Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 267: I am your soldier


Chapter 267 I am your soldier

After a long time, just as Li Cang expected, gods came out of the void. There were quite a few, and the lowest were all of high-level divine power.

Among these gods, there are human gods and alien gods. The number of great gods exceeds ten.

This is only on the surface, there is still so much hidden secretly.

There are not many great alien powers that can enter the earth today.

Because the earth is now too big, with a diameter of more than 100 million kilometers, there is no telling where a passage to another world will appear.

The emergence of the passage to another world will not produce strange phenomena in the heaven and earth. If it is under artificial cover, it will be difficult for the gods on the earth to discover it.

In particular, today’s human race is unable to protect itself and is unable to monitor all areas.

There are always some stupid people who like to lead the way and feel that they are inferior to outsiders, which further exacerbates the deterioration of the human race on earth.

The gods who arrived at this moment were all on guard against each other.

Except for a very small part of the human race, most of the human gods are worried.

Lin Zhong, Tantai Mingyue, and Dongfang Ling all came, but the faces of the three great powers were all ugly.

Before, they were too far away, and the battlefield of the Lord God and the complete laws shielded the secrets, which they could not spy on at all.

“Did Lord Martial God win?”

“Oh, the power of the main **** who has just broken through has not yet been transformed. Wanting to win is simply wishful thinking…”

“How dare you think about it.”

As soon as the superior divine power of the human race murmured, a foreign **** spoke sarcastically.

Now that the Supreme God has taken action against the human race, many alien races are no longer afraid of the human race, and most of the Martial Gods can no longer protect themselves.

The current human race, combined in all major regions, only has more than a dozen great gods.

The great divine power of alien races is far more than this.

If the Earth’s world level had not been insufficient before, and the Earth was the main battlefield, the alien greats would have rushed over long ago, and there was no need to wait until now.

“But it’s not too late. As long as we can confirm the death of the God of War, we can take action directly against the human race.”

“Tsk, tsk, the fertility of this race is really strong, and this race has special spiritual power, strong self-recovery ability, and the speed of producing the power of faith is far faster than other races. It is simply a natural race of believers. ”

Many gods have set their sights on human mortals and are preparing to capture some human mortals.

“A natural slave race, there are actually some people in this race who have walked the path of the God of Fertility. They are simply preparing for endless production. As long as we capture more Gods of Fertility, we will never have to worry about the death of all these slaves. ”

There are alien gods speaking unscrupulously.


Suddenly a **** light penetrated a hundred thousand miles, and the law of killing tore through the void, instantly tearing more than three high-level gods into pieces.


“Boom boom boom!!”

In an instant, three **** cracks appeared in the sky, the sky cried, and the gods fell.

This was Lin Zhong’s move. The president of Mozhou Shentu University was ruthless and didn’t say much. He killed three alien high-level gods with one blow.

It is the three alien gods who talk about the human race unscrupulously.

The other gods were startled and moved out of the way.

You must know that almost all the foreign gods who dare to appear here are under special contracts and can appear on the earth without losing their combat power.

But even so, Lin Zhong was still able to kill three high-level gods with one strike.

It can be seen that there is a huge gap between great divine power and higher divine power, and it can also be seen how powerful Lin Zhong is.

“Human gods…”

“How brave. Under such circumstances, you dare to force the market to take action. Aren’t you afraid of being exterminated?”

Some of the great alien powers sneered.

However, only great powers dare to speak in this situation, but those high-level powers dare not speak nonsense anymore.

Lin Zhong said nothing, glanced coldly at all the alien gods present, then turned around and stepped into the void, disappearing.

Tantai Mingyue also left directly. Now is not the time to start a war.

“A bunch of brainless guys, as long as the God of War does not die, the human race will not be destroyed. At this time, making irresponsible remarks about the human race is really a matter of life and death.”

Dongfang Ling also sneered, but at this moment he was the only great power left in the Huaxia region, so he did not dare to stay longer and turned around to leave.

“Bounce before death?” A great alien power sneered, and then left quickly.

Although some alien races don’t know where their sense of superiority comes from, and they look down on the human race from the bottom of their hearts, but now that the human race has a main god, this is a fact, and they don’t dare to go too far.

The remaining high-level divine powers also left one after another, preparing to wait for the death of the God of War before officially taking action against the human race.

