Dominating Sword Immortal Chapter 344: 1 sheath and 3 swords


“Boy, die for me.”

The blood-red stick in the hands of the Gorefiend is a medium-grade treasure. When the streamers that looked like tentacles fluttered through the air, the air was cut open, and a strange sound of humming came out. True Yuan poured into it, and a blood-red halo floated from the front of the stick, slamming heavily towards Ye Chen.

“It’s so weird, it can affect people’s minds, and it’s confused.”

Ye Chen squinted his eyes, and the whining sound of the streamer cutting the air made him a little afraid. He must know that his current sword intent is enough to compete with ordinary Dacheng sword intent and perfect sword intent. , In this way, the achievements of the Gorefiend on the magic road are absolutely terrible.

Without any thoughts of Ren He, Ye Chen faced the blood-red stick with a sword.


The blood-red stick is much heavier than metal. When the star-marked sword slashed up, it was as if it was slashed on a big metal mountain. The strong impact came madly, Ye Chen couldn’t stop his body, and he went backwards five times in a row. step, the hard dirt was trampled to dust.

The Gorefiend also took three and a half steps to the rear.

“You? My full blow in normal state, he only took five steps back, and it seems that he has the advantage of middle-grade treasures.” Gorefiend looked at Ye Chen angrily, he was In a normal state, Ye Chenhe is not in a normal state. If the treasures in their hands are equal, he is not confident to let Ye Chen take five steps back, although the other party stomps the ground into powder with every step.

“You take my sword too!”

The right foot kicked a hole in the ground, Ye Chen held the sword in one hand and stabbed straight out, using the Gufeng lore that had not been used for a long time.

“Not good!”

The Gorefiend real person saw that this sword implied a lore concept, and the lore concept contained many branches, such as speed, distance, and under one sword, an illusion immediately occurred. Still think it’s a long way off.


At this time, the blockade clearly fell into the inferior position. The throat of the Gorefiend was bulging, and the real essence condensed a group of illusory skulls. The skulls burst out with the roar of the Gorefiend, and the sound waves were terrifying. Gray-black, swept out like waves, radiating in all directions.

“It’s this sound wave again.” Ye Chen had seen a blow from the ghoul Taoist, and quickly retracted his sword and retreated, Qinglian’s true essence protected his entire body to avoid being hurt by the sound wave.


The speed of the sound is the sound, but under the urging of the real essence, the sound wave produced by the real Gorefiend is obviously several times louder, and the hard soil vibrates at an ordinary frequency and automatically disintegrates. The sound waves cast cannot be compared with the real Gorefiend at all.

“It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time, it’s better to walk.” The radiation range of sound waves is very wide, Henry Zhang was only a few hundred meters away from the two, and his blood was boiling with the sound waves, his chest was tight and he wanted to vomit. Guaranteed that there will be no dark wounds, and regardless of killing the blood demon with dim blood, Henry Zhang split the opponent with one blow and escaped to the nearby passage.

The Gorefiend has already listed Ye Chen as a major enemy. He doesn’t care if Henry Zhang leaves him, let alone what he cares about. He can kill Ye Chen, and then kill Henry Zhang. Ye Chen’s sword just let him Feeling a little threat, fortunately, he used the Great Gorefiend to disintegrate the Heaven and the Sonic Ghost General to exchange the ghost roar cheats. Just a little bit, the top star powerhouse would have to flow backwards under this roar and be slightly injured, but Ye Chen had nothing to do and his face did not change.

“In terms of the purity of True Essence, very few of the powerhouses in the Astral Realm can surpass me, otherwise they would not be able to stop this sonic wave.” In the middle of the Astral Realm, Ye Chen’s True Essence was stronger than when he defeated the ghoul. Daoist Shi was more than twice as pure, so even if the ghost roar of the Gorefiend was more powerful, it wouldn’t hurt him.

“Magic Crying Wind Stick!”

The body rose from the ground, and blood-red flames ignited on the Gorefiend’s body. The blood-red flames adhered to the stick, and a group of blood-red skulls condensed on it. Covered, Qi Qi opened his mouth and roared.


The air collapsed, and a large vacuum crack spread out, and along with the crack, there was a stick with a blood-colored skull attached to it.

The heavy stick ignored the distance between the two and slammed it fiercely.

“What a powerful ultimate move, Sky Shattering Cloud!”

The meandering electric light exploded, and Ye Chen’s body burned with cyan flames, and the sword hit the center of the front end of the stick, impartial.


The shock wave exploded in an instant, and the star-marked sword in Ye Chen’s hand was twisted and folded like a ripple.

“The limit of the bad star-scarred sword is approaching…”

Although the low-grade treasures are extremely tough and can withstand the infusion of true essence, they have experienced many battles, big and small, since following Ye Chen, including hard and **** battles that are evenly matched. A battle that turned defeat into victory, but now is different. As Ye Chen entered the middle stage of the star realm, his true essence became more and more pure and tyrannical, and the star scar sword itself was under a lot of pressure. The Gorefiend had fought several times, and the Starscar Sword was finally overwhelmed, and there were signs of damage.

