Douluo Dalu Gaiden Douluo World Chapter 33: Golden Main Line Douluo Continent

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Huo Zhanji was unaware of his parents’ emotional changes. When he returned to Shrek Academy, he had already adjusted his mentality.

The moment he walked into the classroom, the class burst into cheers.

“Welcome back, leader!”

Lu Yixin rushed up to him in one swift step and gave him a big hug.

My friends have all undergone some changes. We haven’t seen each other for eight months. First of all, everyone has grown up. The girls are more beautiful and the boys are more muscular. They are all in the period of puberty and development, and their most notable feature is rapid physical growth.

Huo Zhanji did not return to his seat, but stood in front of the podium and said sincerely: “I’m extremely sorry for keeping everyone waiting.”

Yuan Enxingtian said with a smile: “Captain, there is no need to apologize for anything. What happened this time is not your problem, it is a problem in Douluo World. You just need to lead us to chase it back. By the way, Your mental strength is not over fifty?”

Huo Zhanji nodded and said, “It’s over. How is everyone doing?”

Yuan Enxingtian said: “This personal task is much more difficult than when we were freshmen in the assessment. Everyone’s grades are average, around the B level, and there is no A. However, the progress of our cultivation is pretty good. Everyone There must be some growth. My agility is now fifty, and Jiang Qi’s physique is also fifty. However, they are not the first.”

Huo Zhanji’s expression became a little more solemn, “It seems that the competition is getting more and more intense. In this case, time waits for no one, so let’s go and take over the team mission first. When we get to the mission, we will get back together again.”

Lu Yixin said: “There is no problem in running in. We have not been idle in the past few months. Although we have not taken on tasks, we have been practicing together. The teacher has also thought of many ways for us to practice. Now everyone has improved well. . We will definitely get another first-class score in this team mission.”

Except for Huo Zhanji, everyone else has long been eager to enter the world of Douluo for team missions. At the moment, everyone did not delay and immediately came to Douluo World.

“Let’s get the giant spirit shield first. Then we’ll prepare to take on the mission.” Huo Zhanji said.

The Giant Spirit Shield was in the team space. He took out this huge shield with green light, and Huo Zhanji handed it to Chai Jiazhe.

“Let’s collect some points for identification?” Yuan Enxingtian asked.

Huo Zhanji shook his head and said, “No, I’ll just come.”

As he spoke, a faint white light flickered in his eyes, and a mental appraisal was cast on the giant spirit shield.

Suddenly, the green light on the giant spirit shield in front of everyone flashed suddenly, and then suddenly converged, revealing a dark shield.

The information also appeared on the personal light curtain in front of everyone.

Team weapon: Djinn Shield.

Defense: Sixteen.

Attached skill, Djinn. After the user activates the djinn ability, his strength and physique are temporarily increased by ten points for five minutes.

Attached with skills, taunt. Able to instantly lock onto a target so that it can only attack the user of the Djinn Shield until it is unable to resist.

Defense is increased by 16, and there are two very practical skills. There is no doubt that this is an extremely excellent piece of equipment.

Usage requirements, strength: forty.

Everyone’s eyes showed excitement, especially Chai Jiazhe, who tightened the shield in his hand. He was strong enough to bear it.

“Captain, have you even learned how to identify?” Lu Yixin’s focus was on Huo Zhanji.

Huo Zhanji nodded and said: “My third soul skill is mental identification, which is very practical. It can be used on both objects and living creatures.”

As he spoke, he cast a mental appraisal on Lu Yixin. Then everyone’s spirits immediately shared Lu Yixin’s attributes.

Lu Yixin, a freshman at Shrek Academy’s Xingluo Branch, is thirteen years old.

Martial Spirit: Clock.

Strength: twenty-eight.

Agility: thirty-one.

Physique: Thirty-three.

Spirit: Forty-seven plus ten.

Attack: Forty-four.

Defense: Thirty-nine.

Basic attributes to be assigned: zero.

