Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 283: The universe is deserted, Zhongzhou today


“Okay, by the way, Cang, where is this place?” Fan Sisi asked curiously.

Although there is a continent here, the atmosphere of the continent is not an atmosphere at all. The sky above is nothingness, no sky, no stars.

Even now, their consciousness can only cover a thousand miles in radius and is greatly suppressed.

Yang Youyou is also curious. This is her first time in such a place.

If Li Cang hadn’t passed on to them the ability to transform reality into reality, it would have been difficult for them to even survive here.

“This is the endless void outside the big universe.”

Li Cang explained: “This time I went out to look for the Martial God, but I didn’t find him. I will go back first and settle the human race before I come out to have a look.”

“Does this mean we will come out again in the future?” Fan Sisi asked.

“Definitely, the interior of the universe is still too small after all. As we become stronger and stronger, our combat destructive power will become greater and greater. The interior of the universe can no longer withstand our tossing.”

Li Cang didn’t let the two women fly by themselves, otherwise he wouldn’t know how long it would take, so he took the two women back directly.

“Cang, do you want Qiqi to come out too?” Fan Sisi asked, a little worried that her daughter would be bored alone.

“She can’t stand the assimilation of the void now, but there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Moreover, she won’t be bored if she has pure cotton to play with.” Li Cang said.

Fan Sisi didn’t say much anymore. Her daughter is now five years old and very naughty. Because as the daughter of the God of Creation, in Li Cang’s inner world, she is favored by heaven and can go to heaven and earth as she pleases. It is impossible for her to do so. Danger.

So she is not worried.

For a long time, under the leadership of Li Cang, the three of them passed through an area of ​​thousands of light years and arrived at the place where Tantai Mingyue is.

At this time, Tantai Mingyue had also woken up, but it was just an awakening. She was not a native creature in the void and needed to adapt to the void environment here.

If Li Cang didn’t interfere, she would be able to swim here as she pleased in about ten years.

Of course, great divine power cannot yet transform the power of nothingness, and can only rely on its own divine power to support it. To a certain extent, divine power actually appears out of thin air, and is not transformed by absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, so this energy is not It will be exhausted.

As long as you don’t encounter a battle, you don’t have to worry about anything. If you encounter a battle, it won’t work, because the magical power of ordinary people does not recover as quickly as Li Cang.

Tantai Mingyue knew Fan Sisi and Yang Youyou.

At this moment, the two simple girls could appear in the void without Li Cang’s protection, and they were very shocked.

What shocked her the most was that the number of gods in the two women was less than 10 million, but the body surface of the two women clearly fluctuated with complete laws.

Yes, the complete rule.

This fluctuation that was supposed to only appear on the Lord God now appeared on two people who were supposed to have low-level divine powers.

This is incredible.

However, Tantai Mingyue is not completely ignorant of the reason. These two women must have followed Li Cang’s magical path.

That divine path can almost be regarded as a brand new divine path system. It is to establish the divine personality first and then to cultivate the divinity. It is completely different from the conventional divine path.

With a flash of light, a piece of clothing made of divine power appeared on Tantai Mingyue, and then she said: “Human Emperor, have you found the God of War?”

“The God of War encountered a void trap and was transported to other areas. It may be hundreds of billions of light years away and there is no way to find it for the time being.”

Li Cang said: “But there’s no need to worry. I’ve already determined that he had the upper hand before he fell into the void trap. As long as he doesn’t suffer a big loss in the void trap, it’s not a big problem to survive. Now the human race is still inseparable. Kaibenhuang, this matter can only be discussed later.”

“That’s fine, as long as the God of War can survive.” Tantai Mingyue nodded. Although Li Cang is the leader of the human race now, for many older generations, especially those like Tantai Mingyue who survived thousands of years ago The gods all hope that the God of War is still there.

At least, the God of War shares a common language with them.

As for Li Cang

To be honest, the gap is too big now, and I don’t have the confidence to talk to each other on an equal footing, even though Li Cang never puts on airs.

“Go back. After you go back, you will merge with the Kingdom of God and you will almost advance.”

Li Cang said: “To advance to the main god, you need to incorporate the law into the body. This kind of control of this law does not require the remote borrowing of the godhead.”

Tantai Mingyue’s heart moved: “Thank you, Emperor, for your guidance.”

Li Cang shook his head: “When you start to break through, you will also know what to do. But I have a guess, which is probably correct. That is, for the Lord God to break through the God of Order, he needs to understand a law to the limit. , and then one will give birth to ten thousand ways, with your original laws as the main one and the secondary laws as the supplement, forming your own law realm, not the spiritual level of the realm of gods.”

One thing gives rise to ten thousand ways?

Tantai Mingyue nodded and thanked her again.

