Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 269: Tang Zhenfang’s strength


Chapter 269 Tang Zhenfang’s strength

Li Cang was puzzled as to why he found the same power as himself inside the ginseng fruit sent by the immortal tribe.

The homologous power is not possessed by the ginseng fruit itself, but a sealing power.

That sealing power sealed some of the abilities that the ginseng fruit should have.

But the people of the Immortal Clan themselves don’t seem to know whether that sealing power exists, otherwise they wouldn’t be so calm.

Even Li Cang felt strange, that power seemed to be of a very high level.

Because it is not a simple law, nor is it a divine power.

It is a force of will.

Pure will.

It is unimaginable that a seal can be formed with just pure will.

“This seal should be blood or some attribute.”

Li Cang took another bite of the ginseng fruit and slowly absorbed the power inside.

Originally, he planned to keep some of the ginseng fruits for himself and then give most of the ginseng fruits to Tantai Mingyue, because Tantai Mingyue’s power has the same source as the power of the immortals.

After eating this ginseng fruit, Tantai Mingyue hopes to be promoted to the main god…

But after sensing the sealing power inside, Li Cang changed his plan.

Because the power inside the ginseng fruit is also very useful to him.


The low-dimensional world is close to the accumulation limit. Under normal circumstances, it will take at least four years to start to increase the dimension.

The time difference between the two worlds is ten times that of the low-dimensional world, which is forty years.

In fact, the low-dimensional world has almost been accumulated now. If he wants, he can forcefully upgrade the dimension.

The reason why Li Cang had to wait so long was mainly to wait for his will to be perfected, and then rely on the will of all living beings to resist the impact of the laws that would arise when the world ascended.

If the will is not perfect, it is difficult to resist the impact of that law. When the time comes, he will turn into the will of heaven without humanity. That is not what he wants. He is a human being and wants to retain his humanity.

But now, with this power, he can shorten the time in half.

That is, the time is shortened from four years to two years.

“Two years!”

Li Cang had a smile on his face.

Although it only shortened the time by two years, it was enough. Within two years, nothing big would happen to the human race.

In the back garden, Li Cang made some deductions. Although he could not directly deduce the God of War, he could deduce it from the side.

For example, deducing the traces and influence of the God of War, and deducing it from the perspective of other people.

Unfortunately, there will be no trace of the Martial God in the next two years, and the Martial God seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

“The God of War disappeared, probably because he left the earth with the three alien gods and entered the endless void.”

Li Cang was silent for a moment: “There are still two years left, I hope you can hold on.”

Silently, a spatial ripple rippled across his body again.

His physical body became more powerful, suppressing time and space, affecting time at this location.

Suddenly, Li Cang heard the sound of prayer.

With a thought, he followed the mysterious prayer and conveyed his will. He saw Qin Youhui, whom he had not seen for many years, leading a group of people to pray.

“Supreme God Li, your believers have encountered difficulties. Please grant your supreme power to help your believers dispel darkness and purify evil…”

Behind Qin Youhui, thousands of people knelt down and prayed devoutly.

But what surprised Li Cang was that those believers were not only humanoids, but also aliens.

It is a human-shaped alien with big ears. Regardless of the size of the ears, it can be regarded as a human race.

Li Cang was a little surprised that he hadn’t seen Qin Youhui for so many years. Because he was too busy before, he didn’t look for Qin Youhui specifically. He thought Qin Youhui was dead.

“Has this entered a different world?”

The place where Qin Youhui led people to pray was obviously not the earth, because the rules of heaven and earth were different.

More because

Without the power of prayer, Li Cang would not be able to sense Qin Youhui’s presence.

It stands to reason that Qin Youhui should be in Hanzhou. If he had not died, he should have migrated to the land of the Human Emperor with the human race in Hanzhou.

The result was no. Not only did Qin Youhui not come, but even other members of the Li Shen Sect did not appear in Hanzhou.

It was precisely because of this that Li Cang thought Qin Youhui was dead.

“Omnipotent God Li, you are the sun in the sky, you are the stars in the night sky, you are the eternal throne, please open your eyes and look at your believers…”

The prayers were carried by the power of faith, traveled through time and space, and reached Li Xian’er.

Li Cang’s will is suspended in the air, looking into the distance.

I saw that the distance was shrouded in darkness, and there were some faint green eyes in the darkness, staring in this direction.

Sensing his attention, those green eyes narrowed slightly, but did not retreat.

“Evil spirits? It seems that I haven’t encountered evil spirits in a long time.”

The main reason is that the level is too high. Xie Sui is no longer up to his level, so he will take the initiative to retreat when he sees him from a distance.

