Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 299: Punched through the prototype universe



The last word of Helianshan was just spoken now, but he was completely confused.

He was smashed into the deepest part of the ground by a huge palm, smashing the void continent open.

At the last moment, he seemed to see the Li Shen take action, flattening him with a casual palm, and his body sank into the deepest part of the ground.

This almost made his eyes pop out and his head buzzing.

“How is it possible?! Isn’t he the God of the World?!”

Helianshan tried to explode his divine power, the power of transcendence, and the laws of the void to fight against the big hand pressing on him.

However, the big hand on his body was like a sacred mountain in the void, motionless.


Helianshan’s heart went cold. Is this Li Shen really that kind of terrifying strong man?

Are you trying to kill a powerful person who is at least the level of the True God of the Void?

Not only was Helianshan confused, but even the Ancient Tree of Life was confused.

Three years ago, this God of Li was chased by the God of the Void and was running around everywhere, so he had to take them to escape.

As a result, just three years later, he was able to suppress the Void God with one palm!

What a terrifying rate of progress is this?

She had never even heard of it, let alone seen it before.

On the other hand, Zhao Ying is very calm. She is a person who practices extremely fast. Although she is not as good as Li Cang, she is already used to Li Cang’s abnormality.

It’s just the Void God, so it doesn’t seem to be a big deal. She thinks that if she gives herself a few more years, she can be beaten to death.

At this time, infinite light flashed and various laws emerged. Li Cang wanted to kill Helian Shan, but was surprised to find that he could not kill the other party directly. He could only make the other party’s body explode again and again, but The other party quickly reorganized and resurrected.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the God of the Void. His current physical strength is unparalleled. In fact, the lethality of the law is not at the level of the God of the Void.

In terms of pure physical strength, if he completely released the body of the world, he might have been able to fight against the Void God before. Needless to say now, it goes without saying that the total space of the inner world is as large as his physical body.

This is an evolution that is beyond common sense and cannot be understood by ordinary beings.

The terrifying body, even though it has been shrunk countless times and its power has been restrained, still possesses unimaginable power.

Coupled with the increase in the Law of Power, Helian Mountain was easily suppressed at this time.

“True God, have mercy on me…” Helianshan begged for mercy. He felt like he was being suppressed by Wuzhishan, unable to move. He felt extremely regretful. How could he be blinded by greed?

At the same time, he cursed in his heart that such an existence, which was at least the True God of the Void, actually pretended to be the God of the World. Was this a joke to him?

He absolutely did not believe that Li Cang had made such a huge improvement in just a few years.

Li Cang ignored him and continued to study **** this guy.

Zhao Ying pouted and said: “If you don’t seek death, you won’t die. I didn’t offend you. You chased us. Those who didn’t know thought we were your parents.”

He Lianshan was speechless, regretting everything in his gut, but he was still cursing in his heart, feeling that Li Cang had tricked him. He was obviously so powerful, but he pretended to be extremely weak, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. He was simply a sinister villain.


Li Cang simply crushed him crazily with his supreme body, causing Helianshan’s body to explode again and again, shattering into blood mist, and the blood mist exploding into particles.

But those particles quickly reorganized, and Helian Mountain was easily resurrected.

After all, there is not enough level and the level of the law is not enough to truly obliterate the existence of this level.

He is just frighteningly powerful in terms of pure strength, but this kind of pure strength cannot yet crush everything.

The God of the Void is a transcendent creature. After being baptized by the Void, his physical body becomes extremely powerful. His laws surpass the laws of heaven and cannot be broken by ordinary strength.

At this time, Helianshan gradually came to his senses and discovered that Li Shen, who was suspected to be the True God of the Void, seemed unable to kill him.

Suddenly, he gradually calmed down and was no longer afraid. As if he had been reborn, his mentality changed again, and he vaguely realized in his heart that this God Li was probably majoring in strength and body, so he had such terrifying abilities. of great strength.

But he also discovered the laws. Although the laws released by Li Cang were not small in power, they were of a lower level. They could not erase the mark of his soul or cut off his laws.

This is what happens when inferior gods face superior gods.

Some unparalleled geniuses are extremely powerful in a certain aspect and can fight beyond the level, but their strength level is not enough. They can defeat the enemy but cannot kill them.

Small book stand

This is the situation in Li Cang now. It is the same as the earth’s human warriors who could not kill the gods.