Now Li Cang is no longer a junior, but the strongest. Every word of the other party is worth pondering.

“Of course, this is someone else’s cultivation method. I have a method here. I wonder if you want to try it.” Li Cang said suddenly.

“Human Emperor, please speak.” Tantai Mingyue’s heart moved. Since Li Cang can say such words, he should be certain.

Li Cang said: “Beyond the Lord God is the God of Order, and above the God of Order there is the World God. Do you know this?”

“World God?” Tantai Mingyue shook his head: “I have never heard of it.”

She was quite shocked. Is there a higher-level existence above the God of Order?

Li Cang said: “After the Lord God understands one law to the limit, he will give birth to ten thousand ways, and he will become the God of Order. When all the laws of the God of Order form a closed loop, the World Membrane Wall should be derived, and he will truly be promoted to the World God. . The Kingdom of God appeared at the beginning of the human race’s divine path. In fact, to a certain extent, it is already a super-weakened version of the World God. However, I think the world of the World God should be within the body, and the Kingdom of God should be within the body. , but outside the body.”

Tantai Mingyue listened carefully.

Li Cang continued: “My method is to directly incorporate the Kingdom of God into my body and carry it with me. In this way, even the weak divine power can theoretically continue to survive outside the big universe. Although the Kingdom of God is not the world, But it’s already the prototype of the world.”

Tantai Mingyue was shocked: “The Kingdom of God is contained within the body? This…should be impossible, the Kingdom of God is so huge…”

“I am just guessing at the moment. Let’s do this. After I go back, I will study it carefully. If I can study it thoroughly, I will spread it and it will benefit the human race.” Li Cang said.

“Thank you, Human Emperor, for thinking about the human race.” Tantai Mingyue looked forward to it.

If the method Li Cang said is really feasible, it would be equivalent to directly modifying the human race’s divine path system. This is a huge event for the human race and can benefit the human race for generations to come.

While speaking, under the leadership of Li Cang, the four of them crossed the void area of ​​several light years and arrived outside the boundary wall of the universe.

“Is this the boundary wall of the original universe? It’s so big!” Fan Sisi exclaimed.

“It is indeed so big that it cannot be sensed by the spiritual sense at all, and the edges cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is like a dark sky spanning here, with no edges up, down, left, and right.”

Yang Youyou also exclaimed: “Young Master, is this primitive universe really round as imagined? If it is really round, how big is it?”

“I don’t know if it’s round or just a flat surface. I won’t know until I have a chance to see the whole thing.” Li Cang shook his head.

Tantai Mingyue looked confused, because she could only see a hundred miles area, which was only the range that she could only see after she had barely adapted to the void.

Before the change, her eyes were completely dark and she could not see anything.

She was extremely surprised. The two little maids of the Human Emperor were already so strong. This was really annoying.

However, Fan Sisi is already a queen. Although she is still a maid, her identity is different after all.

It is not unacceptable that the Queen of the Human Emperor is stronger than him.

And Yang Youyou is the queen’s personal maid, and she is so strong, it seems… she can barely accept it.

“Here are two pieces of real matter.” Suddenly Li Cang said.

‘Bang! ’

Suddenly, the wall of the universe in front of him collapsed, and two pieces of real matter measuring 10,000 meters fell.

Li Cang directly took these two pieces of real matter into his inner world, and then integrated them into the outer wall of Fan Sisi and Yang Youyou’s world, which can be regarded as helping them shape the mezzanine space and the front and back worlds in advance.

Fan Sisi and Yang Youyou saw that Real Matter was so obedient and wanted to give it a try.

As a result, there was no response to their shouting.

Li Cang shook his head and laughed: “There may be some causal connection between this universe wall and me, so naturally I won’t respond to your words. Okay, let’s go in.”

The four passed through the unknown thick wall of the universe and finally returned to the land of no rules.

The reason why Li Cang wanted to release Fan Sisi and the two girls was to show them the outside world and let them know how big the world is.

Only when your horizons are broadened, your future achievements will be higher, and you won’t sit back and look at the sky.

“Is this the land of no rules? It turns out that there is such a continent in the deepest part of the void, and the rules of the universe cannot affect it.”

Fan Sisi was a little surprised: “It stands to reason that this is still inside the universe. Why can’t the rules of the universe affect this place? Cang, do you know the reason?”

“It’s not that the rules of the universe cannot affect this place, but this continent itself is the manifestation of the rules of the universe. This is the gateway to the universe. If my guess is correct, alien creatures should be greatly affected here. ”

Li Cang thought for a while and said: “If…well, I mean if, if this universe were mine, as the master of this universe, I would also set up such an extremely strong continent near the entrance and exit of the universe. ”

Yang Youyou: “Moat?”

