Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 265: Chaos arose



The southwest edge of the Land of the Human Emperor is more than three thousand kilometers away from the coastline.

Li Cang walked on the sea, and with every step he took, invisible lines were imprinted into the sea water.

Those lines are the manifestation of laws. He is weaving the formation he has understood, and wants to use this formation to cover the entire land of the Emperor.

“The most suitable law for weaving formations, the law of sealing is undoubtedly the first, but the other laws are not weak, and the power of all the laws when combined into a system is not small.”

Li Cang is trying to connect the earth, fire, water, wind, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth with the sealing laws, and weave them into a super huge active formation.

The so-called active formation is an formation that can self-gather energy, self-restore, self-repair, and self-grow.

Once the formation is formed, it should be done once and for all.

However, this kind of formation is almost impossible for outsiders to create, because the number of required laws cannot be possessed by other divine powers at the same time.

Li Cang used a nested method to nest the four major laws of metal, wood, water, fire and earth into the system, as well as the four laws of earth, fire, water and wind, and finally used the sealing law to twist the two systems into one. .

Once the formation is formed, the interior will become its own space, endlessly alive, and even capable of growth, just like the world.

Li Cang took one step at a time, and those footprints were not ripples in the sea water, but regular threads imprinted in the sea water.

When he walked by, the law threads merged into the sea water and disappeared, intertwined with other law threads.

A formation that is so huge that ordinary gods cannot imagine it is slowly taking shape…

Of course, this formation is a huge project and cannot be completed in a short time.

Li Cang also built part of it every day. At night, he returned to the Emperor’s Heavenly Palace to accompany his wife and daughter, and set off again at dawn the next day.

Li Siqi is already over a year old, and the little girl can already run, jump, and fly. As the daughter of Li Cangdu, she was born in the holy realm and is not much weaker than those children with higher or even great divine powers.

Chunyi?Y’s daughter Chunmian is far behind. Even though Fan Sisi has given her a lot of good food, at the age of six, she has only just entered the Holy Realm.

Of course, this is already amazing, but not everyone can be that strong.

Even the children of high-level divine powers are mostly born with divine body protection and only become saints when they reach adulthood.

Li Cang is not in a hurry about this, because the two little girls have not yet come forward, and having too much divinity may not be a good thing.

Of course, he did not expect his daughter to succeed like other fathers, because he did not believe that there was anyone in the same era who was stronger than him and could embark on a more powerful divine path than his.

So, as long as his daughter grows up step by step, he will have the confidence to protect his daughter for the rest of his life.

This was Li Cang’s idea, and he did the same.

However, things often happen unexpectedly, and even he cannot account for everything.

On this day, Li Siqi was playing with pure cotton. For some reason, the little guy suddenly got angry, his body suddenly swelled up in the storm, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a ten-meter giant baby.

“Wow…” Pure Cotton was frightened and cried on the spot.

Even Fan Sisi was stunned.

Li Cang, who was studying the formation in the distance, sensed the situation here and appeared in front of Fan Sisi, surprised: “What is going on?”

“I don’t know, I just heard Siqi and Mianmian arguing about something, and that’s it.” Fan Sisi looked at her daughter who was bigger than herself blankly.

In fact, the entire palace was stunned at this moment. Everyone looked at the ten-meter-high giant baby with dumbfounded eyes and clicked their tongues.

Li Cang looked at it for a while, then figured out the cause and effect, and said with a smile: “I see.”

“Is Siqi okay?” Fan Sisi was very worried, fearing that her daughter wouldn’t be able to change back and would not be cute if she kept such a huge body.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay. Siqi has inherited my talent. She has the body of the world and can change her size freely.” Li Cang said with a smile: “Before, Siqi and Pure Cotton were compared, and Pure Cotton said she was taller. , Siqi flew up and said she was taller, and Chunmian said she had the ability not to fly, so Siqi became so tall.”

As soon as these words came out, Fan Sisi was amused. She looked at the ten-meter giant baby and said, “Baby, change back quickly.”

At this time, Chunyi?

Hearing Li Cang’s explanation, I was relieved. It’s okay if it’s not a contradiction.

At this time, Li Siqi had changed back. She didn’t know that she was crying because she was frightened. She was still comforting her: “Sister, if you don’t cry, let’s not compete. Sister is taller than me…”

Li Cang smiled, while Chunyi Y was a little embarrassed. She felt that her daughter was already six years old, but she was not as bold as Li Cang’s one-year-old daughter.