Almost no one believes that the Martial God will win. After all, it is just a new main **** who has just broken through. In theory, it is almost impossible to be the opponent of the main **** hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago. The background is completely different, and they are on two levels. .

Nowadays, many gods regard the God of War as the real pillar of the human race. After all, he is the main **** and the most powerful person of the human race.

As for Li Cang, in the eyes of many gods, he only has the status of a human emperor and his miraculous methods. His combat power is not worth mentioning. He just borrowed the luck of the human race to kill the great god. That’s all.

The human race’s luck is not weak, which makes Li Cang’s strength seem to be very weak.

After all the gods left, a long time passed.

The void opened, and the God of War came out of it.

He lost the chase. It has to be said that the main **** of the alien capital has a strong foundation and amazing escape methods. Even in the void, he is suppressed by the rules of the earth and is within the scope of the rules of the earth’s heaven and earth. However, The strange Lord God still ran away.

The God of War had complex eyes. He might have been defeated this time, but in the end, just because he listened to a sermon, his strength immediately increased greatly. His great divine power was completely transformed into its original source, and he became the power of the main god.

At this moment, he can be regarded as the true Lord God.

The Martial God’s consciousness swept out, and his current consciousness could almost cover the entire surface of the earth with a diameter of 100 million kilometers.

This is the spiritual consciousness of the Lord God. It is extremely powerful and is not at the same conceptual level as the great divine power.

These are two persons with a huge gap.

Except for some special areas, almost the entire earth is now under the surveillance of the God of War.

This is the Lord God. To put it bluntly, he can now control the entire earth by himself.

The premise is that the earth will not continue to expand, otherwise there will be nothing he can do.

At this moment, the God of War swept his consciousness and his brows suddenly jumped a few times.

Because in his divine consciousness scan, there are five places on the entire earth that are blank areas, which are areas that his spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate.

And among these five areas, four of them actually have the breath of the Lord God, and they are the breath of different Lord Gods.

This gave him a very bad premonition. The previous Lord God was probably just here to explore the way.

What surprised him the most was that the fifth place that he could not spy on turned out to be the land of the Human Emperor.

The entire land of the Human Emperor is covered by a huge forbidden formation, which seems to have blocked time and space and cut off cause and effect. It is impossible to see in from the outside, and the eyes can’t help but cross that area.

It’s like the area is shrinking from the perspective, which is very weird.

“Human Emperor!”

The God of War murmured with a complicated expression, and then said: “Come out, I know you are here.”

Thousands of miles away, Li Cang’s clone walked out of the void and looked at the God of War.

“Thank you very much this time.”

The God of War looked a little complicated. If Li Cang hadn’t suddenly preached to him secretly, he would have been in danger before.

“I am the emperor, this is what I should do.”

Li Cang said calmly: “God of War, I am here to need an answer from you. I believe you know what I want.”

Hearing this, the God of War fell silent for a moment, then said: “I need to ask you a question and then answer your question.”

“You ask.” Li Cang nodded.

Martial God: “Are you really the Human Emperor?”

Li Cang: “I am the Human Emperor, but I am not the Human Emperor.”

The God of War’s eyes narrowed: “Will you abandon the human race?”

Li Cang said calmly: “After my divine path is fully realized, I will give up my identity as the Human Emperor, but I will not abandon the human race.”

The God of War’s eyes softened: “How long do you want?”

Li Cang said: “Seven years at the latest.”

Martial God said: “Then I will give you seven years. Within seven years, I will be your soldier.”

Li Cang smiled: “I won’t let you down.”

Martial God: “Then what do I need to do now?”

“Help me block all existences above the Lord God.”

Li Cang said: “Remember, it’s everything, no matter the cost. In seven years, I will pacify the human race and eliminate all disasters.”

God of War narrowed his eyes: “What a big statement. Then it will be as you wish. I hope it is as you said and you will not disappoint me!”

Li Cang smiled slightly, and the clone disappeared out of thin air and was taken back.

At the same time, the land of the human emperor.

Li Cang breathed a sigh of relief.

With the God of War standing in front of me, I should be able to get through this final stage without any worries.

The reason why he dared to say such things was because he was confident.

Because when the low-dimensional world truly rises in dimension, there will be a qualitative change.

He only realized that qualitative change not long ago.

That’s it

When the world is raised to the same level as the real world, it will begin to evolve towards the universe.

At that time, his strength will undergo a truly earth-shaking qualitative change.

