Douluo Dalu Gaiden Douluo World Chapter 16: Gliss Cabin (updated)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Douluo Continent Gaiden: Douluo World!

“You kill the pirate leader by yourself, and the mission completion rate increases. The personal mission rewards increase.” Huo Zhanji got the prompt in his mind immediately.

He just stood there, spreading his black fallen angel wings, scaring the pirates so much that none of them dared to get even closer, and they all fled to other places crazily.

What the pirates didn’t know was that the person who was most shocked at this moment was Huo Zhanji himself. On the passenger ship, he made a judgment about Coris’s strength. Calculated by basic attribute points, Coris’s mental power should be over forty. This was without taking into account those weird alchemy skills. The pirate leader can compete with Goris in magic, and his strength should be similar to Goris.

So, after receiving the mission, Huo Zhanji chose to transform into a fallen angel without hesitation, because only in the state of a fallen angel could he compete with his opponents in terms of attributes. He thought very clearly that at least he would control his opponent for a while, let his partners deal with ordinary pirates, and then everyone would join forces to kill the pirate leader.

However, he found that he was wrong. What he just used was the special and rare mental additional skill he learned not long ago – mental blast. When the mental blast broke out, he found that at least one-third of his mental power was consumed, and he didn’t know how much mental power he output. Even though the pirate leader spent a lot of money in the battle with Coris, the opponent was a strong man with a mental power of over 40, and he was crushed mentally by him. Yes, he vaguely heard it just now, as if there was a mental crushing prompt, and then the other party fell down.

Due to the burst of mental power, Huo Zhanji felt a little weak in his mind at that moment, so he didn’t notice all the details.

The blue and silver team in the distance were all shocked beyond measure.

Qiu Zixuan was about to take action when she noticed the situation here. She blinked and murmured: “It turns out that I am not the most cruel one!”

The remaining pirates were easy, Qiu Zixuan solved more than a third of them alone. Yuan Enxing smiled calmly, but her attacks were ruthless. Even more ruthless was Li Jiangqi. Her fists were no joke. With the increase of her Titan body, the power she unleashed was extremely terrifying. She almost punched Take out a pirate.

In contrast, Chai Jiazhe, who is usually cool, is much gentler. He just keeps knocking pirates away or knocking them down, with almost no killing.

In fact, he stayed with Zhang Hengrui and Lu Yixin. Zhang Hengrui used the wind blade to make up for the damage. In fact, he kept an eye on the surroundings to guard against other dangers. Lu Yixin had nothing to do and there was no opponent worthy of his attack.

In a quarter of an hour, the battle ended. The pirates were all wiped out.

Li Jiangqi blasted the bottom of the ship with three punches, and the pirate ship began to take in water. Even if there were fish that slipped through the net, they would sink to the bottom of the sea with the pirate ship.

The passenger ship did not leave first as Huo Zhanji ordered, but parked next to the pirate ship and waited for them.

After the captain was shocked by Huo Zhanji, his attention was of course on these boarders who claimed to be members of the Holy Palace. Then he went to the pirate leader and was instantly dispatched by Huo Zhanji, while the other pirates were unable to fight back.

What else is there to do? So, the passenger ship stayed where it was and waited.

Zhang Hengrui no longer has to take people to fly. Huo Zhanji originally wanted to keep the passenger ship far away to ensure safety. Then he transformed into a fallen angel and took the people. Zhang Hengrui took the people with the wind element. As long as the passenger ship did not leave too far, they would Can fly back to the ship.

But unexpectedly, everything was much easier than imagined.

When they reboarded the passenger ship, the prompt sounded immediately: “Side mission, annihilate pirates, completed. Mission rating: A-top. All members of the Blue Silver Team have basic attribute points plus one. The completion of the main mission has been greatly improved. Improvement. Five hundred additional bonus points. ”

On top of the nail? Everyone became excited instantly. This is the top of the armor! It’s the highest rating! Everyone subconsciously turned to Huo Zhanji. There is no doubt that in this battle to annihilate pirates, the most difficult thing for the team is to eliminate the opponent’s leader. The pirate leader whose mental power was obviously above forty should be very difficult to deal with, but Huo Zhanji killed him instantly. This is key to their mission.

This is a team task. Normally, it is quite difficult. After all, in a new team like theirs, they are only teenagers. First of all, this task is difficult to complete, not to mention the strength of the pirate leader. As a side mission, there is no penalty. In other words, the team leader can actually not accept this mission after weighing it. Huo Zhanji and the others not only accepted it, but also completed it, so it was reasonable for them to receive the highest rating.

“You quickly killed the enemy leader by yourself, appeased the passengers on the passenger ship, and received an additional reward: a base attribute point plus one.” Huo Zhanji heard the second prompt.

Two basic attribute points? He couldn’t help but feel happy. You must know that completing the main mission only rewards two basic attribute points.

However, he was not in a hurry for the attribute light curtain. Instead, he released his mental exploration as soon as he boarded the ship and observed the room on the third floor of the passenger ship.

The mental exploration in the fallen angel state is powerful and can detect more clearly. Room

Inside, Corris was healing Ah-Dai’s wounds. Undoubtedly, the fireball that flew down from above was released by Ah-Dai, and he was overdrawn after releasing it. A fireball with a diameter of five centimeters was beyond his ability.

The transformation of the fallen angel was released. Huo Zhanji endured his weakness and came to the captain. He said calmly: “The pirate ship is going to sink. Please tell your people to forget everything that happened before and not to tell anyone.”

The guests were shivering in the cabin and had no idea what was happening on the pirate ship. But the captain and crew knew better.