“He can’t kill me, which means he doesn’t have enough stature and realm. There is a high probability that he is not even the God of the Void.”

Thinking of this, Helianshan was once again a little embarrassed and angry. He was actually suppressed by a world god. If word spread, he would probably be laughed out of his mouth by other void gods.

“Li Shen…you have offended me, do you know? Let me go now. I can forget the past and even make friends with you!”

Helianshan began to speak arrogantly, but in the end he did not say harsh words, because he sadly discovered that even if the God Li was really just the God of the Void, he was still no match.

The opponent cannot kill him, but it is also true that he is not his opponent.


Helianshan’s physical body was crushed again, and the blood and bones exploded into blood mist and turned into particles. However, the power of the laws between those particles could not be erased, and they were quickly reorganized.

He Lianshan screamed and hurriedly shouted: “I was at fault for what happened before. I apologize. We are all fallen in the void. We should not fight and kill. We should sit down and have a drink. What’s more? We are all human beings, and we should not kill each other.”

“At the same time, the void fell into the sky…” Zhao Ying was speechless: “You shouldn’t be fighting and killing, but you still chase me, you deserve it!”

He Lianshan glared at Zhao Ying, but he did not dare to say harsh words at this moment. That Li Shen was not easy to mess with. Even if his level was not as good as his, his strength was astonishing, and he was probably the kind of person rarely seen in billions of years. of supreme genius.

The void is huge. This kind of genius is not uncommon, but it is almost only seen in wealthy families.

Although the human race is also a large race, it is too scattered and has serious internal conflicts. It is not the top race in the void and can only be regarded as average.

Seeing that Li Cang still refused to stop, Helianshan said helplessly: “You can’t kill me. It’s just a waste of energy if you continue like this. We can sit down and talk slowly. I can apologize. This time it’s This is wrong.”

Suddenly Zhao Ying said: “Li Cang, this kind of unkillable guy can be divided into many parts, and then suppress the seals separately. The Void God is not easy to die, so he divided it into eighty-one sections and suppressed them in various parts of the void. , even if he can escape in the end, it will be countless years later, and we will definitely be able to kill him by then.”

Suddenly, Helianshan’s heart became cold and he hurriedly begged for mercy: “No, I… no, I am really willing to apologize. I can return the origin of the world to you, even…”

He gritted his teeth and said: “I can give you half of the origin of my world, show you my laws, and let you watch the structure of my world.”

He has spent a lot of money and really doesn’t want to be sealed.

This time it was bad luck, greed took over, and the boat capsized in the gutter.

The Ancient Tree of Life has some movement. If one can observe the world structure of the Void God, it may be of some help to the future promotion to the Void God.

Li Cang is also interested. Although he can create worlds at will, he has never seen what the world of these void gods looks like.

As soon as this thought came into his mind, the scene of Helian Mountain controlling the power of the world to suppress them suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Suddenly he felt happy. He had never seen other people’s power to control the world, so he wanted to give it a try.

So, he took back his big hand and said: “Open your world passage.”

Helianshan, who had reorganized his body again, was overjoyed and without hesitation, he directly opened the world passage.

A vortex with a diameter of 30,000 kilometers appeared. This was his world passage, connecting his world.

“Fellow Taoist, please.” Helianshan was very polite.

“Could it be a trap?” Zhao Ying asked.

The Ancient Tree of Life also looked worried.

Helianshan’s heart sank and he needed to explain.

“It’s okay.” Li Cang was like a fool and walked into the huge vortex without hesitation.

Zhao Ying also hurriedly followed.

The Ancient Tree of Life hesitated slightly and quickly followed. Although she was also worried that it was a trap, it would be even more dangerous if she stayed outside. Helian Mountain was still there.

Helianshan was shocked when he saw that Li Cang and the others actually entered like this. Originally, all he had to do to view other people’s worlds was release his spiritual consciousness and penetrate them.

But do these three people really have no experience, or are they just brave?

Soon, Li Cang and the others submerged into the huge world passage.

A slightly dizzying feeling came, and the next moment, they came to another world.

The gravity dropped drastically, and the stability of the space was also greatly reduced. It was probably only about the same level as the space inside the original universe.

The structure of the world here turns out to be a star system. There is a star in the distance with a diameter of millions of kilometers, emitting light and heat.

There are nine planets around the star, one of which is a living planet. There are many human races on it, ranging from mortals to main gods, but the strongest is only the main gods.

And this is not just one star system.