This is his confidence.

“Li Cang, how is the situation?” Behind him, Lan Hai asked nervously.

Xia Tian also looked worried: “The battle has disappeared for so long, who won? There seemed to be a vision of the gods falling before, but the vision didn’t seem strong enough. It shouldn’t be the fall of the main god, right?”

Nowadays, the Martial God is the human race’s anchor to the sea. Once the Martial God falls, it will be a disaster for the entire human race, a real disaster that will lead to the annihilation of the entire human race.

“Nothing has happened.”

Li Cang said: “Everyone, please go back first. Do whatever you have to do. But now, every continent in the world has suffered losses. Only the land of the Emperor of Humanity is safe. More people may migrate here next. Everyone, be prepared to respond. ”

Xia Tian, ​​Lan Hai, and even other gods were refreshed.

Every continent in the world has suffered losses, but the land of the Emperor of Humanity is safe?

They suddenly gained a lot of confidence. It seemed that the Human Emperor was quite capable.

“The Emperor can rest assured.”

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty the Emperor, leave these little things to us.”

All the gods spoke one after another.

Li Cang turned around and disappeared, returned to the Human Emperor’s Heavenly Palace, and continued to understand the laws and supernatural powers.

Just one month later, a very alarming fluctuation suddenly occurred in a large area in the west. The power of the Lord God penetrated and wanted to forcibly open a space channel that could pass through the Lord God.

The God of War rushed over, fought with the opponent, and successfully repelled it. He also destroyed a religious cult and killed a great Western god.


On this day, **** cracks almost penetrated the entire earth’s sky. The great divine power fell and there was a lot of movement.

On this day, the God of War directly announced that he would begin to clean up the True God Association. He would personally knock on the door of all suspects, mainly targeting great powers and high powers, and would visit them one by one.

This immediately caused a global shock.

“Is Lord Martial God going to pacify the human race?”

“In order to fight against foreign aggression, we must first settle within.”

“I knew that the Martial God was the backbone of the human race, so the Human Emperor didn’t dare to take the lead now.”

For a time, there were divergent opinions. The Martial God who broke through to the status of the main **** gave great confidence to the gods on the side of all races in the world.

They all felt that the Martial God should become the emperor of the human race. Some people even publicly asked Li Cang to abdicate and give up the position of human emperor to the Martial God. Under the leadership of the Martial God, the human race would be able to prosper.

And Li Cang was very cooperative and said nothing, and did not stand up to argue at all.

Others don’t know, but Li Cang knows that the reason why the God of War is suddenly so high-profile is to help him attract attention.

Because the world is currently full of people, from a bright perspective, some wise men will definitely find that the most important people in the human race are only two people.

One person is the God of War who is already the main god.

The second person is none other than Li Cang.

Not only because of his status as the Human Emperor, but also because Li Cang created an unprecedented divine path, guarding the entire land of the Human Emperor with the power of one person, and killing the great divine power with his demigod body.

Any **** with some foresight can think of the threat from Li Cangdu.

Therefore, the God of War needs to attract the attention of the alien race and give Li Cang enough time to accumulate.

One year after the battle of the main gods in Zhongzhou, the God of War suddenly entered the Yinlian District single-handedly, erasing the Sun God Cult in one day, killing a great divine power in the Yinlian District, and slaughtered dozens of high-level gods. Directly eradicate the cult of a certain alien main **** who does not know when it will develop.

In one day, there was a rain of blood all over the world, and there were frequent cries from the sky.

After this day, the God of War completely let go, running around all day long in search of the great power of the True God Society. Whenever he was suspected, he would knock on the door and question him without restraint.

He didn’t dare to do that before, for fear of causing public outrage.

But now, he has the confidence. Even if all the great powers in the world come together, he has no fear and can challenge them all alone.

For a moment, the great human race was in panic, worried that the God of War would suddenly come knocking on the door.

But the good thing is that unless there is absolute evidence, the God of War will not really kill. After all, he cannot kill innocent people because he is worried about killing the wrong person.

Because there was no evidence for some of the suspects, he just found an excuse to beat them up, and then left behind some secret doors to pry into the person’s secrets, but never really found out the evidence.

For three consecutive years, the God of War has been very high-profile, running around, fighting in the north and south.

Finally, on this day, when the God of War stepped into the Greater Rome area, an accident happened.

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