Douluo Dalu Gaiden Douluo World Chapter 18: Pluto has arrived (updated)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Douluo Continent Gaiden: Douluo World!

The bell hanging on the eaves suddenly rang. Dumb was shocked and stood up from the ground. This bell was arranged by Corris, and it contained a special magic device. As long as someone invaded within a three-mile radius of the wooden house, the bell would ring. The most wonderful thing about this device is that the magic circle set up in it can distinguish humans and beasts. In other words, if a beast enters this range, the bell will not ring. Within one kilometer of the wooden house, Coris has another arrangement, which is a chasm that the wild beasts cannot cross. Therefore, there have never been attacks by wild beasts here.

“Pluto has arrived and is being besieged. Help Pluto kill the enemy.”

The notification sound that has been waiting for ten months finally sounded in the minds of every member of the Blue Silver Team. Hades is coming!

Ah-Dai ran as fast as he could. He had long forgotten Coris’s instructions not to run too far. Along the way, he discerned the direction and kept moving forward.

“Ding, ding!” The sound of weapons clashing and screams kept coming, and Ah-Dai felt anxious and ran in the direction of the sound. In the distance, he saw a dozen figures jumping up and down fighting, and there was a corpse lying on the ground.

Dumb saw that this group of people was divided into two groups. One group was composed of eleven men in black. They were besieging a tall man who was wielding a broad sword. Due to the short distance, it was difficult for Ah-Dai to clearly see their appearance.

It can be distinguished from the color of the clothes. The clothes of the man being besieged are gray and white. Lights of various colors kept flashing on this group of people, and the surrounding trees were blown to pieces by the violent fighting spirit. Even a hundred meters away, Ah-Dai could still feel the terror of this group of people, and their surging energy filled the surroundings with a murderous air. In his eyes, no matter which one of these people they are, they are much more powerful than the pirate leader he met on the ship, the Dark Demon Man in Corris’s mouth. Especially the tall man in white, who was 1.9 meters tall, with broad shoulders and a broad back. He could swing a broad sword with one hand as easily as a feather.

Although there were many people on the other side, the besieged man in white didn’t seem to suffer much. He waved a broad sword and neutralized the attacks of the eleven people one by one. His swordsmanship was superb and full of energy. Indomitable momentum. The eleven opponents used narrow swords, and the sword blades were as black as their attire. If it was night, the non-reflective blade would be difficult to reach. The eleven narrow swords are like eleven poisonous snakes, constantly looking for flaws in the man in white.

Suddenly, the man in white shook for no reason, and a narrow sword took the opportunity to stab his shoulder. A strong white light suddenly emitted from the man in white. He held the broad sword with both hands and swung it violently, drawing three arcs of light. Although the narrow sword did not really stab his shoulder, the sharp sword energy was still there. It tore his clothes.

The eleven men in black were helpless in front of the sudden burst of huge energy. They retreated ten meters away and stared at the man in white in front of them.

One of the men in black spoke, his voice was low and hoarse: “Boss Pluto, forget it, stop struggling. If you were in the best condition, we would never come to die, but you were hit. The poison of Wuer Holy Water is very good. Come back with us and admit your mistakes to the Lord based on your position in the organization. He will definitely forgive you.”

The man in white snorted coldly, and said in the same low and hoarse voice: “Do you think I am a three-year-old child? So what if I go back with you? Do you think that beast has the solution of unique holy water? medicine

? Don’t forget, Wuer Holy Water is the most strange poison in the world, and it has no antidote. Even if he had the antidote, I would never go back and kowtow to him. I wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood. I just regretted why I was so stupid and didn’t know his true face until then. You go, because you have been with me for so long, I will let you live. Mie Shiyi is dead, are you willing to be the wronged souls with him? ”

The man in black said: “Boss, to be honest, we all admire you. Although we have never really met, your Pluto Sword is unmatched by us. I dare to say that I can compete with Boss on the mainland. There are only a few people you can fight against, but most of your power now is used to suppress the toxicity of the holy water. I believe you can’t hold on for too long. If you can’t use your Pluto Sword, how can you kill us all? You’re right. , Holy water does not have an antidote, but with your skills, as long as we are on your side, you should be able to suppress it for a few years. Why do you have to seek death? We don’t know what happened between you and the Lord. , I don’t want to know, what we have to do is to take you back. Boss, you should know the Lord’s temper. If we return without success, what awaits us will be a punishment more terrible than death.”

“Pluto” suddenly sighed and said: “Since you are stubborn, don’t blame me for being cruel.” He casually inserted the five-foot-long broad sword into the ground, and most of the sword was inserted into the soil. He put his right hand on his chest and stared at the eleven men in black quietly.

It was just a simple action, but it made the eleven men in black extremely taboo. At the same time, they took three steps back and raised the narrow swords in their hands. There was fear in their eyes, as if they had seen something terrible.

The man in white said coldly: “Do you think I can’t use the Pluto Sword after being hit by the Holy Water of Unparalleledness? Since you are pushing people too hard, don’t blame me for being rude.”

“Wait a minute. Boss Pluto, do you really still have the ability to use the Pluto Sword?” At this moment, the sky suddenly lit up!

Including the man in white, known as Pluto, everyone present raised their heads to the sky. Dumb, who was watching this scene not far away, suddenly exclaimed: “Bolide?”

Yes, it was Bolide. In fact, Huo Zhanji had already arrived here first before Ah-Dai arrived, and guided his friends to track it through spiritual exploration along the way.