Douluo World Space: None

Spirit additional skills, add ten to your spirit.

Agility additional skill, Haste, instantly increases speed by 20% and lasts for 20 seconds. Cooling time is ten minutes.

Additional physical skills: Overlord. Any control skills are ineffective for five seconds. Cooling time is one hour.

Strength additional skills: Resist aura. Instantly generates an impact halo around you with twice the power, with a ten-minute cooldown.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but be stunned. Is this okay?

Lu Yixin immediately crossed his arms and looked at Huo Zhanji with a surprised look on his face, “Captain, why me? I have no secrets anymore.”

Looking at Lu Yixin’s attributes, Huo Zhanji couldn’t help but his eyes lit up. He has also grown quite a bit! His mental power is almost fifty, and with the improvement of his mental additional skills, it reaches as high as fifty-seven points. Lu Yixin’s attributes have always been low in the team, which means that everyone’s strength has improved a lot.

After Lu Yixin pretended to be surprised, he soon became a little proud, “Captain, look, are my **** and resistance aura powerful? They are both special attributes, and my luck is not bad. If it weren’t for it, You, maybe I will be our Blue Silver’s number one European emperor.”

Huo Zhanji nodded, these two skills are indeed powerful, especially for a control-type war spirit master like Lu Yixin, they are an excellent means of self-protection.

Huo Zhanji did not look at the attributes of others, “Let’s go and pick up the team mission.”

When he arrived at the place where he received the team mission last time, Huo Zhanji walked up and said to the staff: “Hello, we will take the team mission.”

The staff nodded, raised their hand and pointed, and information about the Blue Silver Team suddenly appeared.

“Yes, you are now a third-level team, a white elite team. When you receive tasks, you will also receive tasks corresponding to your team level. You are also the only third-level team at present. But you only experience Pass one mission. Whether it is an individual mission or a team mission, there is a protection mechanism for the first three missions, which will relatively control the difficulty, so you can now choose whether to accept the second team mission according to the protection mechanism or your third-level white. Elite team level to pick up.”

Huo Zhanji asked: “Apart from the different difficulty, will there be any difference in rewards?”

The staff nodded and said: “Of course, after breaking away from the first three protections, it will be considered a real official mission. As the difficulty increases, the rewards will naturally increase. For example, basic attribute points, as long as the mission is completed, the official mission will be The minimum reward is also three points.”

Huo Zhanji turned around and looked at his friends, “What do you think you should choose?”

Yuan Enxingtian said: “We have fallen behind in time. Now that we have another opportunity, I think it is difficult to choose.”

The others nodded without hesitation. They haven’t entered Douluo World for four or five months, and they all really have a sense of urgency.

Huo Zhanji nodded and said seriously: “I understand everyone’s mood. I also gained some benefits in the previous personal missions. I also have the confidence to complete more difficult missions. What I gained from this mission All Douluo points will be distributed equally to everyone to compensate for everyone’s waiting.”

“No need, captain. Don’t be so aggressive. I don’t blame you for what happened this time.” Li Jiangqi said.

Huo Zhanji smiled and shook his head, saying: “Just follow what I said. I have also received compensation from Douluo World before. But this compensation cannot be distributed, so let me make up for everyone in terms of points.”

After speaking, he turned to the staff and said: “We will accept tasks according to the team level.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay, then you can enter the teleportation room and prepare to teleport.”

Everyone came to the familiar teleportation room together. Fortunately for Huo Zhanji, he had just walked out of here a few days after all. But others were unconsciously excited.

It is precisely because they have grown up in the Douluo World that they understand more and more the difference between improving themselves in the Douluo World and normal cultivation.

Huo Zhanji clicked on the team attributes panel.

Team: Blue Silver, Level: White Elite Team.

Leader: Huo Zhanji

Members: Yuan Enxingtian, Li Jiangqi, Qiu Zixuan, Chai Jiazhe, Lu Yixin, Shi Shi, Zhang Hengrui.