The real Gorefiend saw Ye Chen’s embarrassment and laughed, “Boy, treasures are also part of your strength, die!”




Holding a blood-red stick, the real Gorefiend slammed into Ye Chen with a bang, each stick was thunderous, and weighed more than the mountains, forcing Ye Chen to confront him head-on.

“Qinglian transforms into Qi!”

The illusory green lotus appeared, and dozens or hundreds of sword qi were like the thorns on the hedgehog’s body.

“It’s useless, break it for me!”

It is impossible for the real Gorefiend to give up the good situation. The blood-red stick swept wildly, and before the sword qi approached, it was crushed and shattered, and it was shaken into nothingness.



Stepping out one step, the real Gorefiend suddenly appeared five steps in front of Ye Chen, and smashed it with a stick.


The star-scarred sword was lined with fissures, and the sour metal roared incessantly. The next moment, thousands of fragments exploded.

The star-scarred sword is broken!

“Haha, the swordsman lost his sword, let’s see how you fight against me.”

The real Gorefiend is very fun and has been in the South Zhuoyu for many years. It is not that he has not fought with top swordsmen. He is very clear that once a swordsman loses his sword, his combat power will at least be reduced by Yucheng. The reason for this is the sword intent. , Sword Intent is attached to the sword to wield the greatest power. If the sword is lost, the Sword Intent is abolished, and the attack power of True Essence is increased at most.

The air was torn apart, and the blood light slashed towards Ye Chen’s head. The tentacle-like streamer was even more terrifying than the sharp blade. Even if the stick body couldn’t hit Ye Chen, if the streamer wiped it, the head would be broken. At this moment, the sword was lost. It is not so easy for Ye Chen to catch the attack of the Gorefiend from the air.

Hey! Chi! Chi!

Ye Chen’s expression was stern, and he flicked with both hands, and three Qinglian sword qi shot violently through the air.

“What, the sword qi in the body.”

The stick returned and the two sword qi were annihilated, and the remaining sword qi went around the neck of the Gorefiend, hissing.


Spiritual Gorefiend thought that the sword energy aroused from the body wouldn’t be very powerful, and slammed into the sword energy with his bare hands.

Blood splashes!

Gorefiend groaned.

“Good boy, when I take you down, it will make you unable to live or die.” The bones in his left hand came out, and Ye Chen’s green lotus sword energy was like a saw blade, not only giving his body protection true essence Cut it apart, leaving **** sword marks on his palm.

Originally, if the Gorefiend was a little more cautious, even if he slammed the sword qi with his bare hands, he might not be injured, but he regarded this sword qi as an ordinary sword qi.

“Qinglian’s sword energy is limited, and even if it is fully stimulated, it is unlikely to hurt the real Gorefiend. It seems that the middle-grade sword in the blood-red rock must be used. I hope it is not a waste product.” Ye Chen was very worried, worried What he got was still a piece of junk, and he couldn’t bear the infusion of True Essence. In that case, he could only retreat three feet. He wasn’t arrogant enough to fight against the Gorefiend with his bare hands.

The storage spirit ring flickered, and the blood-red rock appeared in Ye Chen’s hand.

At this time, the real Gorefiend came up and slammed it out.

Holding the hilt on the rock surface, Ye Chen greeted him with one move.

La la la!

The blood-red rock shattered, sending countless rubble scattered.



A sword chant sounded, and the dazzling three-color brilliance filled the air, dazzling the eyes of the Gorefiend and Ye Chen, and the pressure exploded three times stronger than ordinary middle-grade treasures.

“Damn, this middle-grade treasure is unusual, even if it’s not a high-grade treasure, it’s not far away.” The real Gorefiend couldn’t see the details of the sword in Ye Chen’s hand, thinking bitterly, at the same time , his offensive is even more violent, and his tricks are killing him.

Ye Chen glanced at his eyes. The scabbard of the sword was simple and unadorned. The three-color brilliance was drawn from the sword, and the three-color brilliance was a bit special. It seemed to be superimposed on each other. The that each exists~ Huh! Three hilts? “

Ye Chen was surprised, but he couldn’t think about the situation in front of him. With a swipe of his finger, a dark blue sword light shot up into the sky, blocking a bombardment from the Gorefiend.

“There are two more swords in the middle grade thunder sword!” Ye Chen finally knew what was going on. There were three swords in the scabbard, and now only one of them was drawn out. These are not important. , The important thing is that the sword is not a waste product, otherwise it will not be able to stop the full blow of the Gorefiend.

“The sky is broken!”

Holding a dark blue sword, Ye Chen’s true essence revolved, and his sword slashed out the broken clouds that contained the artistic conception of thunderclouds.

The air was turbulent, and a thunder light that was half a meter thick and tens of meters long blasted out. The terrifying power was several times more ferocious than the thunder, giving people an irresistible feeling of insignificance. This thunder, which was essentially a sword light, was terrified in the heart of the Gorefiend, and there was no time to dodge, and he was not allowed to dodge.

My heart is too busy for the New Year, and there is another big event at home. It is really not easy to write a chapter, and the next chapter may not be available.


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