Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 285: Dramatic changes, chains deep in genes


The land of the emperor.

The Palace of Heavenly Man.

Li Cang is back again.

“Meet the Human Emperor!”

The moment all the gods guarding the palace saw Li Cang, they hurriedly bowed and saluted, and their voices were all enthusiastic.

Li Cang nodded slightly and then went straight to the back garden.

When he came to the back garden, he was about to sit down when he suddenly shouted coldly: “Come out.”

The void opened, and a head slowly emerged, revealing a very beautiful face.

Who is it if it’s not Zhao Ying?

Seeing Li Cang standing expressionless in front of the stone table, Zhao Ying walked out with a guilty conscience.

“What’s the matter with you?” Li Cang asked.

“Um…the name of the child, should you choose it or should I?” Zhao Ying asked.

Li Cang asked expressionlessly: “The specific number?”

Zhao Ying immediately showed a vigilant look: “One.”

Li Cang just looked at him expressionlessly.

Zhao Ying felt guilty immediately, then she leaned over and pulled Li Cang’s sleeve like an ordinary little girl: “How about… I’ll accompany you one more time, and then you can stop worrying about this, okay?”

Li Cang said expressionlessly: “And then let you give birth to another litter?”

Zhao Ying’s face turned red.

She also unexpectedly discovered that each of Li Cang’s descendants was incredibly talented, and it seemed as if she, the Mother Goddess of the Earth, was more valuable than her son, and her personality had undergone some kind of qualitative change.

This qualitative change did not directly improve her strength, but it made her potential almost infinite.

This is simply incredible.

That’s why she came here and asked Li Cang to name the child she chose to release. It was only secondary. The most important thing was that she wanted to conceive more.

Li Cang’s heir seems to be very special.

However, Li Cang seemed to have seen through her plan, leaving her a little confused as to how to proceed.

“Child, give me half.” Li Cang said.

“No!” Zhao Ying immediately let go and refused without hesitation, very firmly.

“I said, child, give me half.” Li Cang spoke again.

Zhao Ying turned around and ran away.


Suddenly time was frozen and cause and effect were blocked.

Time stands still.

Even Zhao Ying was frozen in the void, unable to move and could only move her eyes around.

“You…you want to hit me? The Human Emperor is hitting a woman!” Zhao Ying’s consciousness shook in horror.

The gap is too big, she is no longer a match for Li Cang now.

Li Cang said expressionlessly: “Do you think I will care about this?”

Zhao Ying rolled her eyes quickly and suddenly said: “You… if you dare to hit me, I will project the picture into my gestation space, so that all the children can see you hitting me, and let them know that you are Bad guy! ”

Li Cang: “…”

Li Cang took a deep breath and said: “Ten million.”

“No!” Zhao Ying refused again.

Li Cang said calmly: “My patience has its limits.”

Zhao Ying suddenly felt a chill in her heart and looked at Li Cang in disbelief: “Are you really going to hit me?”

The time around him began to go wrong, the space began to collapse, and a depressing aura emanated from Li Cang.

“Wait… ten thousand… no, one hundred thousand, at most one hundred thousand!”

Zhao Ying shouted and hurriedly waved her hand to release one hundred thousand children.


However, at this moment, the entire earth world and the entire universe

Even the endless void outside the big universe, the dimensions outside the void, suddenly boiled at this moment.


The earth suddenly expanded like a balloon. Except for the area covered by the human race formation, space passages appeared crazily in other areas. Then those space passages disappeared instantly, and densely packed different worlds suddenly merged in on their own initiative.

The size of the earth, from its original diameter of nearly one billion kilometers, expanded to tens of billions of kilometers in an instant. The densely packed alien world was directly swallowed by the earth’s world in an instant, and then merged in perfectly.

In the past, the fusion of worlds was all a matter of luck, but at this moment, those different worlds merged in completely proactively.

In fact, Li Cang suddenly felt that the entire universe was boiling, and endless cause and effect were converging towards the earth.

At this moment, Li Cang suddenly felt extremely irritable. Vaguely, he seemed to feel dense chains emerging from the depths of his flesh and blood, the deepest parts of his cells.

That is

Gene lock!

The moment he saw the dense chains, he seemed to know them from birth, knowing that they were genetic locks that locked potential, past lives, and cause and effect.