“Yes, yes. Thank you for eliminating harm to the people.” The captain said with great respect. There is no doubt that Huo Zhanji may be small, but the powerful strength he displayed has greatly shocked the captain. What’s more, Huo Zhanji looked like an adult when he transformed.

Huo Zhanji then took his friends back to the room.

Everyone did not go back to their own residences, but followed Huo Zhanji to his room. “First Class, that’s awesome, First Class! The monitor is so powerful.” Lu Yixin said cheerfully. He really didn’t do anything, the side mission was already completed.

Others looked at Huo Zhanji with a hint of admiration. Strength is always the basis of everything. Now no one would think that it was a fluke that Huo Zhanji got the grade A in the freshman assessment. How did they know that before the start of this mission, Huo Zhanji was still a rookie with an average basic attribute point of less than ten.

Huo Zhanji said: “From the prompts, after completing this side mission, the final rating of our main mission should be improved, which is a good thing. I just observed Goris’s side, and the fireball flying upstairs should be Dumb Fang. Yes, he was mentally exhausted. Corris was healing him, so he probably didn’t notice the movement outside. Let’s go back to the room, clean up and rest.”

“Okay.” Chai Jiazhe nodded. Actually just smile.

Li Jiangqi gave Huo Zhanji a thumbs up and said, “The squad leader is awesome.”

Zhang Hengrui smiled and said: “Squad leader, if we were far away from the passenger ship, you were originally planning to fly back with three people. By the way, isn’t your martial spirit Spirit Eyes? Is that the second martial spirit just now?”

“Yes.” Huo Zhanji nodded.

Lu Yixin said: “Okay, let’s go and have a rest. Are you a little tired before we get to the squad leader? The explosion just now must not be easy.” With that, he took the lead to walk out.

Others filed out, with Qiu Zixuan and Yuan Enxingtian behind.

Qiu Zixuan’s eyes looked at Huo Zhanji again and again, and said, “That explosion you just made was very good.” After saying that, she walked out.

Yuan En Xingtian did not leave in a hurry. He narrowed his eyes at Huo Zhanji and said, “In Douluo World, that dark golden light was you, right? Is it related to the blood I gave you?”

Looking at her curious eyes, Huo Zhanji nodded, without concealing anything, and said: “I obtained a skill in the freshman assessment, which requires dark attribute blood to activate, so I’m sorry to bother you. After successfully activating it, I obtained That ability just now can also be said to be a martial spirit – a fallen angel.”

Yuan Enxingtian said: “I can feel that it is very strong. When your mental power explodes, it is probably at a level of sixty or seventy points, so you can kill the opponent instantly.”

Huo Zhanji said: “The growth rate of the fallen angel itself is not that big. It should be that my mental skills are the rewards that were drawn when my mental power reached 25 points.”

Yuan Enxingtian narrowed her eyes slightly and said: “Twenty-five is really a watershed! Monitor, I recognize you.” After saying that, she walked away with a smile.

As a freshman assessment grader, she is undoubtedly Huo Zhanji’s most powerful opponent for squad leader, and her approval is very important.

Huo Zhanji was very grateful to Yuan En Xingtian. Without her blood, he would not have been able to improve so quickly. He would probably show his cowardice in the first team mission. He made up his mind to do it if he had the chance. Compensate her.

That night, the passenger ship that experienced the pirate incident finally successfully arrived at its destination—Fes, a seaport city in the Hill Province. From the conversation between Coris and Ah-Dai, Huo Zhanji and the others knew that Varian Province, where Corris lived, bordered Hill Province, and it only took about three days to get from Fes City to Varyan Province.

Gliss took Ah-Dai to stay in a hotel to recuperate, and Huo Zhanji and the others also stayed nearby, monitoring Coris and Ah-Dai.

Early the next morning, Coris and Ah-Dai boarded the carriage. Huo Zhanji and the others also rented a carriage and followed them from a distance. To follow the carriage, you only need mental energy to detect it in one direction. It doesn’t matter if the distance is a thousand meters. Huo Zhanji can easily keep up without fear of being discovered.

The carriage traveled for three days and finally entered the Varyan Province. Along the way, Ah-Dai saw many things that he had never seen before. Although Coris was very impatient with his many questions, he still answered them one by one. .

Arrived in a large forest in the northwest of Varyan Province, Coris ordered the driver to stop, paid the driver, and sent the driver away.

Next, Coris walked into the forest with Dui. This forest is called the psychedelic forest by Goris because there are no roads in the forest. The numerous plants make it difficult for people to identify the direction in the forest. In addition, the terrain is high, and the occasional mist makes people feel strange. There is a sense of mystery. Even people living nearby rarely go deep into this forest for fear of not being able to get out. After Coris came here, he arranged many magic mechanisms in the forest, especially one that attracts fog, which is his proud work.

Huo Zhanji and the others followed from a distance. In a place full of thick fog, Huo Zhanji’s mental exploration became more and more useful. Here, it was difficult to tell the direction with eyes, but with his mental exploration, not only was he not afraid of losing track, but he could also effectively avoid the magic traps set by Corris.

“Well, I’m finally back.” Coris stopped in front of several inconspicuous houses. Who would have thought that this was the laboratory of his magician Coris. He lowered his head, holding Dui under his arm.

I was extremely excited. I could finally make the final preparations before the experiment. Years of hard work were about to be realized.

Huo Zhanji’s mental exploration also sensed these houses.

“The Golis cabin was discovered, and the mission completion rate was improved. Mission follow-up: Wait. Wait for Pluto to appear.” The prompt sounded.


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