Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 96: Bombing and killing Wang Guan (fourth update, please be the first to order)


In the low-dimensional world, on a mountain range, three giants nearly 20,000 meters tall appeared out of thin air.


The color of the whole world changed. An unimaginably huge golden thunder cloud appeared, and the next moment golden thunder that destroyed the world fell from the sky.


Wang Guan’s expression changed drastically, and he was about to use his magical power to fight, but the next moment he was shocked to find that the power of water between heaven and earth could not be pried by him.

Even the whole world is hostile to and rejects itself.


The golden thunder that destroyed the heaven and earth crashed down violently, and at the same time the invisible power of the world suppressed it.

Wang Guan hurriedly used up his divinity to condense a water gun to meet him.


The golden thunder was defeated a little, but soon the water gun was blasted to pieces.

Terrifying ripples appear directly in a space that is far less stable than the real world.

Wherever the shock wave ripples pass, the space is shattered and mountains and rivers sink.

The golden thunder speed did not slow down and continued to fall.

“No!!” Wang Guan roared, but there was nothing he could do.

His physical body was directly blasted to pieces by the golden thunder and the power of the world.

However, his resistance also caused the space to shatter and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to sink.

The whole world is shaking.

After all, the low-dimensional world is still too fragile and completely incomparable with the real world.

“Golden Thunder… It’s Li Cang… Ancestor, save me!”

Wang Guan screamed and felt unbelievable. Although he did not see Li Cang, he insisted that it was definitely Li Cang who was attacking them.

After all, they were assassinating Li Cang before, and ended up here.

At this time, his physical body was broken and his soul was separated from the body. In this low-dimensional world, his soul was also extremely condensed, just like his flesh and blood body.

“Ancestor of the Wang family, the great water spirit…”

He prayed, wanting to ask the gods of the Wang family to save him.

But this is a completely different world, completely isolated from the real world. His prayers are completely useless, and all fluctuations will be blocked by the world barrier.

The world barrier isolates everything!

Unless he can break through the low-dimensional world.

But it is obvious that today’s low-dimensional world is no longer something he can break through.

The power of the world containing Li Cang’s anger suppressed it, directly blasting his soul into pieces.

Then, the power of the world is decomposed, transformed and absorbed.

Wang Guan’s divinity is no weaker than that of Tang Ming, and his soul is naturally much stronger than Wang Qing’s.

The huge soul power can directly replenish the low-dimensional world that has just been consumed, and there is still a surplus harvest.

“What on earth is this place? Who is that Li Cang…”

Before completely losing consciousness, Wang Guan had this doubt in his mind.

His last thought was that the Wang family might have provoked a terrible enemy.

And all of this stems from Wang Qing’s jealousy of Li Cang.


The world-destroying thunder continued. The special recruit who had just been attracted by Wang Guan didn’t even react, and was directly bombarded to ashes. Only his soul power was swallowed up by the world.

In the end, only the young man with bleeding from his orifices was left, but he was seriously injured.

Although the forcible resistance caused a mountain range in the low-dimensional world to collapse and space cracks to form one after another, he was eventually killed and died with his eyes open.

Until they die, the three of them don’t know what happened, why they suddenly appeared here, and why the whole world is targeting them.

They only know that all this is definitely related to Li Cang.

In the living room, on the sofa.

Li Cang slowly opened his eyes, and the anger in his heart had been vented.

At this time, his face was calm, but his eyes were a little gloomy.

“Nightmare clone? About the magical power of dreams?”

“The person before was actually able to forcefully stuff memories that didn’t belong to me into me. In the dream, my blood was boiling with passion, and he wanted me to die and fight with unknown existences.”

“Do you want me to commit suicide in my dream?”

“If I die in a dream, I’m afraid the real me will also die, right? Maybe it’s my soul that dies? Is it my consciousness that dies?”

For the first time, Li Cang felt the strangeness of Shentu’s ability.

“Even I was caught in the trap without knowing it, and I didn’t even know when I fell into a dream.”

Even, in that strange dream, one’s own power will be imprisoned.

Kill silently and invisible.

If that person succeeds, I am afraid that I will only be left with an unconscious body, right?

“Is it because I am in the limelight today and may be favored by some powerful spiritual teachers, and then the Wang family will be unable to sit still?”