And Qin Youhui is just King Wu now. Even with the power of the God of Thunder given by him, he cannot deal with too many evil spirits.

At the moment, Li Cang’s will entered the wooden statue worshiped by Qin Youhui and others. With a thought, he consumed a large amount of the power of faith stored inside the statue over the years.


The next moment, the statue of the **** was seen emitting thousands of rays of light, instantly dispelling all the black clouds in the sky.

Qin Youhui and other believers who were kneeling to pray were all refreshed, then became excited, and sang loudly: “Omnipotent God Li, you are the eternal throne, you are the incarnation of all things, You are a traveler of time…”


Li Cang’s will carried the divine power transformed from the power of faith, releasing a purifying light that swept tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

The darkness in the distance was instantly dispersed, and those green eyes in the darkness instantly disappeared.


The entire other world fell silent at this moment, with only Li Cang’s will hanging high in the sky, looking down at the earth.

Li Cang was surprised to find that this world was actually very small, with a diameter of only a hundred thousand miles, and there was no will of heaven and earth, only rather broken rules of heaven and earth.

“This should be a fragment of the world, what remains after the once complete world was shattered.”

With this thought in his mind, he turned his attention to Qin Youhui.

In his field of vision, he saw time going back around Qin Youhui, and sometimes time fragments appeared.

It can be seen that Qin Youhui accidentally broke into a special space in front of a group of people, was entangled in the fog, and could never get out.

So they walked forward in the fog for a long time, and finally walked out of the fog and entered this broken world.

Seeing this, Li Cang’s heart moved. When Qin Youhui prayed to him for the first time, he seemed to be in the cracks of that world.

No wonder the evil spirits and black mist appear.

Speaking of which, Qin Youhui is his first believer. As his first believer, he should at least give him some benefits.

So Li Cang manifested directly in Qin Youhui’s heart, controlling the destiny of this broken world and injecting it into Qin Youhui’s body.


Qin Youhui saw a protective divine light appearing on his body, and a certain crown appeared on his head. His whole body was suspended, and he could not help but face the believers behind him.

The believers were stunned by this scene and forgot to pray and chant.

At the same moment, Li Cang’s voice resounded throughout the world: “Qin Youhui, from today on, you are the pope of the Li Shen Sect, and you must spread the teachings of the Li Shen Sect throughout the world.”

Qin Youhui was so excited that he fell to the ground in mid-air: “Thank you, God!”

Li Cang withdrew that ray of will mainly because the power of faith there was exhausted.

However, he has injected the world’s destiny of that broken world into Qin Youhui’s body. Qin Youhui has become the master of the broken world, and can be regarded as a god. He has obtained godhead and lives with that world. Die together and live as long as heaven.

In this way, he is worthy of the first person to follow him.

Now that he no longer needs Qin Youhui, Li Cang arranged for him a place where he could retire safely. That broken world was very suitable.

Because I inherited the luck of that world.

Although Qin Youhui himself has not become a god, if low-level divine power enters that world, he will only be suppressed and beaten by Qin Youhui.

This is the unreasonableness of the Lord of the World.

“Li Cang…”

Suddenly a loud shout came from outside the Human Emperor’s Heavenly Palace, and the sound swept across the sky.

The expressions of the demigod team guarding the Human Emperor’s Palace changed. Not many people dared to shout the Human Emperor’s true name so loudly in the land of the Human Emperor.

In the back garden, Li Cang smiled and waved his hand to create an overpass, directly connecting the back garden to the outside of the Imperial Palace.

Soon, a figure walked in along the overpass.

The person who came was wearing a long blue dress, with her head held high and her chest held high. Who else could it be if it wasn’t Zhao Ying?

But Zhao Ying is very different now from before.

Today, she has a very good figure, with real protrusions and plumpness, and her whole body has the air of a mature woman.

Moreover, there were two almost completely different temperaments appearing in her at the same time.

One has the temperament of a hot and unruly strong woman, but the other has the temperament of a virtuous and virtuous woman.

Two completely different temperaments appear in the same person, but they are very harmonious and not abrupt at all. It has to be said that it is very magical.

After Zhao Ying walked through, the overpass behind her shortened.

When she entered the back garden of the Imperial Palace, the overpass disappeared.

Li Cang stopped carving runes, put the diamond bracelet on the stone table, looked at Zhao Ying in front of him, and said with a smile: “I haven’t seen you for many years, she looks a lot more beautiful.”

Zhao Ying smiled proudly and said: “You are not bad either, you are much more handsome.”