At this moment, an extremely upset feeling appeared, which made him suddenly depressed and inexplicably wanted to commit suicide and kill himself.

“Wait, take them back!” Li Cang suddenly shouted.

“Huh? What?” Zhao Ying was also stunned. She also sensed that at this moment, the earth suddenly expanded infinitely.

At the moment when she was stunned, the earth had expanded to a diameter of one hundred billion kilometers, and then one trillion kilometers…

Soon, the diameter of the earth expanded to one light-year, and it was still expanding crazily.

The earth stretches infinitely.

Endless different worlds actively merge in.

The entire universe, endless causes and effects, are converging towards the earth.

Even the endless void and endless cause and effect are converging towards this big universe.

At this moment, the dimension was in turmoil.

Countless ancient gods who had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years were awakened at this moment.

“That one has revived again?!!!”

Countless ancient gods were filled with fear at this moment.

“The child will be raised by you first!” Li Cang scolded.

Zhao Ying was so excited that she hurriedly took all the children back to the gestation space.

The causal blockade of the Human Palace disappeared and time returned to normal.

After those children were taken back, the turbulent cause and effect returned to normal.

Zhao Ying sluggishly released her consciousness, sensing what had just happened.

Originally, after she was promoted to Lord God, her consciousness could cover tens of billions of kilometers.

This is a very terrifying range. It can easily cover the original earth, and even extend to outer space and the sun.

But just now, the size of the earth has reached the light-year level.

Now her consciousness cannot even cover the earth.

Outside the human race formation, a boundless area appeared, and densely packed new races appeared.

A large number of aliens were all dumbfounded and trembling, not knowing what was happening.

Even the Lord God was trembling at this moment.

“Um…what just happened?” Zhao Ying asked blankly, looking at Li Cang.

However, she was surprised to find that Li Cang was in an extremely low mood at this moment, with a depressed look on his face, as if he was suffering from a very severe depression.

That kind of depression affected even her. She had an inexplicable feeling, what’s the point of living like this?

What’s the point of practicing to the extreme?

Even if you become the most powerful god, what’s the point?

Very strange negative emotions appear.

But fortunately, Zhao Ying is simple-minded and instantly knows that she is affected. She never thinks about this herself. She usually just goes with the flow and lives her life happily.

So, she quickly got rid of that negative emotion and looked at Li Cang worriedly: “Are you okay?”

Li Cang took a deep breath and felt that the dense genetic chains in the deepest parts of his body’s cells slowly disappeared and were no longer visible, so he suppressed his depressed mood.

He waved his hand with dull eyes: “You go, those children… will be raised by you first and treat them well.”

“I will definitely treat them well, they are all my children.”

Zhao Ying is still a little worried: “Are you really okay?”

Li Cang weakly waved his hand: “It’s okay.”

“Then…I’m leaving?” Zhao Ying said.

Li Cang was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Seeing that Li Cang really didn’t care about the child, Zhao Ying felt secretly happy and hurriedly tore open the void and ran away.

After Zhao Ying left, Li Cang slowly sat down on the stone bench. He was shocked and uncertain, and suddenly asked: “Who am I?”

He had never thought of such a thing.

He never doubted that he might be the reincarnation of someone else.

But at this moment, he really couldn’t help but think too much.

Because the genetic lock in the deepest part of the body is so terrifying.

Those gene locks seem to have locked up their own potential, locking up a terrifying power to the extreme.

He had a hunch that once he unlocked those genetic locks, he would have unimaginable power.

Real power!

Even compared to him now, he is still unimaginably powerful!


The unknown void.

Two figures are playing cards.

Old-looking playing cards.

At this moment, both figures paused slightly.

“Have you sensed the breath of the creator?” One of the figures suddenly spoke, with a strange expression on his face: “I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but that breath seems to be coming from the playing cards.”

“No way?” The figure opposite was stunned: “Omniscient One, are you sure you didn’t feel wrong?”

“I’m not sure. Although the creator is not strong in combat, when it comes to weirdness, he is the weirdest one.”

The figure known as the Omniscient put down the playing cards and looked at them one by one, but could not see anything.

I couldn’t help but look at the figure opposite: “Conceptor, give me the card in your hand. I really doubt that it is possible that you have revived here.”

