Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 284: Creating the mortal world


“Is that Tantai Mingyue, the Lord of Shuzhou?”

“Tantai is great?”

“Is the man next to her the Human Emperor?”

“It’s the Human Emperor. When the Human Emperor purged the human race of rebellion, it was reflected in our hearts. I still remember it.”

“It’s true that the Human Emperor has come to Zhongzhou.”

“Is the Human Emperor also coming to explore?”

“It’s a **** risk, the Human Emperor has killed many of the Lord Gods. This is just the battlefield of the Lord God, and it’s not qualified for the Human Emperor to come here to explore.”

“Then what do you think the Human Emperor is doing here?”

“You ask me, I’ll ask who to go with.”

Those who can come here to explore are at least demigods with strong eyesight and the ability to transmit sounds with their spiritual consciousness.

So some people communicated secretly from a distance, guessing what the Human Emperor was doing here.

Because many people are too low-level, they don’t know that Li Cang has disappeared for more than a year.

Only the great divine power level, or the gods of the Land of Human Emperors, know about this matter.

At this moment, the vice president of Zhongzhou Shentu University was confused: “One of the two women around the Emperor should be the queen, and the other is a bit like the maid of the Emperor in the original intelligence, but how do you feel about those two The woman’s aura is stronger than that of Fairy Tantai?”

As if sensing the gaze here, Yang Youyou glanced this way.

Just this glance made the vice-principal’s scalp numb and suffocating, just like when he faced the Martial God who had been promoted to the Lord God.

But fortunately, Yang Youyou just sensed the gaze and glanced this way. Since she didn’t sense any hostility, she didn’t do anything and just looked away.

The vice president of Zhongzhou Shentu University was shocked and did not dare to look at him openly.

“The maids of the Human Emperor…are already the main gods? How is this possible!”

He felt unbelievable. Are all the people around the Emperor a genius?

Are there so many talented people like that?

There is also the Queen, whose aura seems to be no weaker than that of the Wind Lord, and she is probably also the Lord God.


It simply makes an old man like him, who is seven or eight hundred years old, look disgraceful. Not long ago, he was still complacent about entering the great divine power.

As a result, the other party was directly the main god.

At the same time, the four of Li Cang arrived above a sea area.

“Cang, what are we doing here? This must be the former Zhongzhou.” Fan Sisi asked.

“Yes.” Li Cang nodded: “This is the hometown of the God of War. Anyway, it won’t be long. Stop by and repair it.”

As he spoke, he waved.


I saw the sea water below rolling, and the continental shelf that sank to the bottom of the sea began to rise and then docked.

Even those islands that quickly rose up and were destroyed created fog, transforming reality into reality. When the fog disappeared, new land appeared.

In the blink of an eye, a land with a radius of thousands of miles appeared, with the highest altitude reaching more than 3,000 meters.

“The Emperor wants to rebuild Zhongzhou?”

Many people were refreshed and secretly looking forward to it.

Just now, Li Cang easily rebuilt a land with a radius of thousands of miles. Although it was miraculous, it was not particularly shocking now that the gods are everywhere.

Many people want to know how Li Cang completely rebuilt a continent that was 700,000 kilometers long and wide.

With such a huge scope, it would probably take several years or even longer to reshape it with a great divine power, and it would also have to be the God of the Earth.

However, seeing that Li Cang only reshaped the continent with a radius of thousands of miles and then stopped, many people were secretly disappointed. Wasn’t it necessary to rebuild the entire Zhongzhou?

Tantai Mingyue and others were also confused.

At this time, Li Cang looked at Fan Sisi and said: “Sisi, I have taught you the transformation of virtuality and reality before, but that only transformed the power of nothingness into energy. Next, I will teach you some methods of transforming all things.”

“A means to transform all things?” Fan Sisi’s beautiful eyes lit up.

Yang Youyou and Tantai Mingyue also hurriedly pricked up their ears.

Especially Tantai Mingyue, she can’t even change reality now.

“The transformation of reality into reality, to some extent, is already considered a creation, but this can only be regarded as a moderate creation.”

Li Cang explained: “The most elementary creation, that is, the lowest level of creation, is to directly use energy to transform objects, or to transform objects into laws. And medium creation is to transform the power of nothingness into matter or living things. As for advanced creation, Creation is to turn nothing into reality, such as creating intelligent life. ”

“Create intelligent life?!”

