng said very aggressively.

“Brother Qin, don’t show them the color of the store, they will never know how good you are.”

“Yes, a group of people who do not live or die, don’t give them a long memory, really think they are geniuses, geniuses, you are also worthy? Hahaha.”

“Genius~IndoMTL.com~We have to step on top of the genius to become the strong.”

The people behind Qin Feng laughed and said with Qin Feng, completely ignoring the more than fifty people in Dulong County.

Although these fifty people are full of anger and unwillingness, they can only practice for five or seven days in the Dragon-Dragon Prison each year. The feeling is like a glow on the back, the insult, which will never be unforgettable. !

Although Qin Feng is hateful and cold and arrogant, his strength is also extremely strong. Even Wang Cheng from Fengdu County and Feng Yi from Qiling County are willing to worship.

“If that’s the case, then I’m not welcome.”

Lu Dong snorted coldly, his face was stern, and he instinctively rushed to Qin Feng.

Eastern Emperor Tai’a is also full of anger, domineering, and both of them are at the peak of the mid-Divine King Realm. Qin Feng’s strength has reached the late Divine King Realm. The battle of the three instantly attracted everyone. Human eyes, in the Dry Dragon Prison, instantly turned into a battlefield.

[Lao Su is recuperating his body these few days and will resume the third watch as soon as possible. Please remember to pay attention to my WeChat official account. 】


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