Douluo Dalu Gaiden Douluo World Chapter 4: Tian Mo Jue

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Huo Zhanji was very cautious. It took him a full hour to climb to the thousand meters away from the orc camp. During this period, two groups of patrols passed by not far from him, but he used mental detection to detect them in advance and quickly hid themselves.

It was not difficult to get in once he got close to the camp. He slipped through the wooden fence and successfully entered the orc camp.

He chose this location after careful consideration. He did not choose the camp of the wolf cavalry. The wolf’s sense of smell is very sensitive. He was afraid that he would be discovered. Although he had been smeared with a lot of plant juice, he still had to be careful. Moreover, there may be spare wargs of the Wolf Riders left in the camp. Therefore, he chose to enter the main camp among the camps of the bear warriors.

The tent of the bear warriors is the largest overall, and it is also the best for covering up nature.

The war continues. After entering the camp, Huo Zhanji’s speed increased. The entire camp was two thousand meters thick. He squatted slightly and quickly walked between the tents, without using his eyes to see. His mental detection was fully activated. Almost clinging to the edge of the camp, they were moving in a circuitous way.

At this time, the war was in full swing. There were already a small number of defenders left in the camp. Bear warriors were the most important backbone of the orc army, so the number left behind was even smaller. This made Huo Zhanji’s journey very smooth.

He was not found until about a hundred meters away from the edge of the camp.

He stopped and took a rest. After leaving the orc camp, he was ready to circle the outside of the camp to the farther side. Then he will wait until the war in front of him is over. After the war is over, at night, he will quietly go to the human fortress. As long as he can arrive smoothly, he is a child, can the human fortress still not let him in? What evil intentions can a child have?

While Huo Zhanji was thinking about what he would do next, suddenly, he felt a chill on his neck, and a cold voice sounded in his ear, “Don’t move.”

Huo Zhanji’s heart tightened, and his expression changed with horror. He had always turned on his mental detection, but he didn’t notice this sudden enemy. There is no doubt that the opponent’s strength is far superior to his. It’s over, the assessment is about to be completed…

“Raise your hands, and then slowly turn around.” The cold voice said coldly.

Huo Zhanji had no choice but to raise his hands and turn around little by little.

What appeared in front of him was a woman wearing a light green tights. Even her head and cheeks were covered by a light green scarf, only her eyes, mouth and nose were exposed.

The reason why I judged that the other party was a woman was because of her figure. She was half a head taller than Huo Zhanji. What Huo Zhanji noticed most was her eyes, which were a pair of purple eyes. But it was filled with a look of solemnity. The dagger in her hand was placed on Huo Zhanji’s neck.

“Human?” The woman was slightly startled.

At this moment, Huo Zhanji launched. The second soul ring hidden under Ye Fei’s disguise suddenly shone, and in an instant, his eyes turned purple.

When he was in junior college, he accumulated a lot of credits, and then he acquired a method of cultivating his eyes, which is said to have been passed down from ancient times. It is also a very unpopular existence among junior colleges. Few people would exchange it for it, which requires almost six years of study to get all the points. This method is very difficult to practice and it is difficult to achieve anything. Even if it is a small achievement, for a soul master It’s not that helpful. However, for Huo Zhanji, it was different. Because his martial soul is his eyes!

This skill is called Ziji Demon Boy, and it specializes in training the eyes. Every day at sunrise, you have to watch the purple energy coming from the east to practice. It is also good for improving mental strength. In the initial practice, it can only improve eyesight to a certain extent.

However, it is different when it is combined with Huo Zhanji’s spiritual eyes. Huo Zhanji’s second soul skill is the mental shock given to him by the evil eye, and it is also his only soul skill attack method. With his current cultivation level, the power of mental shock is of course limited, but after combining with the Ziji Demon Boy, the power of this mental shock will be much greater.

Although his life was threatened, Huo Zhanji was fearless at this time because of the existence of a new protective mechanism. As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, so he found the right moment to launch a counterattack at the first opportunity. The other party is obviously stronger than you. If you don’t seize the opportunity, there will definitely be no chance.

