Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 282: Two more main gods have combat power


The moment he arrived in the truly endless void outside, an astonishing force of nothingness rushed towards him.

Even Li Cang felt that his own strength was infinitely compressed, and the range of his divine consciousness was directly suppressed to a radius of thousands of miles.

However, at this moment, Li Cang suddenly understood the true meaning of virtual reality transformation.

In an instant, that kind of oppression no longer existed.

The so-called power of void assimilation, in his opinion, is like some kind of power that can be utilized.

I can absorb and utilize it without any limit.

Of course this makes no sense, because now he already has unlimited energy.

He does not need this endless void to provide him with energy conversion.

Because, his imaginary world is an infinite void space, which can continuously provide him with embodied energy.

“Transformation from reality to reality, that’s what it is.” He murmured.

Perhaps, this is the ultimate meaning of the real God of Creation: creation out of thin air, out of nothing.

Tantai Mingyue, who was protected by divine power next to her, could only feel that Li Cang’s aura had strengthened.

But because she could no longer sense Li Cang’s divinity, she had no idea that Li Cang’s strength had increased significantly at this moment.

If you encounter the God of Order of the Protoss again.

Li Cang is confident that he can defeat the opponent within ten moves without the need for such a fierce battle.

There is nothingness outside, which is reflected in the perception, which is pitch black, and there is nothing in the true sense.

Here, there is no time, no space, no law and power, and no matter.

Existences whose level is too low will disappear instantly when they come here.

Nothingness is eternity here.

However, this kind of nothingness is also relative. When the strength reaches a certain level, you can open up the nothingness and cross here.

At this moment, Li Cang’s sight was not blocked at all, and he could easily see several light years away.

Within this range, there is no material existence, it is nothingness.

He looked back.

I saw a boundless black curtain lying behind.

The black curtain is infinitely large, the color is almost the same as the endless void ahead, and it blocks spiritual consciousness.

If you don’t pay attention to distinguish it, you can’t tell that there is such a huge sky here.

This sky canopy, if nothing else, is the outer wall of the original universe.

Li Cang can sense that the outer wall of the original universe is absorbing the power of nothingness at all times to maintain the operation of the universe.

He took Tantai Mingyue away from the sky, trying to observe the entire primitive universe by zooming out.

However, he retreated again and again, until he retreated several light years away. The curtain still looked so huge, stretching across the front, completely occupying the entire field of vision, boundless and endless.

“This is too big.” He exclaimed.

It is indeed the original universe.

“What’s too big?” Tantai Mingyue asked.

She couldn’t see anything, and her consciousness couldn’t be released here at all. All she could see with her naked eyes was pitch black, and she couldn’t see her fingers in the true sense.

“Original universe.”

Li Cang explained, and then said: “Coming to a place like this in advance is also a kind of training for you. Next, I will let you go, and you will protect your body with divine power and accept the baptism of the power of nothingness. , as long as you endure it, your physical body will become very powerful. Only divine power can protect your body here.”


Tantai Mingyue knew that it would be dangerous to accept the baptism of the power of nothingness, but she believed that Li Cang would not harm her.

Seeing that Tantai Mingyue was ready, Li Cang immediately let go of the divine power barrier outside the opponent’s body.

Suddenly, the invisible power of nothingness spread over.

In an instant, Tantai Mingyue found that all his five senses had disappeared, and his eyes no longer had the feeling of seeing darkness and light, as if they had completely disappeared.

Hearing, smell, touch, etc., all disappeared.

Even the perception of the body disappeared, as if only consciousness was left and the body was lost.

This feeling is very scary. If an ordinary person is in this state, he will go crazy and have mental problems in a short period of time.

In Li Cang’s sight, he saw that Tantai Mingyue’s clothes were assimilated into nothingness and disappeared completely, leaving only his body.

But even the body is quickly becoming transparent and being eroded by the power of nothingness.

However, Tantai Mingyue’s divine power took effect at this time, preventing her body from becoming completely transparent and disappearing, and from being instantly assimilated into nothingness.

Seeing that Tantai Mingyue was holding on, Li Cang waved his hand and set up a huge Tai Chi Yin and Yang Diagram restriction.

As long as the God of Order does not come personally, there is no way to break this restriction.

After doing this, he stopped staying and turned around to follow the direction guided by the World Roulette.

There are no living creatures within several light years of this area, and it will not affect Tantai Mingyue.

Li Cang took steps in the void, one step covering tens of millions of kilometers, far exceeding the speed of light.