Li Cang smiled: “Do you have a problem with me?”


Zhao Ying has never been one to mince words, so she went straight to the point: “I will become a **** soon, but there is only one last step, which is also the most critical step.”

“Which step?” Li Cang asked.

Zhao Ying said: “According to what you said, I followed the path of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. Now the God of the Earth has basically taken the path. The earth gave birth to me. Now I have matured and am ready to give birth to the earth in turn. In the end, The first step is for me to give birth to the earth, but there is a transition. I need to give birth to life first. The Mother Goddess of the Earth is the combination of the God of the Earth and the God of Fertility…”

“So, you need to have children?” Li Cang asked.


Although Zhao Ying’s blood belongs to humans, she is completely different from humans. She doesn’t know what shyness is. She said directly: “My father also said that if I leave an heir, I can’t let the Zhao family be cut off. So I was ready to have a baby, so I came to you.”

Li Cang: “???”

Zhao Ying said: “So you must know how to do it, right? You have had one with your maid before, so you must have experience.”

Li Cang was stunned: “Why don’t you find someone else? With your current strength and status, it would be easy to find a man to have children.”

Zhao Ying raised her head and said with her nostrils pointing to the sky: “How can others compare with you? The father of my child, Zhao Ying, must be a powerful god. Only a man who defeats me in the same realm is qualified to have a child with me. children.”

With your expression, people who don’t know will not know that you are complimenting others.

“The question is whether others are willing to have **** with you.” Li Cang said.

Zhao Ying: “Then are you willing to have a baby with me?”

Li Cang: “Unless the child has my last name.”

“No, my father said that he wants to leave incense for the Zhao family, how can the child take your last name?” Zhao Ying said.

“Who said that a child with my last name cannot inherit the Zhao family’s legacy?”

Li Cang said: “I only want the child to have my last name, and I don’t need anything else. I can raise it as you wish.”

Zhao Ying immediately lowered her head and thought for a long time before saying: “Can you really not want custody rights?”

“Really. But we can’t wrong the child.” Li Cang said.

“Don’t worry, even if I want to wrong the child, my dad won’t agree.” Zhao Ying said happily: “Then let’s get started. How to do it? Do you have a secret method?”

Li Cang: “???”

Do you need a secret method to give birth to a child?

“Come here, sit on my lap, and I will teach you.” Li Cang said.

“Why do I have to sit on your lap? Can’t you just teach me directly?” Zhao Ying was confused.

Although she is not shy, she knows the difference between men and women.

“You’ll know when you sit here.” Li Cang said with a smile.

Zhao Ying sat over doubtfully.

Here she experienced what it was like to be a woman for the first time.

At the same time, Eastern China.

A cloud descended silently from the sky and penetrated into the palace where Dongfang Ling was retreating.

“Who…” Dongfang Ling’s heart sank, and he was about to release the law of fire.

However, the next moment, an invisible force appeared and directly sealed him, making his laws and divine power silent.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in front, looking at him with a smile: “Brother Dongfang, you are well.”

Dongfang Ling’s expression changed: “Tang Zhenfang, it’s you! How could you have such strength? Have you become the Lord God?”

“Not yet, but almost.”

Tang Zhenfang smiled and said: “I came here to ask Brother Dongfang to do me a favor. I’m sure Brother Dongfang won’t refuse.”

Dongfang Ling said coldly: “Come to lend me your head? Tang Zhenfang, you are a human race, but you are helping a foreign race, don’t you feel guilty?”

“No, no, no.”

Tang Zhenfang took out a fan and waved it in front of him: “To correct one thing, I am not doing things for the alien race, I am just using the alien race to pursue my divine path. In addition, I don’t need you either. Du Rentou, I really just want you to do one thing for me.”

“You…are not from the True God Society?” Dongfang Ling asked with a frown.

“I am a member of the True God Society, but I am not not helping foreigners.” Tang Zhenfang smiled and said: “Give me an answer. I think Brother Dongfang doesn’t want to perish just yet, right?”

Dongfang Ling frowned and tried to struggle, but he was shocked to find that he was completely unable to struggle. In front of Tang Zhenfang, he was as helpless in front of Tang Zhenfang as when he was still a high-level divine power, facing the great divine power.

If he was prepared, he believed that Tang Zhenfang would not be able to take him down so easily.

Unfortunately there is no if.

“What do you want me to do?” Dongfang Ling compromised.

Tang Zhenfang smiled, but his eyes were cold: “I want Li Cang’s life!” –

【I can’t get enough of the one thousand monthly tickets for this month, woohoo…】

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