At this moment, both Fan Sisi and Yang Youyou, Tantai Mingyue, and even the gods eavesdropping in the distance were all shocked.

Li Cang didn’t bother to care about the eavesdropping gods. Anyway, others couldn’t learn from him.

This kind of ability is impossible for non-professionals to learn.

“Yes, create intelligent life.”

Li Cang didn’t say anything about the ultimate secret of creation, advanced creation. If Fan Sisi could learn it, he would benefit from it throughout his life.

“Watch it.”

Li Cang looked down and said directly: “I said, this area is shrouded in fog.”

Silently, the newly reshaped land below, and even the distant ocean, the boundless sea, all appeared in fog.

Everyone looked puzzled. Although this scene was magical, it didn’t seem too difficult, right?

Many gods can do this by creating a fog that can block the prying eyes of the gods.

At this time, Li Cang spoke again and pointed downward: “At this location, there is a statue of the God of War. The statue is a hundred meters high, lifelike, and exudes the majesty of a god. It is protected by the original power of the God of War. ”

After the words fell, silently, the fog below dispersed, and a lifelike stone statue a hundred meters high appeared.

The statue is a majestic and mighty man. The man looks into the distance, which inexplicably gives people a sense of desolation and overlooking the vicissitudes of life.

“It’s the principal…”

“The principal’s statue!”

In the distance, the teachers and students of Zhongzhou Shentu University all looked surprised.

What surprised them the most was that the statue of the Martial God turned out to be lifelike, like a living Martial God. Even its breath was very similar.

Moreover, it actually gives people a faint sense of coercion.

At this time, Li Cang spoke again: “Next to the statue, there is a stone tablet with a message: General of the country. And below the big characters, the life story of the God of War is inscribed.”

The fog next to the statue dispersed again, and a ten-meter-high stone tablet was also exposed. On top, the four characters “General of the Country” were indeed engraved.

Li Cang continued: “There are endless tourists near the statue. They are all tourists who come to pay homage to the true appearance of the God of War. They are also residents from nearby. People look up step by step, like a pilgrimage, to pay homage to this man who led the way for the human race. The divine general who rushed into the void trap with three alien gods.”

The surrounding fog dispersed again, and visitors could be seen coming and going below the statue, either making pilgrimages or taking photos.

Farther away, landscape trees swayed in the wind, with fallen leaves flying.

Farther away, retro-style buildings and scenic spots were exposed one after another.

Among them, tourists are everywhere, children are running among them, and adults are happily taking photos in the background.

In the sky, everyone who saw this scene subconsciously widened their eyes.


“All living people…”

“Moreover, he is still a mortal, wise…”

Everyone was shocked. Where did those people come from?

Li Cang continued: “This area, called Martial God Mountain, is a scenic spot specially built by people to commemorate the Martial God. Because it is protected by the Martial God, the weather here is good all year round, and people live and work in peace and contentment. They all regard the Martial God as their faith. ”

The fog continued to disperse, revealing a mountain that was a thousand meters high and hundreds of kilometers long and wide.

Martial God Mountain, the entire mountain is a scenic spot. There are many tourists in this area, but the strange thing is that they are all mortals and there is not a single spiritual person.

Only one or two warriors occasionally.

“Outside Wushen Mountain, mountains stretch, and between the mountains, there are cities of all sizes one after another. There is an endless continent with mountains and rivers. Beyond the mountains and rivers, there is an endless ocean. On this continent called Wushen Continent. Because they are surrounded by the ocean, they have never left the Martial God Continent, so they don’t know what is outside…”

After Li Cang finished speaking, the boundless fog dispersed, revealing the vast land.

Modern towns and cities appear one after another across the land.

In those modern cities, there is dense traffic and people coming and going.

In addition, among the mountains and rivers, large rivers pass through.

The gods and demigods who were lifted above the clouds at some unknown time opened their eyes wide, and subconsciously relaxed their breathing. They were worried that they would accidentally blow away the scene below, and they all doubted the scene below. Not real, but an illusion.

When the boundless fog completely dissipated, people discovered that the islands not long ago had disappeared.

The ocean has completely disappeared.

As far as the eye can see, there is an endless land filled with mortal cities.

At this time Li Cang looked at Fan Sisi: “Do you understand?”