“Is this Wang Guan’s own decision?”

Li Cang took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and silently absorbed and digested the soul power of the three people.

This time I obtained the souls of two people who appeared in the holy realm, and one soul who protected the divine body, which is equivalent to two to three hundred spirit pills.

However, the digestion speed of the low-dimensional world is limited, and it must be absorbed and grown slowly.

One bite cannot make you fat, so Li Cang can only take his time.

At his current absorption speed, he can probably absorb forty to fifty energy pills a day.

Nearly ten times faster than before the low-dimensional world was upgraded.

But if you want to raise the low-dimensional world to another dimension, even if you have been practicing in seclusion and there is a steady supply of resources, it will take several months.

Time passed slowly.

Early the next morning, while Fan Sisi was still cooking, someone came to the door.

“Classmate Li Cang, I have brought evil spirits here.”

A boy called at the door, the same one who jumped from the balcony yesterday.

Li Cang opened the door and glanced at the boy.

The boy directly threw a wooden sign with an evil seal to Li Cang.

Li Cang took the wooden sign and found that there was a faint evil aura on it. When his perception penetrated, he found that there was a sleeping evil spirit inside.

He put away the wooden sign with satisfaction and said, “Are you a mountain **** and a divine wayfarer?”

The boy opposite nodded and asked, not knowing whether he was worried or expectant: “Do I have any questions?”

“Come and ask me, you must be able to sense something wrong yourself, right?”

Li Cang smiled and said: “Your problem is that it is too dry. Your divinity gives me a strange feeling of cracks everywhere. I guess the mountain where you chose to take the spiritual path should be bare, right? Maybe there are no plants, or maybe it’s because there’s no water. A mountain without water and plants is equivalent to being exposed to the sun.”

The boy was shocked: “Does the mountain used for walking on the spiritual path need water and trees? How to solve it? Just plant trees on the mountain?”

Because he couldn’t afford a big mountain with rich resources, he only bought a bare but not too small mountain for his spiritual journey.

Li Cang actually said this in one breath, and he already believed Li Cang’s words.

Li Cang smiled and said: “I am only responsible for seeing problems, not solving them. As I said before, I can see problems only because of my special talent, not because I am well-informed. And now I You’re still a student, so even if I tell you the solution, I’m afraid you won’t dare to use it. But I’ve already told you the problem, and you can definitely look up the information. I’m sure this situation won’t happen to you alone.”

The boy took a deep breath: “Thank you!”

He turned around and left, feeling that this evil spirit had paid off well.

Although I don’t know the solution yet, I at least know where the problem lies.

Next, people came to the door intermittently, and Li Cang helped identify some problems with everyone who gave Xie Sui a call.

And Li Cang also took this opportunity to unscrupulously use the power of the world to scan these people, peek into their divinity, and compare their situations and their divine ways.

As time passed by, Wang Qing and Wang Guan disappeared, as if no one suspected him at all.

During this period, the disappearance of the special enrollment led to an investigation by the law enforcement team, but nothing was found.

And Li Cang has been staying at home, contacting people every day, and has complete proof of alibi, so no one will doubt him at all.

Although I have been staying at home, I have income every day. When the income is low, there is only one evil spirit a day, and when the income is high, there are nearly ten evil spirits a day.

This is faster than grabbing money.

Because one evil spirit is equivalent to several energy pills.

However, the method of swallowing evil spirits can only be used by Li Cang in the industry, but not others.

Unfortunately, due to the limited digestion speed, many evil spirits are temporarily suppressed in the low-dimensional world and cannot be swallowed immediately.

Fortunately, the power of the world in the low-dimensional world can directly decompose it and transform it into the origin of the world. Soon, when Fan Sisi embarks on the path to godhood, it will be able to help her ascend to the sky.

Because there are experimental products for research every day and evil spirits are coming in, Li Cang’s strength has been steadily improving, and he has learned more and more about the ways of the gods.

During this period, more and more new students have entered the school. Even if the school has not started yet, there are still new students who are not specially admitted.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed, and there are only ten days left before the freshman competition. The school has become very lively, and the freshman competition that everyone is looking forward to is getting closer.

Li Cang has also inquired about this freshman competition. It is not as simple as a ring battle, but a major event for all the freshmen to come into contact with a different world for the first time.


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