When he arrived at a group of men in white and black, he got a prompt: “Rescue Pluto. Mission requirements: Complete the rescue without letting Pluto use the Pluto sword. Pluto uses the Pluto sword, mission rating will be significantly reduced.”

At this time, hundreds of bolides suddenly appeared in the sky, each one as big as a washbasin, illuminating the woods below. The blazing heat covered the eleven men in black.

“Magicians! Gather!”

Eleven men in black gathered quickly, and the narrow swords in their hands thrust out streaks of fighting spirit, colliding with the bolide, and bursting into roars.

Pluto, who was about to fight for his life, was stunned. The bolide did not cover him. Although he could not think of anyone who would come to save him, how could he let go of this opportunity? He quickly took a few steps back and stared. Area covered by igniting meteors.

These men in black are all killers. Killers are best at concealment, surprise attacks, and explosions. However, on the frontal battlefield, killers have disadvantages. At this time, facing the bolide falling from the sky and the blazing high temperature, the man in black seemed a little confused. They were indeed powerful and pierced every bolide, but the blazing high temperature still had a considerable impact on them. The surrounding ground dried up and the air became distorted.

At this moment, they seemed to see a purple light flashing in a certain direction. The next moment, their minds went blank.

Pluto was shocked and blurted out: “Psychic attack?”

For a time, eleven powerful assassins staggered around as if they were drunk.

At this moment, a large piece of wind blade fell from the sky, and five figures rushed out brazenly.

A low dragon roar sounded, and a black figure was hidden in the wind blade and rushed to the men in black first.

These men in black are extremely powerful. Even after enduring strong mental attacks, they still erupted in fighting spirit to protect their bodies. The wind blade landed on the fighting spirit and made a series of “puff” sounds but could not break the fighting spirit.

But the mental shock just now was too strong, and my brain went blank before feeling severe pain.

The black figure who arrived first chose the man in black on the outermost side. A sharp claw covered with purple-black scales reached out, and with a black claw, it went straight to the chest of the man in black.

Although the man in black had a splitting headache, the fatal crisis still made him react subconsciously, his body flashing, trying to dodge. However, at this moment, his body slowed down for some unknown reason, and a ball of blue light fell on him, making him unable to move.

Hearing only one scream, the man in black could not survive.

On the other side, three figures rushed towards a man in black on the other side at the same time. One of them, a figure with a red light shining all over his body, bypassed the man in black and suddenly attacked from behind.

The man in black managed to gather some energy and subconsciously swung his narrow sword out. There was only a crisp sound of “dang”, and the narrow sword was unable to penetrate deep as if it had pierced a steel plate, but it could not be withdrawn.

The man in black immediately let go of the narrow sword, crossed his arms in front of him, and let out his fighting spirit. “Bang!” Another figure had already bumped into him, causing the man in black’s fighting spirit to dissipate. At this moment, a star flashed and disappeared.

The man in black’s **** suddenly enlarged and his body fell to the ground.

A strong figure fell from the sky, and a pair of fists hit the ground hard. “Boom -” the earth roared. The ground seemed to be undulating like waves.

The remaining nine men in black had just braced themselves up and prepared to face the enemy. They never expected that the attack would appear at their feet, and they were suddenly shaken.

At the same time, their brains went blank again, and the strong buzzing even made them groan repeatedly, and blood overflowed from their mouths and noses.

“Kill -” a crisp cry sounded. Qiu Zixuan had just used his first soul skill, Sword Xinghan, to kill a man in black. Murderous aura burst out from his whole body and he rose into the air. His third soul skill burst out, rushing like a meteor. to another man in black.

In fact, he pounced directly on the other man in black, opened his arms and hugged him. Chai Jiazhe was the red figure from before. At this time, his body swelled and his skin was covered with red scales. He rushed towards the two men in black like a ferocious dragon and directly hit them after being hit twice by the spirit blast. Fly.

On the other side, Zhang Hengrui’s wind binding technique once again found a man in black, and Lu Yixin’s slow soul technique found another man in black. The man in black, who was attacked by two consecutive mental blasts, had a greatly weakened reaction ability.

Purple-black light lit up Yuan En Xingtian’s body, and the bodies of the two men in black were instantly swallowed up by the purple-black light, and the third soul skill exploded—Kiss of the Demonic Dragon.

On the other side, Qiu Zixuan used his third soul skill, Sword Xingluo, to kill another person. Her figure flashed, and the sword Xinghan rebounded and shot out, stabbing the man in black who was actually hugged.

All this happened very quickly. From the moment the bolide appeared, in the blink of an eye, six of the eleven men in black were broken and two were knocked away.

Although the other three men in black managed to wake up, they were still terrified. The leader screamed: “Retreat!”

After taking a breath, everyone wanted to chase again, but they heard a cold shout: “Don’t chase!” Then everyone stopped and gathered quickly.

Even the well-informed Pluto was a little dull at this moment.

These people who suddenly appeared to rescue me had many abilities that I had never heard of, and they cooperated tacitly and could kill with one strike. Although the eleven killers chasing him could not compare with him, they were still very strong. Even if they consumed a lot in the battle with him, it was extremely unbelievable that half of them were killed in a short period of time.

In the woods, a figure slowly walked out. Behind him was a pair of huge black wings, exuding a strong dark aura, and a pair of purple eyes shining with deep light.

When someone arrived, Pluto’s face suddenly showed a look of vigilance, and his right hand subconsciously pressed on his chest.


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