Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 301: Arrival


Half a year later, the total space of Li Cang’s inner world finally reached a diameter of one light-year.

At this time, his divinity finally reached one billion, and he truly entered the level of great divine power.

At this time, his combat power has officially reached the Void God level, and he is still the top Void God.

If we kill Helianshan now, we should be able to wipe out the opponent’s soul.

However, Li Cang did not stop the pace of improvement because of this, he was still creating sub-worlds continuously.

Ten years later, Zhao Ying was successfully promoted to the level of World God.

And this year, the total diameter of the world within Li Cang has reached one hundred light years.

As for what level his own combat power has reached, there is no way to compare since there is no reference.

A hundred years later.

The total space diameter of Li Cang’s inner world has reached an astonishing 10,000 light-years.

In addition, the diameter of the main world alone has reached one light-year, which is extremely astonishing.

And this year, based on the number of gods, he officially entered the main **** level.

At this time, he is truly the main god.

And also in this year, with his help, Zhao Ying and the Ancient Tree of Life were promoted to Void God at the same time.

Zhao Ying has been promoted to Void God, and her combat power has naturally skyrocketed. The Breeding Continent in her body has also grown countless times, and she can now independently transform the power of void into its original form.

The Ancient Tree of Life can now truly create life, instead of creating half-finished immortals like before.

Of course, her kind of creation can be done by anyone who has cultivated to this level. It is completely different from Li Cang’s casual creation of the world.

Even many people can only create one world throughout their lives, with limitations.

The world they created is closely connected and closely related to themselves. If the world is destroyed, they themselves will be severely damaged.

And Li Cang

The world created by Li Cang can be destroyed and played with at will.

Even if the current main world is destroyed, his strength will be greatly reduced at most, but it will not have much impact on his fundamentals.

And he has thoroughly understood the laws of the birth of the inner world. Now he can create a new world at will even without resorting to the power of the inner world.

So, others are the gods of the world, and he is the God of Creation.

Two completely different concepts.

After his divinity reached the level of the main **** and the total space of the inner world reached 10,000 light-years, Li Cang helplessly found that he could no longer suppress his physical body.

Now even if he suppresses himself to the utmost and has the smallest physical body, he can only maintain a height of 100 million kilometers.

Yes, a height of 100 million kilometers.

This is still a situation that he tried his best to suppress, otherwise the real physical body, which is 10,000 light-years tall, can scare countless gods to death.

At some point, Li Cang couldn’t help but wonder, had he taken the wrong path?

Is this situation a bad one?

Because after reaching the level of gods, although it is beneficial to have a huge body, bigger is not always better.

And I… the units are now measured in light years, and they are still tens of thousands of light years.

Theoretically, as big as your inner world is, your physical body can be as big as it is.

Now, although my true level is still the Lord God, the original universe can no longer accommodate me.

My power is too strong. As long as I enter, it will explode a galaxy and make the entire primitive universe turbulent. Even if I am not rejected, I will feel very uncomfortable inside the primitive universe. Cracks, even time will burst by itself.

In the same year, Li Cang saw another primitive universe from a distance.

Now Li Cang’s strength is completely different. He can see the primitive universe in front of him from hundreds of millions of light years away.

The primitive universe is too big to be imagined, but it can be seen from here that it is indeed a sphere, and the overall color is almost exactly the same as the void. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t know that there is a primitive universe over there.

“There is a primitive universe over there.” Li Cang said.



The Ancient Tree of Life and Zhao Ying were both refreshed.

“Right ahead.” Li Cang replied.

However, neither the Ancient Tree of Life nor Zhao Ying can be seen.

Even if the three of them continue to move forward, there are only tens of millions of light years left from the original universe.

Suddenly Li Cang’s heart moved and he continued to bring the two women closer.

Then he discovered that even if they were within 10,000 light-years of the original universe, the two women could not discover that original universe.

Suddenly Li Cang realized that the original universe itself would hide itself. He was able to see the original universe because of his special divine way, or perhaps because of his special identity.

Those primitive universes did not seem to actively hide them from him.

However, when Li Cang brought Zhao Ying and the Ancient Tree of Life closer to the original universe, the two women were still able to touch the wall of the universe.

This shows that the original universe can hide itself, but it cannot truly disappear.

The moment the two women touched the boundary wall of the original universe, the hidden effect disappeared, and the two women could finally see the boundary wall.

“It turns out to be really the original universe. If you don’t touch it directly, you can’t feel it even if you are close to your eyes. It’s so amazing.” Even the Ancient Tree of Life sighed: “The universe we were in before, It is our mother universe, so we can see it, but other primitive universes are alien universes to us, and we are considered outsiders.”

Zhao Ying also said: “The boundary wall of the original universe seems to be protected by a power of absolute nothingness. The emptiness has reached the extreme and transformed into a substantial boundary wall.”

As she spoke, her eyes lit up: “How about we go see if there are humans in this universe.”

However, the Ancient Tree of Life shook his head: “If we enter, we are regarded as invaders. The primitive universe will resist and fight back. Although the primitive universe is motionless, the will of the universe is supreme and strong. According to legend, even the True God of the Void, or even the God of the Void Even the emperor is unwilling to confront the will of the original universe.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly saw Li Cang reaching out his hand and knocking on the wall of the universe, like knocking on the door.


The next moment, the wall of the universe in front of them suddenly opened a crack hundreds of millions of kilometers long, and the consciousness of the three people extended in without any hindrance.

No obstacles were encountered.

The Ancient Tree of Life: “…”

After the three people’s consciousness entered the interior of the original universe, it was like a dragon returning to the sea, extending infinitely without the suppression in the void.

In this case, their consciousness swept across the starry sky of a billion light-years in an instant, and saw immeasurable life planets, galaxies in the universe, black holes, and all major races.

What is surprising is that there are humans in this primitive universe.

Moreover, there seems to be an earth inside, but this earth is completely different from the earth they were originally on.

The Ancient Tree of Life showed doubts: “Why are there Earths in different primitive universes? Is there anything special about this planet?”

Zhao Ying couldn’t answer this question.

Li Cang was thoughtful, vaguely suspecting that it might have something to do with him.

But he has no evidence.

“Okay, let’s go. It makes no sense for us to enter this primitive universe now.” Li Cang said.

“Well, let’s go. This place is very close to the God Clan.” Zhao Ying also said.

So the three of them continued to set off.

This time, the speed of the three of them has increased greatly.

Ten years later, they finally arrived at the Void Continent where the Gods lived.


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