Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 71: Hidden divine talent


Everyone around him was so frightened that he stepped back. The screams were too intrusive.

Li Cang felt as if he had caught something. When he pulled it out, he saw a translucent ghost figure being pulled out.

This is really a ghost, with blood holes all over his face, very scary.

After touching Li Cang’s divinity, the ghost kept screaming and his body was melting rapidly.

The scream sounded as if it sounded directly in people’s minds, it was very disturbing.

Originally ordinary people could not see the evil spirit, but now the evil spirit was eroded by divinity and its form appeared.

Everyone who saw this scene was so frightened that they stepped back.

Even Li Cang couldn’t help but feel his scalp numb, because this evil spirit was simply a ghost from folklore.

And now, I have a ghost in my hand!

He was so excited that he almost threw the evil spirit out, but fortunately, his character was already different from what it used to be, so he held it back.

After Xie Sui was pulled out, the man fell to the ground and fainted.

His teammates hurriedly helped him up and said gratefully to Li Cang: “Thank you…Thank you, sir…”

Li Cang ignored it and threw the evil spirit directly into the low-dimensional world, using the power of the world to break it down.

The old woman, who was also a spiritual seeker, was even more surprised when she saw that Li Cang had solved an evil spirit so easily, and the divine radiance on her body had not weakened much.

She has completely believed that this young man is definitely a divine person who has manifested the holy realm by himself.

Only those who show the divine path to the holy realm in front of others can kill Wu Zong so easily.

Only those who show their divine path to the holy realm in front of others can destroy an evil spirit so easily.

Even if it is just an ordinary evil spirit, if it is replaced by a normal divine body protector, it will at least take a lot of effort, either by using magic to kill it from a distance, or by consuming one’s own divinity to forcibly eliminate it.

But like Li Cang, who is as relaxed as eating and drinking, and the divine radiance on his body has not changed at all, at least he has to be a divine person in the holy realm to do it.

What surprised the old woman the most was that when a normal person kills an evil spirit, some residual thoughts of the evil spirit will escape.

Those are all evil natures, just like the divinity of the divine path, which is a special attribute.

However, after the divinity escapes, it will be directly absorbed by the surrounding environment.

However, after the evil nature escapes, it will not be completely absorbed by the environment. Some of the stubborn evil nature will slowly turn into various shapes and float aimlessly until it finally dissipates completely.

But Li Cang’s process of solving this evil spirit did not reveal any evil nature at all, which was simply miraculous.

The old woman felt more and more in awe.

However, she didn’t know that Li Cang had directly brought the evil spirits into the low-dimensional world.

With the body as the mediator between the low-dimensional world and the real world, Li Cang can bring the outside world into the low-dimensional world without opening an obvious world channel.

Unless you are someone who is extremely sensitive to spatial fluctuations, it will be difficult to detect it.

In Li Cang’s perception, there is no comparison between this evil spirit and the evil spirit he got in Changmin County. The quality is too poor.

Because, the soul power decomposed by this evil spirit is not even as good as the soul power of an ordinary warrior.

Because most of the evil power is of evil nature, after being decomposed and transformed by the power of the world, there is not much that can be absorbed.

Moreover, there is no essence left, unlike the **** evil spirit, where the essence left behind is assimilated into lightning marks by the thunder power of the low-dimensional world.

On the contrary, Xie Sui’s yin power actually offsets some of the most yang and strong characteristics of the low-dimensional world.

Li Cang’s heart suddenly moved. Now his low-dimensional world has an imbalance of yin and yang, with yang rising and yin declining. Even the green dragon, which originally belonged to wood, was bred into the water attribute by the rules of the world to offset the yang and strong characteristics.

This is to curb the development of Jinwu.

And this evil yin power seems to be able to offset the yang and strong characteristics to a certain extent.

So he took back the golden crow suspended above his head with a thought.

As the golden crow like a small sun disappeared, the valley fell into darkness.

This darkness came suddenly, and everyone who was originally feeling safe suddenly fell into panic.

“Congratulations, you are free!”

Li Cang said something and was about to leave.

He is going to hunt, and he wants to hunt more evil spirits, just like he did when he collected evil evil spirits in Changmin County, and captured the evil spirits themselves.

“Sir…” However, the old woman suddenly exclaimed: “Please take us away. This wilderness is full of evil spirits and monsters. We can’t go back at all.”

The expressions of the others also changed, thinking that this was a wilderness a hundred miles away. Once Li Cang left, they would soon become food for evil monsters.

“Sir, take us away.”

“Please, my lord…”

Others also rushed to speak, fearing that Li Cang would disappear in the next moment.

After all, Li Cang appeared out of thin air before.

Although there are more than twenty people here, the strongest ones are only martial arts masters, and there is also a divine pather in the realm of divine body protection.

Although the divine protectors can deal with evil spirits, there are so many evil spirits in the wilderness at night!

Especially, the more popular a place is, the more evil spirits like it.

When warriors face evil spirits, the most they can rely on is their strong blood and Yang energy to force them back, but a few more evil spirits can drain their Yang energy.

With the old woman’s strength, it only takes a few evil spirits to kill her.

Li Cang, who was about to leave, paused after hearing this and suddenly thought of something. It was said on the Internet that the more popular a place is, the easier it is to attract evil spirits.

Isn’t there a group of ready-made baits here?


Although I want to use these people as bait, I must also devote my energy to protecting these people.

Li Cang thought about it, he couldn’t waste his energy on protecting a group of strangers, these people would have to give something.

Thinking of this, he ignored the others and turned to look at the girl next to the old woman who used her mental power to influence him during the day. She also had a look of fear on her face.

So he pondered for a moment and asked the girl: “What is your name?”

Seeing Li Cang speak, everyone quieted down and looked at the girl.

“Huh?” The girl Sisi was stunned, as if she didn’t expect Li Cang to talk to her alone.

“My…my name is Fan Sisi.” The girl replied nervously, while guessing in her mind what Li Cang wanted to do.

“Are you a divine person?” Li Cang asked.

“Sir, she is not a Divine Path, but she has been admitted to Hanhai Divine Path University. She will enter the Divine Path University on September 1st this year. She should have the hope of becoming a Divine Path.” The old woman answered for the girl.

Li Cang glanced at the old woman: “I didn’t ask you, I asked her.”

Fan Sisi said blankly: “Sir, I am not a magician.”

“Tell the truth.” Li Cang said solemnly.

The girl’s delicate body trembled: “I’m really not a magician.”

“Sir… Your Majesty…” The old woman looked at Li Cang worriedly, wondering why Li Cang was struggling with this issue.

Li Cang looked at the old woman: “Can you see the divine brilliance in her?”

“Divine radiance?” The old woman looked at the girl in astonishment: “No, sir, did you see it wrong?”

“Not now, but just now, when she was dozing off, there was a divine radiance on her body.” Li Cang said.

“This is impossible. The old woman has always been by her side, but the old woman has not noticed any divine brilliance.”

The old woman was worried that Li Cang suspected that the girl was related to the followers of the mad god, so she hurriedly explained, and what she said was also true.

Li Cang suddenly understood that only he should be able to see the divine radiance that the girl gave off when she dozed off.

The same applies to Su Mixin. Only she can see the divine radiance that only occurs when she is asleep.

Otherwise, if other people could see it, they would have been specially recruited to Shentu University or accepted as a divine attendant.

After all, in Li Cang’s opinion, this kind of person is definitely talented in divine ways, and he shouldn’t be too bad.


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