Team skills: spirit sharing, critical care, random teleportation.

Team space: Djinn Shield (green) (nine square meters)

“Welcome to the white elite team Blue Silver, the team’s comprehensive strength is being evaluated, and the team tasks are being drawn…”

“Since your group’s comprehensive strength has been recognized, this time you will be transported to the golden main line world to perform team tasks. The rewards for completing the tasks will be double those in the normal world, and the difficulty will be double.”

“The golden main line world is being drawn…”

“Since you are the first team to complete the main gold mission, additional special rewards will be given after the mission is completed.”

Huo Zhanji was shocked when he heard the words “Golden Main Line World”. Isn’t the peerless Tang Sect world that I have experienced before the golden main line mission? Could it be that we want to go back to the peerless world of Tang Sect?

Others did not understand the meaning of the golden main line world. When they heard that the rewards were doubled and there were additional special rewards, they suddenly became more excited.

“Extraction completed, transmitting…”

Everything around them began to become distorted, and the next moment, everyone’s eyes were blank.

Huo Zhanji’s heart suddenly rose. He was really worried that the teleportation error like last time would happen again.

Fortunately, everything seems to be normal this time.

The light flickered, and everything in front of the eight members of the Blue Silver team became clear again.

They were surprised to find that this time they were not in the wilderness, but on a busy street.

At this time, the streets were bustling with people, but they seemed to have not seen their teleportation coming.

“Welcome to the golden main line world Douluo Continent. In this world, soul masters are the noblest profession. Soul masters with soul power dominate everything. Wuhun Palace is the supreme palace of soul masters. In view of the blue silver team It comes from the later generations of the world of Douluo Continent, and no additional description will be given.”

Douluo Continent? Everyone looked at each other in surprise. Except for Huo Zhanji, the other seven people were all astonished.

Is this a return to the Douluo Continent in previous history? This seems to be verified by the simple clothes of people on the street.

“Main mission: win the championship.”

“As members of Wuhun Palace, you represent Wuhun Palace in the Continental Soul Master Elite Challenge. In the upcoming finals, you will face a strong challenge from Shrek Academy. Mission requirements: Defeat the Shrek Seven Devils and win the final championship.”

“The mission reward is five basic attribute points and five thousand Douluo points. If the mission fails, all attributes will be reduced by three.”

The same task prompt is shared in everyone’s mind. Everyone couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

This mission can be said to be simple and straightforward, and it doesn’t seem to take too long. But what kind of mission is this?

Even Huo Zhanji’s eyes were dull at this moment.

He was the only one who knew that the golden main mission would be difficult, but he did not expect that the mission they were about to undertake this time would be so difficult.

Shrek Seven Monsters, challenge the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Wait a minute, they represent the Spirit Hall. What is the Wuhun Palace?

Huo Zhanji’s brain was running rapidly. The first thing he was sure of was that he was not in the era of Peerless Tang Sect, otherwise it would not have been said that it was the world of Douluo Continent instead of the world of Peerless Tang Sect.

Martial Soul Hall, Wuhun Hall…

Huo Zhanji’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he knew what era he was in.

It was a period of magnificent history. It was the moment when soul masters emerged on the mainland, when Shrek Academy was first built, and when the Tang Sect was founded.

Huo Zhanji suddenly woke up and suddenly said to his companions: “I know, our opponents in this mission are the first generation of Shrek’s Seven Monsters. They are the generation of Shrek’s Seven Monsters led by Tang Sect’s ancestor Tang San.”

The statues he saw in the peerless Tang Sect world suddenly appeared in his mind.

So, their opponents will be: Evil Eyed White Tiger Dai Mubai, Big Sausage Uncle Oscar, Thousand-Handed Shura Tang San, Silky Bone Charming Rabbit Xiao Wu, Nether Civet Zhu Zhuqing, Nine Treasure Glazed Ning Rongrong and Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun.


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