When he first saw the other party, he first concluded that the other party was not an orc. As long as you can break free from the other party’s shackles, there is still a chance.

So, activate the mental shock plus the purple devil boy.

As expected, the opponent obviously did not expect that he would have such a weird attack method. His body suddenly stiffened and his brain stagnated briefly.

Huo Zhanji moved very quickly and snatched the dagger from the opponent’s hand. Instead of running away, he suddenly got closer and put the dagger towards the opponent’s neck, preparing to retaliate in the same way. .

But at this moment, everything around him suddenly seemed to become sticky. Huo Zhanji was surprised to find that his speed had actually become slower. Just as he was about to open his mouth to scream, a white palm covered his mouth. Then his body was pressed against the tent next to him by a body full of elasticity and explosive power.

“What’s your name? Do you want to die?” The voice was a little less cold, but a little more angry.

It’s over…, the gap is too big.

Huo Zhanji found that he couldn’t move at all now.

Will the other party kill me? Even if I can’t die in this world, I wonder if it will hurt? It seems possible, right?

In an instant, his mind was spinning and he thought of many things.

“Are you also a high-level demon?” At this moment, the other party’s voice sounded in his ears with a bit of surprise.

Huo Zhanji blinked, a high-level demon? also?

Suddenly, he recalled the purple eyes of the other party. Could it be that the other party is…

The woman’s body has been separated from the squeezing state. She is exuding a faint dark purple halo, covering Huo Zhanji’s body. It is this power that makes him unable to move.

“You little thing, what are you doing here? Are you crazy?” the woman yelled angrily in a low voice.

Huo Zhanji’s eyes drooped slightly, and the woman released her hand covering his mouth, “Keep your voice down, don’t scream.”

“Who are you?” Huo Zhanji asked in a low voice.

“Answer my question first.” The woman gestured to the dagger in her hand.

Huo Zhanji said: “Mission.”

The woman was stunned, “What mission?”

Huo Zhanji said: “Go through the orc camp and go to the human city to assess the mission.”

The woman frowned and said: “How old are you to carry out a mission? Who assigned you the mission? Are you crazy? Wait, why aren’t your eyes purple?”

Suddenly, her eyes widened and she said in surprise: “Are you a human-demon hybrid?”

Eyes, purple?

Huo Zhanji immediately understood something, and turned the Purple Demon Boy again, making his eyes emit purple halo again. Obviously, purple eyes should be a characteristic of the demon race. So, there is no doubt that the person in front of me should also be a demon?

“I don’t know either.” Huo Zhanji lowered his head. He didn’t dare to lie. He didn’t know the strength of the other party, but he was definitely much stronger than himself.

The woman seemed to have thought of something, “They asked you to lurk among the human race, right? As a mixed-race like you, humans can’t discover your identity without using our abilities. At such a young age, The mental strength is pretty good. However, this is too dangerous. Even if you are a hybrid, you are a hybrid of our high-level demons. How can you take the risk and go back with me?”

With that said, she pulled Huo Zhanji and left in the direction he came from.

“No way! Mission.” Huo Zhanji said in a hurry.

Looking at the determined look on his face, the woman couldn’t help but frown and said: “Do you really want to complete the task? How will you complete it?”

Huo Zhanji pointed in the direction of the human fortress and said: “I left the orc camp first, then waited until it got dark at night, and then lurked there. I’m just a child…”

The woman was stunned for a moment, “Children…, yes! Children are indeed very easy. However, this is too dangerous.”

Huo Zhanji didn’t dare to explain more. Since the other party regarded him as a member of the same race, the opportunity would come!

“Mission!” He emphasized firmly.

The woman’s eyes visibly softened a bit, “You are a bold and determined child. Have you ever practiced the Heavenly Demon Art?”

Heavenly Demon Technique? what is that? Huo Zhanji thought to himself, lowered his head and shook his head.

