Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 302: Warning from the Gods


Although tens of thousands of light years away, I saw a huge black screen from a distance.

That’s because the Void Continent is so big, so big that it’s beyond imagination.

“Is that the Protoss Continent? Isn’t it too big?”

Even Zhao Ying, who had always been calm, couldn’t help but exclaim at this moment.

You can see it from so far away, and you can feel its hugeness.

It can be seen how big the location of the God Clan is.

The Ancient Tree of Life was also shocking. Although she had never been to the God Clan Continent, she had traveled there and heard about the God Clan Continent.

She only knows that the Protoss Continent is very big, after all, it is the base camp of the top powerful clan.

But to be so huge was far beyond her expectations, even beyond her imagination.

“It is indeed quite big. It is so big that it is unexpected. However, this kind of void continent theoretically does not exist. If my guess is correct, it should be expanded by generations of strong men from the God Clan.”

Li Cang looked at the huge black curtain in the distance and said: “The World God already has the ability to create land…”

Zhao Ying: “Is there any?”

The Ancient Tree of Life: “Can the God of the World create land?”

“Isn’t it?”

Li Cang was confused.

“Of course not. Although the World God owns the world, it can only simulate real matter at this time, but the simulated things are all energy-based things, and it cannot create land.” Zhao Ying said: “You actually Don’t even know about this kind of thing.”

Li Cang: “…”

It turns out that the God of the World cannot create land?

I thought it was possible. After all, I could do it when I was a demigod.

The Ancient Tree of Life also said: “I can only create land after I am promoted to Void God, but I can only create ordinary land. The Void Continent cannot be created. I guess that it may take the True God of Void to create the void. A continent-level land.”

“That’s it.” Li Cang understood.

Turns out other gods are such rubbish.

“By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, why do you have to come to the God Clan? Are you here to find the Martial God?” Zhao Ying asked.

“I am going to destroy this clan.” Li Cang said calmly.

Zhao Ying: “…So you came hundreds of millions of light years away just to destroy this clan? Is there a lot of hatred? Were you beaten badly by the God of Order of the Protoss clan?”

The Ancient Tree of Life was also shocked. God Li was going to destroy the Gods?

The Gods are the top powerful race in the void.

Even though Li Shen’s identity is not simple, right now, his strength shouldn’t be enough, right?

Li Cangdan said calmly: “This clan is too arrogant and I can’t stand it. The name God Clan… sounds unpleasant.”


Zhao Ying and the Ancient Tree of Life both looked dull.

“Just because you can’t stand it? Because the name God Clan doesn’t sound good to you, are you going to destroy his clan?”

Even though Zhao Ying was born emotionally indifferent, she still looked dull at the moment.

Can this still happen?

Li Cang said: “We are all gods, but this clan arrogantly claims to be a clan of gods. What does that mean for us?”

“Then we will destroy them?” Zhao Ying asked.

“Of course there are other reasons. The God of Order should have reported the stronger gods, causing the gods to be hostile to humans. It doesn’t matter the humans in other universes or the void, but if the humans in our mother universe enter the void, It may be targeted by the Gods,” Li Cang explained.

Zhao Ying suddenly realized that this reason was okay: “But with you here, the human race has a backer, so they don’t have to be so cruel, right?”

She was not persuading Li Cang, but simply asking. She always felt that Li Cang seemed to be in a hurry. She didn’t think much about it before, but now she felt something was wrong.

As soon as Li Cang entered the void, he rushed to the God Clan non-stop to destroy this clan, as if he was in a hurry.

The Ancient Tree of Life also has this doubt.

Li Cang pondered slightly and said: “I have a hunch that I may leave the void, if there is really a higher-level world above the void.”

“Leave the void?” Zhao Ying was surprised: “The void is so big, does it mean that… it also has boundary walls like the original universe?”

“I don’t know. I’ll tell you when the time comes. I just have a hunch that it should be early before that day.” Li Cang said.

While speaking, they did not stop, but were still approaching the Void Continent of the Gods.

As the distance got closer and closer, they encountered more and more creatures, and their levels became stronger and stronger.

When they approach within one light-year of the Protoss Continent, even the God of the Void can be encountered at any time.

“This clan…may be stronger than imagined!” The Ancient Tree of Life said in shock.

“After all, it is a powerful clan in the void, so it is not surprising that it exceeds imagination.” Li Cang said.

“Are you sure now?” Zhao Ying asked: “Such a powerful clan should be difficult to destroy, right? The most important thing is that this clan cannot all be waiting for you to destroy it at home. Maybe they will be scattered to Where is the whole void? ”

“That’s true, then only destroy the top layer.” Li Cang said.

Three guys whose combat power is no greater than that of the True God of the Void, are clamoring to destroy the Gods.

If others heard it, I don’t know if they would laugh out loud.

But since the distance was so close, Li Cang stopped talking about this topic to avoid being overheard by the strongest of the Gods. Who knows how strong the strongest of the Gods really is?

“He who comes, stop there!”

Suddenly a voice sounded in the ears of Li Cang and the others: “Enter the Protoss Continent, register first, and then hand over the origin of the world.”

After saying that, a piece of gold paper appeared out of thin air in front of the three of them.

At this time, Li Cang and the others hadn’t even seen anyone yet.

The three of them looked at each other.

“Register.” Li Cang said nonchalantly.

The three people immediately wrote their names on the gold paper, and each took out a piece of the world’s origin and placed it on the gold paper.

The golden paper disappeared out of thin air, and then the voice sounded again: “After entering the God Clan continent, if you see a powerful person of the same level or higher than the God Clan, you must stop and salute. You must not be rude to any God Clan, and you must not harass God Clan women. Must not…”

The voice said more than a dozen things at once, and it just came close to revealing the supreme and noble identity of the Gods.

It can be seen from these rules that the Protoss is definitely a proud and arrogant race. They did not ask about the identities of Li Cang and the other three, and directly issued the rules, requiring them to salute when they see the powerful Protoss.

The Ancient Tree of Life is groveling and humble.

Zhao Ying’s face was blank, but she curled her lips in her heart.

Li Cang listened carefully. The more he listened, the more uncomfortable he felt. He didn’t know where the discomfort came from.

But this made him more determined to destroy this clan.

He doesn’t even dare to call himself an absolute god.

This clan dares to call itself the God clan, and is so arrogant. If you don’t destroy it, who will you destroy?

After the sound disappeared, Li Cang and the others continued to move forward.

In the original expectation of Li Cang and the others, such a powerful clan should have an incredibly powerful defensive formation.

But what surprised the three of them was that they did not find any large formations along the way.

“Is this absolute self-confidence? Are you not worried about being attacked at all, so you don’t bother to set up a defensive formation?” Zhao Ying said in surprise.

“It may be that there is a large formation, but it is not activated.” Li Cang said.

“That’s too arrogant…” Before Zhao Ying could finish her words, she suddenly felt a sense of gaze, and an astonishing pressure came from the God Clan Continent.

“Warning once, if you speak ill of the Gods again, you will be obliterated.”

The voice spoke again.

Zhao Ying frowned slightly, but didn’t talk back.

“Senior, don’t blame her, it’s because she is ignorant.” Li Cang explained with a smile.


The voice snorted coldly and withdrew his consciousness.

Li Cang sent a message: “I found him. He is stronger than the God of the Void, but not to an incredible degree. He should be the True God of the Void. He seems to be a gatekeeper. This clan is indeed powerful, and they actually let the True God of the Void Gatekeeper, there is probably a Void God Emperor, maybe even more than one.”


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