Fan Sisi: “City wall?”

“That’s right, it’s almost the same meaning, but it’s still a little less meaningful.” Li Cang said.

At this time, Tantai Mingyue’s heart moved and she said: “Cosmic battlefield?”

Li Cang glanced at Tantai Mingyue in surprise and said with admiration: “Yes, this metaphor is the most appropriate. If there is an invader, it is most appropriate to set up the battlefield here, because even if the battle here is torn apart, It will not affect the structure of the universe itself. I remember… I read a book a long time ago. The universe has an edge. The edge of the universe mentioned in the book should be this kind of place.”

“The edge of the universe…”

The three women were all thoughtful.

Fan Sisi carefully observed the light-year-long continent in front of her and said in surprise: “When Cang said this, I found that this place seemed to have the shadow of a battlefield. Perhaps endless years ago, this place was really a battlefield in the universe. ”

Tantai Mingyue and Yang Youyou also discovered that although there are plants and some creatures here, if they sense carefully, it really looks like a battlefield, with all kinds of killing intent and rules remaining, but they are very weak. It is almost impossible to sense the great divine power.

Li Cang and the others are leaving the Land of No Rules and preparing to return to the positive space of the universe.

Suddenly, Li Cang saw a mechanical life flying from a distance, reaching a speed of at least three times the speed of light.

The mechanical life flashed past hundreds of millions of kilometers away. Apart from Li Cang, only Yang Youyou and Fan Sisi noticed it, but they could not see the figure clearly.

As for Tantai Mingyue, she didn’t sense it at all because the distance was too far and the opponent’s speed was too fast.

“Cang, what is that? It feels very weak, but why can it be so fast?” Fan Sisi was surprised.

“That’s a human omnic.”

Li Cang counted with his fingers and said: “It will take more than a hundred years before this kind of life will appear on our planet. They themselves are also human beings, but because they have come out of different cultivation systems, if That’s what it looks like.”



This used to be a continent, but it was sunk and there were only the occasional small islands.

That is the area where the plates stand up and emerge from the ground.

It has been more than a year since Li Cang left the universe. This year, the human race has been safe and sound.

Even though everyone knew that the Human Emperor was no longer in the land of the Human Emperor, and might even have left the earth, the aliens did not dare to show up, they were really scared.

At least in the short term, there is no absolute certainty, and no clan dares to take risks.

At this moment, here in Zhongzhou, many spiritual seekers come to explore and look for opportunities.

Because this was once the battlefield of the Lord God, even after so long, there is still some power of the Lord God remaining, so those who dare to come here are at least at the demigod level.

That is to say, no gods have fallen and no Jedi has been formed here, otherwise the gods may not dare to set foot here.

The God of War was obviously prepared to let the people in Zhongzhou evacuate in advance, otherwise no one knows how many people would die in that battle.

“Teacher, do we really want to come back here to rebuild our home? This is too dilapidated. There are only some islands left and they are all scattered. How can we build this? Even the God of the Earth cannot Reshaping a continent of more than 700,000 kilometers in a short period of time?”

At this moment, a group of thousands of people arrived above a small island.

The weakest of these people are all demigods, and the strongest even has a great god, who was the vice president of Zhongzhou Shentu University.

“If it doesn’t work in a short time, then it will take a long time. Sooner or later we can rebuild our home.” The vice-principal said calmly: “This is the home we rely on for survival and our foundation. Others can give up, but we ourselves cannot Give up.”

“But…” the demigod who spoke before still wanted to say.

However, the vice-principal stopped him: “There are more than 1.5 billion of us. With my help, we can gain a foothold in other continents, but after all, they are not as friendly as our own homeland. Countless people were born and grew up here, and the oldest Even thousands of years old, but in the end they have to leave their homes. It would be fine if it were still the chaotic era before, but now, in the prosperous age of the human race, we no longer need to face wars, and we have enough time to rebuild our homes.”

After a pause, he added: “In particular, we want to erect a monument for the principal. The principal sacrificed himself for the entire human race. Others can forget him, but we must not. If even we forget him…”

He said no more, but the people behind him fell silent.

The president of Zhongzhou Shentu University, Wu Shen.

Back then, for the sake of the entire human race, I dragged three alien gods away and never came back.

Many people feel that he probably died.

This is a huge loss for the entire human race, and a loss that Zhongzhou Shentu University cannot bear.

Without the Martial God in charge, Zhongzhou Shentu University has actually ceased to exist in name only. Even the vice-principal has been promoted to great power.

But now the great divine power is no longer the top combat power.

The vice-principal was about to let the God of the Earth behind him build the land, when he suddenly saw the void cracking in the distance and four figures walking out of it.


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