The woman frowned, “You haven’t even practiced the Heavenly Demon Art, but you have already achieved some success in your mental power. You are clearly a genius. These idiots are really brave. Do you know that if they are caught by the orcs, they will not survive.” It’s possible for you to cook.”

“Mission.” Huo Zhanji swallowed a mouthful of saliva, cooked…, cooked and eaten? Oh my god!

“That’s all, you’re already here, so I’ll help you. Follow me.” As she said that, the woman pulled him, and then quietly moved forward along the camp toward the human fortress.

Huo Zhanji was overjoyed and hurriedly followed her.

After three rounds and two rounds, they had reached the edge of the camp.

At this time, the battle in front of the human fortress has reached a fever pitch. Countless rays of light are rioting, and the epic war is extremely cruel.

The woman said softly: “There is a war going on right now, and you have chosen a good time to enter. Orcs have always been vulgar and do not pay much attention to reconnaissance. You walk along the edge of the camp to the left and bypass the battlefield. Then find a place to lurk. Then according to your own plan, wait until night before crossing this battlefield area. Remember, you must wait until late at night, when both parties are too tired to care about this. When you get to the human city, just tear up your clothes and say that you are a refugee who was captured by the orcs before, and they won’t make things difficult for you.”

“Thank you, sister.” Huo Zhanji said in a low voice.

Hearing him call her sister, the woman was slightly startled and said: “You and I are of the same race and should help each other, not to mention you are still so young. When I go back, I want to ask those guys why they let you I won’t ask you about the mission of lurking in the human world at such a young age, but you must be as cautious as possible.”

As she spoke, she handed a pamphlet to Huo Zhanji. Huo Zhanji subconsciously took it.

“I can only give you the basic training part, and the higher-level parts will have to wait until you return to the clan. However, at your young age, this basic part is enough for you to practice for a long time. . Remember, if you have completed the basic training and can start to transform, you must be careful. After all, you are a lurker, so be cautious. Do you understand?”

Listening to the woman’s ramble, Huo Zhanji subconsciously lowered his head and looked at the booklet in his hand. There were three simple characters on it, which he could really understand, “Tian Mo Jue”.


The electronic sound that had not appeared for a long time suddenly sounded, “Acquired the elementary Heavenly Demon Art, which is one-third of the Heavenly Demon Art. The Heavenly Demon Art is a level-A training technique. After completing the elementary technique training, you can transform into a fallen angel with two wings. The body is one of the top techniques of the Demon Clan. The practice of this technique requires the assistance of high-level Demon Clan blood.”

Huo Zhanji blinked, Class A Kung Fu? That should be very precious, right? Although only a third.

“Okay, you can walk on your own, I still have things to do.” The woman said in a deep voice.

“Sister, can I know your name?” Huo Zhanji asked seriously. Although the other party admitted that he was wrong, he was still very grateful for giving him such a precious cultivation technique.

The demon woman hesitated for a moment and said, “My name is Mo Ling. See you soon.”

Huo Zhanji opened his mouth and wanted to say, sister, can you give me some more of your blood. But he was afraid of being slapped to death by the other party, so he still didn’t dare to say it out.

Mo Ling waved her hand to him, and the next moment she disappeared silently like a ghost.


“Are you two sure this is not the golden finger you gave Zhanji?” In front of the big screen, the middle-aged man said helplessly.

The young man smiled bitterly and said: “Where is the golden finger! Let him be an ordinary person and give him ordinary talents to hone his will. Moreover, this Douluo world was built by you. This is not a game or a simple training system. It is an existence with our Douluo plane as the core, and is really connected with the planes controlled by the **** kings. Although many scenes are replicas of what happened in the past. . But we can’t interfere directly, we can only arrange it according to the original historical direction of the plane. It can only be said that this child is really lucky to be recognized as a high-level demon. There is no way. ! ”

The woman smiled, “Dad, this must be inherited from your European emperor’s physique. Haha.”

The middle-aged man was also a little helpless, “Let nature take its course.”


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