Douluo Dalu Gaiden Douluo World Chapter 10: Sudden increase in attribute points (full volume of Douluo World physical book updated)

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Listening to the electronic sound, Huo Zhanji gradually came back to his senses. He lowered his head to his body. The overall change is not big, except that the skin becomes whiter. He clearly felt that there seemed to be an extra kind of power in his body, which should have been brought by the second martial spirit. Both strength and mental strength seem to have been greatly improved.

At this moment, his body was still surrounded by dark golden light, and he could see many people watching outside.

It’s broken. The disadvantage of not using the training room has appeared. What should I do? Being watched is not a good thing!

At this moment, an electronic voice sounded in his mind again: “Are you trying to inspire the fallen angel martial spirit?”

Huo Zhanji’s heart moved, “Inspire!” “This is the first time to activate, please recite the incantation!”

A string of mantras suddenly appeared in Huo Zhanji’s mind, and he chanted subconsciously: “Darkness condenses the soul, and only when you fall can you be free. Wake up to the endless magic sleeping in my blood.”

In an instant, Huo Zhanji felt that his whole body had become cold, as if an iceberg had exploded in his body. His mind became particularly clear, the blood in his body surged, and huge energy surged. His body changed obviously. He was taller, one foot taller than before, and his body became much stronger. His whole body was surrounded by a black halo, and along with a sharp pain, a pair of dark wings suddenly stretched out from his back.

What’s even more powerful is that huge power spread throughout his body instantly. Huo Zhanji felt that everything about him had been greatly improved, and patches of fine black dragon scales appeared on the surface of his skin.

The unprecedented sense of power suddenly made him feel like he wanted to explode. The wings behind his back suddenly flapped, and his body suddenly flew into the sky, straight into the air.

Huo Zhanji couldn’t fly. He suddenly flew into the air, which really shocked him. The next moment, his body lost his balance. Although he flapped his wings hard, he couldn’t fly! The body suddenly flew sideways.

“Bang——” His body hit the ground. He only felt a shock all over his body, but it didn’t hurt much. In addition, he wrapped his body with his wings and fell down, so he was not injured.

The surroundings were empty. Apparently, the students were attracted by the dark golden light and gathered there, so the other places were naturally empty.

Huo Zhanji hurriedly got up and quickly ran towards a hidden place.

As soon as he ran, he immediately felt something different. His speed was extremely fast, many times faster than before.

Although he guessed that the Heavenly Demon Art would bring about considerable changes in him, he did not expect that the changes would be so big.

The second martial spirit? Then he is equivalent to twin martial souls? Moreover, the increase provided to him by this fallen angel spirit is really powerful!

Quickly hiding, Huo Zhanji hurriedly opened the attribute light curtain. Huo Zhanji, a freshman at the Xingluo Branch of Shrek Academy, is twelve years old.

Martial Spirits: Spirit Eyes, Fallen Angel (Fallen Angel is transforming, Demonic Dragon Body is being activated).

Strength: Eighteen plus nine. Agility: Twenty plus ten. Physique: Twenty plus ten. Spirit: Thirty plus fifteen. Attack: twenty-two plus eleven Defense: twenty-two plus twelve. Base attributes to be assigned: zero.

Douluo World Space: Heavenly Demon Technique (elementary level, already practiced, can reach soul power level 40). If the basic mental attribute exceeds 25 points, additional boosts can be drawn. Extract or not? Huo Zhanji was stunned when he saw his attribute light screen. Is this you? What’s happening here?

His six-dimensional attributes more than doubled! He had already felt that Douluo World could accelerate his improvement, but he did not expect that his attribute points would increase to this extent before he even officially entered Douluo World.

It’s just the first level of the first-class technique, but it has allowed me to rise to this level. How incredible is this!

This is absolutely shocking!

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down as quickly as possible.

There is no doubt that after possessing the second martial spirit, his overall strength has been greatly improved. Soul power is not displayed in Douluo World, but he can imagine that his soul power must have been greatly improved.

The Heavenly Demon Art can be practiced to level 40 of soul power. In other words, if your soul power reaches level 40 in the future, you will need to find a way to enter the Mad God World again and find opportunities to practice higher-level techniques in the Heavenly Demon Art.

My current basic attribute points are definitely among the top among my peers, and I am definitely not inferior to other students. There is a bonus behind each attribute, and the range of the bonus is 50%. I think it should be the effect of the transformation of the fallen angel. Defense plus twelve includes the increase of Shrek Academy uniform.

Although I have not yet fully mastered this new power, in any case, I can be considered a reborn person.

The Demonic Dragon Body should be the scales on its own body. It has a strong increase in both attack and defense.