Here, there is no concept of time, and you can only count the time by yourself.

About an hour later, he came to an area.

There are residual fluctuations here. Obviously, there was a battle here not long ago, but the fluctuations are already very weak, almost completely assimilated by the void.

In this void environment, even the Lord God cannot burst out with too much destructive power and will not penetrate the void.

At least the Lord God cannot reach that level.

Li Cang just stopped here for a while and then continued walking forward.

He is getting faster and faster, traveling through the void.

This void is really huge beyond imagination.

Li Cang traveled hundreds of light years, but he was stunned to see nothing, a true nothingness.

After traveling for about thousands of light years, he finally saw a void land.

The void land is only more than 10,000 kilometers long and wide, just floating in the void.

“Can it resist the erosion of the void?”

Li Cang was a little surprised and flew over there.

Soon, he approached the void continent and saw some plankton wandering outside the continent.

Those plankton are hundreds of meters in size, and they also have a weak aura of law. In terms of strength, they are only equivalent to the weak divine power within the universe.

But the weak divine power here is the real plankton without any intelligence.

Li Cang approached the past, carefully sensing and analyzing.

He discovered that those plankton were like some kind of single-celled organisms in the void. They were really very simple and didn’t even have biological instincts.

But because this kind of plankton is born from the void, its body is extremely strong. If it were placed inside the universe, it would take a lot of effort for the great divine power to kill it.

Li Cang caught a plankton for dissection and study, and was surprised to find that this creature was also made of flesh and blood.

It’s just that this kind of flesh and blood was born in the void and contains a small amount of void power, so it is not corroded by the void.

“It’s a bit magical. This kind of structure can absorb the power of nothingness and transform it into the nutrients it needs. Unfortunately, this kind of creature can hardly give birth to spiritual intelligence.”

Li Cang didn’t waste too much time here. He took one step and entered the Void Continent.

This void continent also has an atmosphere thousands of meters thick. Inside the atmosphere, there are stronger void creatures.

The weakest of these void creatures have low-level divine power and a little intelligence.

There are also creatures that have mastered a complete ice system law, but they only have simple intelligence.

After Li Cang got close to a thousand-mile range, what looked like an octopus directly attacked him. Three thick tentacles stretched out from three directions, blocking all his escape routes.

“I don’t know whether to live or die!”

Li Cang snorted coldly, and the three tentacles broke into many sections.

Suddenly, the octopus seemed to be frightened and retracted its tentacles as fast as lightning.

Li Cang flashed and appeared directly above the octopus monster, wanting to communicate.

But the octopus monster only has fear and desperately wants to escape.

However, an invisible force immobilized it, making it unable to move at all.

“A creature that has understood a complete law is only simple and intelligent, and cannot even communicate.”

Li Cang was surprised. He could only say that it was indeed a void, and only this kind of environment could give birth to such a creature.

Since we can’t communicate, we will search for souls by force.

Through soul searching, Li Cang saw the figure of the God of War from the simple memory of the octopus monster.

However, the scene in the octopus monster’s memory surprised him a little.

Because in that simple picture, it looked like the God of War was chasing an alien main god. The alien main **** fled into the void continent, entered the center of the continent, and finally disappeared.

The God of War chased him in, but eventually disappeared.

“Central area?”

Li Cang casually crushed the octopus monster near the original universe to death, and then rushed towards the center of the Void Continent.

Soon, he came to the central area and saw a collapsed continental space.

According to his deduction, there should have been something similar to a wormhole here, which should be the void trap in the memory of the main **** of the winged people.

The void is very dangerous, not only the power of nothingness that assimilates everything, but also various natural disasters.

This void trap is one of them.

According to the memory of the Lord God of the Winged People, the void trap will randomly transport everything that accidentally falls into it to an unknown area.

This kind of transmission is completely random. It may be within a few light-years, but it may also be hundreds of billions of light-years away.

During the teleportation process, there may also be dangers, such as being crushed by the void, or being directly teleported to the Jedi, etc.

“This is too unlucky.”

Li Cang was speechless. He even chased him outside the universe, but finally lost him.

Although he can continue to chase him, with his own ability, he will definitely catch him in the end.

But who knows where the Martial God was transported by the void trap?

What if it is really hundreds of billions of light years away?

Today’s human race can’t live without themselves, and they can’t disappear for a long time.

“However, the God of War should have the upper hand later. If we don’t suffer in the void trap, we won’t have a big problem surviving.”

Li Cang thought for a while and decided to go back first.

Wait until we really deal with the human race, then explore the void outside.