The conceptualist hurriedly handed the cards in his hand to the opponent, with a strange expression on his face: “If this is true, you will be in big trouble. You asked me to create these cards.”

“It sounds like I’m afraid?, but the trouble is really troublesome. I wonder if it’s still too late for me to destroy these cards now?” the omniscient person asked.

The conceptualist hurriedly snatched those cards away: “It can’t be destroyed. What’s the point of playing if it’s destroyed?”

“Let’s discuss…”

“No negotiation!”


The land of the emperor.

The Palace of Heavenly Man.

Back garden.

Li Cang closed his eyes and felt inside his body.

However, those previous genetic chains have completely disappeared.

“Those genetic chains…what are they blocking? There seems to be a very terrifying negative emotion inside…If I can purify those negative emotions, can I release the sealed power?”

After experiencing depression and irritability at the beginning, Li Cang suddenly felt longing again.

Longing for unimaginable power.

“Judging from the previous situation, I may really be the reincarnation of a certain super being, but I am already a new me. Even if the power of that super being is revived, my memory and personality should It can still be maintained.”

“As long as you can keep yourself…”

Li Cang couldn’t help but think, if he chooses to be reincarnated as he is now, will the reincarnated self still be himself?

He wasn’t sure.

However, after reincarnation, a new personality and new memories will definitely appear.

Even if the memory of this life is revived in the next life, it may be another person.

Based on this, he felt that even if he was really the reincarnation of a certain super being, it wouldn’t be a big problem.

But we must also prevent the memory of this life from drowning the memory of the new life.

that is

Prevent the memories of past lives sealed by genetic locks from drowning the memories of this life.

“But in this life, I may need to be stronger. Only if I am strong enough can I resist that negative emotion.”

Li Cang is very curious, what kind of existence can possess that kind of unimaginable power?

He longed to solve the mystery.

The prerequisite for solving the mystery is that you are strong enough.

“Then start practicing.”

He immediately sank his consciousness into the inner world.

In the inner world, after the original world turned into a star, the diameter of the planet was only 320,000 kilometers.

The planet with a diameter of 320,000 kilometers is already very huge. There are more than 100 billion various creatures on it, and the human race is only one of them.

“Now I have two ways to continue to become stronger.”

Li Cang pondered: “One is to directly strengthen the main world and make the planet bigger and bigger. However, a bigger and bigger planet also needs a stable enough star core to support it!”

“Another method is to expand the total space of the inner world.”

“These two methods can go hand in hand. First, we should mainly strengthen the main world. As for the total space of the inner world, we can spread the divine path and let others follow this divine path. As long as more and more times appear, The world and the total space will also be expanded.”

Li Cang began to practice in seclusion, using the secret of creation to transform nothingness into the origin of the world, and then used the origin of the world to strengthen the main world.

Compress the star core to provide energy and allow the planet to grow on its own.

This is his method.

Now he has no bottleneck.

As long as there are enough world sources, the main world can continue to grow.

Time passed little by little in Li Cang’s retreat.

After three years of seclusion in Li Cang, Tantai Mingyue was successfully promoted to the Lord God.

Ten years later, Lin Zhongye finally perfected the law and was promoted to Lord God.

Because the ceiling has disappeared, these great powers of the older generation have made breakthroughs one after another.

Soon, twenty years have passed since Li Cang retreated.

This day.

External to the human race formation.

In a mountain range hundreds of millions of kilometers away from human territory, space suddenly distorted.

Immediately afterwards, a space channel tens of thousands of meters in size appeared.

Not long after, crimson light spread from the space channel.

These crimson lights are like some kind of power from heaven and earth, spreading continuously into the distance.

The crimson light was not blocked until it came into contact with the human race formation.

“There is no danger? There seems to be no suppression.”

The voice of a dreamy woman came from across the space passage.

Immediately afterwards, two figures cautiously walked out of the space passage.

If Fan Sisi were here, he would definitely recognize that one of these two figures was none other than the Crimson Goddess King.

The other one is Tian Yuwan.

However, the Crimson Goddess King is now the main god.

And Tian Yuwan is already a high-level divine power, and is only one step away from great divine power.

“Master, there is no enemy to stop us in this other world. Should we invade here directly, or should we wait for our earth world to slowly erode this world?” Tian Yuwan asked –

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