The body of the Heavenly Demon Dragon should be related to Yuan En Xingtian’s blood of the Dark Demon Dragon. She had done him a great favor. Otherwise, the bonus of the fallen angel’s transformation should not be as much as 50%.

I really didn’t expect that the first-level skills were so terrifying.

After Huo Zhanji thought for a moment, he immediately released his fallen angel transformation.

After releasing the transformation, he suddenly felt very weak. He clicked on his attribute light curtain again, and sure enough, it changed.

Huo Zhanji, a freshman at the Xingluo Branch of Shrek Academy, is twelve years old. Martial Spirit: Spirit Eyes, Fallen Angel (weak, duration one hour). Strength: Eighteen minus five. Agility: twenty minus five. Physique: twenty minus five. Spirit: Thirty minus five. Attack: Twenty-two minus five. Defense: Twenty minus five. Base attributes to be assigned: zero.

Douluo World Space: Heavenly Demon Technique (elementary level, already practiced, can reach soul power level 40).

His eyes couldn’t help but turn red.

What to choose! I want it all, I want it all!

He shouted crazily in his heart. No matter which one of these five mental additional amplification options, the effect is not small. Let’s not talk about the rare ones. The ordinary ones add five points of basic attributes and increase mental power recovery by ten percent, which are quite powerful increases.

This also made Huo Zhanji understand that 25 points in basic attributes should be a watershed. After reaching 25 points, with additional increases, he will immediately become much stronger.

Not to mention the other three options. Expanding the spiritual sea by 20% is undoubtedly a very powerful increase in the long run. The expansion of the spiritual sea means that one can accommodate more spiritual power.

The other two options are both related to skills. Whether it is spiritual shadow or spiritual blast, there is no doubt that they are extremely powerful. The double attack of the spiritual shadow is so desirable. Although it cannot be activated every time, once it is activated, the effect is very terrifying. The introduction of mental blast is not detailed, it only says that it is a range attack. What Huo Zhanji lacks the most is the means of range attack! What’s more, the four words “Special Rare” noted at the end of “Psychic Blast” are really attractive.

The power of mental blast is directly related to mental power. If he activates the Fallen Angel Transformation, his mental power increases by 50%, and then uses mental blast, the power will definitely be extraordinary.

How to choose? How should I choose this?

Huo Zhanji asked himself that he did not have “entanglement syndrome”, but at this moment he was really entangled.

From the notification sound given earlier, we know that he is the first person to reach 25 points in mental power and stimulate additional increases, so the system gives him two more rare options. In other words, the normal draw should only have Three options.

Then, it is definitely better to draw from the rare option.

The expansion of the spiritual sea may be achieved through practice in the future. For now, I will reluctantly remove this option. Then, only Spirit Shadow and Spirit Explosion are left.

Both of these are great! All of them can directly enhance one’s real-time combat power. After a slight hesitation, Huo Zhanji gritted his teeth and made his choice. “Congratulations, you have obtained additional mental skills, mental blast.” The electronic voice prompted.

Huo Zhanji was panting a little, partly because he was in a weak state now, and partly because everything that had just happened had such a great impact on him.

But soon, his eyes became eager. Just after experiencing one mission in Douluo World, I have strengthened so much. It is not an exaggeration to say that I have been reborn. I wonder what kind of growth opportunities I will get in the Douluo World in the future?

Get familiar with your own status as soon as possible. After possessing the fallen angel spirit, you should improve your fighting ability. In the next mission, can you find similar skills in Douluo World?

On the other side, the dark golden light pillar disappeared, and the onlookers only saw someone flying away from the light pillar, and then there was no more information.

Huo Zhanji simply wandered into Douluo World, observing everything here and understanding various functions.

In Douluo World, there are not only training rooms, but also rest rooms. His current weak state can be relieved in the lounge. Of course, the premise is that you have points.

Of course he doesn’t have it now. Weapons and equipment, he didn’t go there to save himself the itch. He now understands what it means to stump a heroic man with a penny.

If you don’t have money, that’s absolutely impossible! If you do the task again this time, you must work hard to earn points.

Two hours came quickly. When Huo Zhanji returned to the mission center to join his friends, his weak state was finally lifted.

“Hey, monitor, why do I feel like you’ve changed a bit!” When Lu Yixin arrived at Huo Zhanji, she couldn’t help but look him up and down.

Compared with before, Huo Zhanji seemed a little more heroic, even his facial features had some subtle changes, his eyes became firmer, and he had a little more leadership qualities.

Yuan En Xingtian was also looking at Huo Zhanji. She narrowed her eyes slightly and vaguely understood that this was probably related to the blood she gave him.

“Bah bang bang!” The sound of clapping rang out, attracting everyone’s attention.

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