“By the way, you’re here, let Sisi and Youyou improve as well.”

Thinking like this, he released Fan Sisi and Yang Youyou with a thought.

The two women, who were just demigods, fell into a deep sleep the moment they appeared in the void. The void was rapidly assimilating everything about them…

However, with divine protection, they can prevent them from completely disappearing in a short period of time, but they cannot sustain it for too long.

With a thought, Li Cang instilled the origin of the world into the bodies of the two women. At the same time, he actively mobilized the power of the void to merge with the origin of the world and baptize their bodies.

Baptized by the origin of the world and the power of the void, the two women’s bodies are rapidly becoming stronger, and even their consciousness is also rapidly becoming stronger.

At a certain moment, Li Cang’s consciousness penetrated the depths of the two women’s consciousness, directly awakening their consciousness.


At this moment, the low-dimensional world of the two women, which had reached its limit, instantly began to increase in dimension. Their divinity finally broke through the limit and reached one hundred thousand.

Even, with Li Cang’s help, their divinity is still rapidly increasing.

In Li Cang’s inner world.

On the edge of the main world that has turned into a sphere, the two sub-worlds are rapidly expanding, slowly expanding from the original diameter of one thousand kilometers to ten thousand kilometers in diameter.

Although the two women realized the world’s last dimension-raising process throughout the whole process, they were still victorious throughout the process. They were hardly affected by the power of the law. Li Cang had already baptized them in advance with the origin of the world and the power of nothingness. Consciousness allows them to easily resist the impact of that law.

Finally, after the world’s dimensionality ended, the two women woke up in the void and were able to stay awake here.

“Young Master…”


After seeing Li Cang, the two girls looked happy.

Fan Sisi said: “Cang, at least I now have the combat power of a great god, and I can help you in the future.”

“Me too, I can also help the young master.” Yang Youyou also said happily.

The two women have no idea that the current great power is nothing to Li Cang.

Li Cang still smiled and nodded: “Okay. But your improvement is not over yet. Next, follow the method I told you to turn the world into a star. Use the method I taught you to absorb the power of nothingness and transform it into the origin of the world… …”

As he spoke, he taught the two women how to absorb the power of nothingness and transform the origin of the world.

The two women immediately followed suit.

There is no concept of time in the void.

The two women didn’t know how much time had passed before they finally understood the method of absorbing and transforming the power of nothingness, and then began to transform into stars.

In the process of turning into stars, a large amount of the world’s origin is consumed and replenished into their inner world.

During this process, the edge of the world began to twist, like a flat circular paper, folding into a sphere, accompanied by the solidification of laws and the compression of the star core.


During the process of becoming stars, the number of divinities of the two women skyrocketed again, easily breaking through one million.

I don’t know how long it took, but after the star transformation was successful, the number of divinities of the two women had reached more than eight million.

At this time, in terms of strength alone, they are no longer weaker than the Lord God.

The difference from Li Cang is that because they all have biases, although other laws are also complete, they are only relatively complete. Their main law is still the divine path they once majored in.

For example, Fan Sisi’s main law is the law of dreams.

Although she has mastered many other laws due to the dimensionality of the low-dimensional world, they are only auxiliary, and the main method is still the law of dreams.

The same goes for Yang Youyou. The main law is the law of wind. Although she has mastered other laws, it is difficult to master them unless she is willing to spend a long time to understand those secondary laws.

For this reason, although they also followed Li Cang’s path to the gods and truly became gods, in terms of combat power alone, they were far behind Li Cang.

This is compared with Li Cang.

Compared with other main gods, because they have mastered many laws, not to mention their combat power, their methods are definitely far superior to ordinary main gods.

But judging from the number of gods, their level is only low-level divine power, and they are still a short distance away from medium-level divine power.

According to Li Cang’s estimation, the next improvement for the two women is to continuously cultivate the inner world planet. The bigger the planet, the stronger they will be.

But because the two women are his gods, it is almost impossible to create gods in this way.

In other words, they cannot own the sub-world.

Unless the creatures in their own inner world reach the level of world gods and open up the world again in their inner world.

In the void, the two women woke up almost at the same time.

At this moment, they found that they could see through the void, and their consciousness could cover an area of ​​thousands of miles. Unfortunately, the pressure of the void was too great, and the range of thousands of miles was already the limit of how far their consciousness could extend.

“That’s it. You have to walk your own path in the future. As long as you understand the transformation of reality and reality, your future will be limitless. Okay, let’s go back.” Li Cang said.

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