Li Cang looked at it and found that there were three star systems in total, with seven or eight living planets. The star systems were in the shape of a triangle and were far apart.

The entire world, including the starry sky, is roughly a hundred billion kilometers in diameter.

“This is already a prototype universe.” Li Cang was a little surprised. He sensed it briefly and discovered that there are powerful laws on the dark side of this traveling universe, which opens up the void. In the deepest part of the dark side, there is the universe. The boundary wall is evolving. Compared with the moment when the complete evolution is successful, it is the time when Helian Mountain is promoted to the True God of the Void, and it is also the time when this world transforms into the universe.

Helianshan heard Li Cang’s words and explained enthusiastically: “It is indeed the prototype of the universe. When the World God transcends and is promoted to the Void God, a single planet turns into a star system. This is a huge transformation. After that. The process of cultivation is to continuously increase the number of star systems to expand the void and expand the prototype universe. It is said that when the prototype universe is large enough and the origin of the world begins to transform, it will be promoted to the true **** of the void. At that time, the prototype universe will be promoted. , will truly transform into a small universe, at least one light-year in diameter.”

Li Cang nodded slightly. It turned out that other people practiced this way, and they were similar to himself.

I also create the world to open up the void and expand the total size of the inner world.

The Ancient Tree of Life takes it very seriously and seriously. This is a great blessing for her, letting her know how to go in the future.

Zhao Ying was a little bored because she found that her way of cultivation was completely different from that of Helian Mountain.

She does not need a planet to evolve. Now she is infinitely close to the world **** level. She has seen the way forward and knows how to take the next path.

Her path is to keep nurturing the only continent until that continent reaches infinity.

Moreover, there is only one continent, the human body is the base, and the space is supported by increasingly powerful laws, so there is no need to worry about collapse.

However, there is a high probability that it will also require transformation.

When she is officially promoted to World God, the gestation space will be completely independent, form a cycle of its own, possess the world’s membrane wall, and possess the world’s origin.

Seeing that Li Cang and the others were flying farther and farther away from the world passage, Helianshan suddenly felt cruel in his heart and directly closed the world passage. At the same time, he mobilized the power of the world to suppress Li Cang fiercely. .

“Boy, don’t you know that it is very dangerous to enter other people’s world randomly?!”

Helianshan sneered. He couldn’t beat this guy in the outside world, but in his own prototype universe, his strength was almost doubled. He was confident that he could suppress this **** who embarrassed himself.


The power of the world turned into a world-destroying millstone that wiped out everything and suppressed it.

The expressions of Zhao Ying and the Ancient Tree of Life suddenly changed.

However, Li Cang smiled, and saw that he suddenly raised his palm to resist the suppressing world millstone. At the same time, his body suddenly surged rapidly, forcefully pushing the suppressed world millstone higher and higher.


Helianshan’s expression changed, he formed seals with his hands, summoned the laws of the prototype universe, turned into the God of Destruction, and bombarded Li Cang. At the same time, he controlled more power of the world and injected it into the world millstone to suppress Li Cang, to crush this bastard. His physical body wants to take revenge for the past.

However, he was soon shocked to find that the world’s millstone could not be pressed at all. Li Cang’s body was like a sacred mountain in the void, forcing the huge millstone hundreds of millions of kilometers to continue to grow.

In the stunned Helian Mountains, Li Cang’s body grew bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye he became hundreds of millions of kilometers tall, standing in the vacuum, overlooking him.

This is not Li Cang’s normal size. If he were to turn into his true form now, this prototype universe would be exploded.

“Actually, I really gave you a chance.”

Li Cang had a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold.

“Don’t… misunderstand…” Helianshan really regretted it this time. Why did he do it?

But Li Cang would not give him another chance. His whole body shook violently, and a pure physical power gathered from the soles of his feet towards the top of his head, turning into a terrifying shock wave, which was sent to the world millstone above his head. superior.


In a loud sound that resounded throughout the entire prototype universe, the millstone of the world collapsed instantly, the entire prototype universe was shaken, and turbulence emerged in space.

The next moment, Li Cang directly clenched his fist and exploded with pure physical strength. With one punch, he punched through the wall of the prototype universe and penetrated the void of the outside world. Even the laws supporting the prototype universe were shattered by him.

“No…” Helianshan screamed, and he was dumbfounded. Seeing that terrifyingly large body punching through his own prototype universe, there was only endless regret left in his heart. Why did he do this? ? ――

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