Fan Sisi looked at the tourists taking pictures directly below the statue of the God of War, and said blankly: “Are those people below real people?”

“It’s a real person.”

Li Cang smiled and disappeared with a few people. The next moment, he was near the statue of the God of War.

“Ran Tao, help me take pictures…”

A girl ran under the statue of the God of War and made a gesture.

A boy in front of her immediately took a photo with his mobile phone.

Fan Sisi and the other girls looked curiously. Just when they thought the boy could really take pictures, they saw the boy quickly open a chat software and quickly browse the chat history inside.

The chat records inside are the content of the chat between the girl and another boy. There are all kinds of ambiguities in the chat, and some of them are even very explicit.

Fan Sisi and the other girls immediately looked at each other.

At this time, a girl came to Li Cang and others and said in surprise: “Are you actors in osplay costumes? Can I take pictures?”

“Ah? Why did you kill Pu Lei?” Yang Youyou was confused.

Li Cang smiled, and with a thought, he released Chunyi Y, Chun Mian and Li Siqi.

He even released Su Mixin and said: “This is the world of mortals. Because it was created at will, there may be some loopholes here, but it’s not a big problem. You can play here, when I’ve had enough fun, when will I return to the land of the Emperor?”

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether they return or not. Fan Sisi and Yang Youyou are already the main gods. It’s just a thought to return to the land of the Human Emperor.

Within the entire human territory, the two women can travel to all areas in one day.

“Dad…” When Li Siqi saw Li Cang, she rushed over happily.

Li Cang hugged his daughter and said with a smile: “Observe more, it may be useful, of course, it may not be useful. These people are very normal and ordinary mortals. This land is protected by the statue of the God of War. If you kill a mortal here for no reason, you will be punished. I have something else to do, so I will go back first.”

With that said, he handed his daughter to Fan Sisi.

“Well, let’s go back when we’ve had enough fun.” Fan Sisi said softly. She was very curious about the area created by Li Cang.

Li Cang nodded, then looked at Tantai Mingyue: “What you said is useless now. Let’s go back and break through first.”

“Yes.” Tantai Mingyue nodded. She naturally understood this. She was not a creative person.

Li Cang disappeared out of thin air.

Until now, those gods in the sky dared to come down. They had long wanted to come down and see this mortal continent created by Li Cang.

It’s just because Li Cang’s Human Emperor is so powerful that even with great power, he only dares to look at him from afar, but doesn’t dare to get close to say hello.

Because they all heard Li Cang’s words before, these gods and demigods did not dare to act recklessly here. They all pretended to be mortals, wanting to see if those people were really real people.

“Friend, what is your name?” A **** found a man and asked.

The man thought he was a stranger striking up a conversation, but this was a scenic spot and there should be no pyramid schemes, so he replied: “My name is Wang Fang, are you okay?”

“Oh, you look familiar to me. Maybe you are a fellow villager. Where are you from?” God asked.

“I’m from Hezhou, have you seen me before?” The man was surprised.

The **** asked many other questions, and was surprised to find that this man had past memories, relevant academic qualifications, etc.

Even a scar on the other party’s body has corresponding memory evidence, as if it really happened.

This shocked the gods. They clearly saw with their own eyes that this continent was created out of thin air.

But everyone on this continent seems to have not only independent thinking, but also corresponding knowledge and related past memories.

In fact, this continent actually has its own historical records, just like an imaginary historical time and space, because the people here have no idea about the so-called divine way, nor do they know that gods can be cultivated.

This is simply unbelievable. All the gods suspect that everything in front of them is an illusion.

Some gods even secretly injured a person and found that the person would also feel pain and bleed. The blood was very real.

Of course, the price is that this **** has been unlucky for a while, and will fall down for no reason when walking.

If you harm the mortals here for no reason, you will be punished by cause and effect.

This continent created by Li Cang only contains mortals. Although he himself can ignore the lives of these mortals, others cannot do the same. After all, they are his creations.

It is conceivable that in the near future, this place will definitely become a real tourist attraction for the human race, and the tourists who come here will definitely be gods and demigods.

But Li Cang doesn’t care about all this.

Because he needs to continue to consolidate his inner world.

After becoming a star, he stopped practicing seriously. Now that the troublesome things are done, he has to study his next path.

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