Afterwards, Li Cang checked his daughter, and sure enough, he found that his daughter Li Siqi actually had a half-formed urban world inside her body.

“It turns out that the world can be inherited. In other words, it already belongs to my bloodline.”

Li Cang was amazed, so he told Fan Sisi to guide some of his daughters in constructing the formation diagram when they had time. There was no need to be too deliberate, just give them a hint when playing with their daughters, and just let nature take its course.

If nothing unexpected happens, in a few years, Li Siqi will truly embark on the path of becoming a god, able to create chaos in his body and evolve the world.

Another year passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Cang’s daughter was already two years old.

And this year, the speed of the integration of different worlds into the earth has accelerated again. More alien races have appeared on the earth, and their strength has become stronger and stronger. There are also more and more races with high divine power, and even people with high powers can appear from time to time. A race of great divine power.


On this day, Li Cang suddenly left the Human Palace on a whim and teleported towards the sky.

Every time he teleported, he traveled thousands of kilometers. With his continuous teleportation, in less than a minute, he rushed out of the now terrifyingly thick atmosphere and out of outer space.

Looking down from here, there is a super huge celestial body below, but its atmosphere is extremely thick.

It can be seen that the object has both north and south poles, and the magnetic field is distorted at this moment, as if it is undergoing some kind of adjustment.

As the adjustment continues, the celestial bodies become larger and larger, almost visible to the naked eye.

“Did a large number of different worlds suddenly merge in, or did the previous different worlds already merge in, and only now did they suddenly fully integrate into the earth due to special circumstances?”

Li Cang secretly reasoned.

Unfortunately, after a long while, he only deduced that this situation occurred because the earth had completed its upgrade at this moment and could accommodate the existence of quasi-gods.

In addition, he also learned that the situation in front of him was driven by the main **** of the alien race.

“Today’s Earth may have a diameter of 100 million kilometers, or even larger.”

Li Cang murmured in his heart and looked in the direction of the sun again.

The fusion of different worlds is not just the fusion of the earth and the other world, but the true complete fusion of the two worlds. The earth merges with the earth, and the sun merges with the sun.

As a result, the diameter of the sun today far exceeds that of the earth, probably reaching tens of billions of kilometers.

Like a super huge fireball.

Such a huge sun shows no sign of collapse. Almost all the luck in the entire universe is concentrated in the solar system, supporting the great integration of the world.


Li Cang teleported again and fell to the ground very quickly.

In less than a minute, he returned to the Imperial Palace suspended in the sky again.

At this moment, there are dark clouds rolling over the entire land of the Human Emperor. They are the luck of the human race. Because the luck is so strong that it has manifested itself, but now it is like a dark cloud covering the sky, making everyone feel… I have a bad feeling.

“Cang, you’re back. What happened? Why has human luck turned black?” Fan Sisi asked anxiously when he saw Li Cang appear.

Li Cang glanced at the rolling black clouds and sneered: “A sign of annihilation of the race.”

“Extermination of the entire race?!” Fan Sisi’s expression changed.

“Father…” Li Siqi, who was playing with Pure Cotton, ran over and hugged Li Cangdu’s calf.

Li Cang touched his daughter’s head, and then said to Fan Sisi: “The time is coming faster than I expected. From now on, you go to live in the Creation Mountain first, and I will handle the outside matters.”

“Hmm, then you must be careful.” Fan Sisi knew that staying outside would only hinder her, so even if she wanted to help, she could only endure it.

“Don’t worry, the human race is just being targeted. Some people can’t see how powerful the human race is. In addition, the earth is the territory of the human race. They want to solve the human race first and then carve up this big world.”

Li Cang’s voice was calm, but there was a faint sneer on his face: “There are many races who want to destroy the human race, but no one has ever succeeded.”

With a thought, he took Fan Sisi and his daughter, and even Chunyi?

Even, he wants to bring the entire human emperor’s land into his own world.

However, today’s low-dimensional world has a large number of creatures, so it cannot accommodate so many humans from higher dimensions at once.

“Seven more years.”

Li Cang murmured secretly.

There are still seven years before my low-dimensional world can complete its final dimensionality upgrade.

I don’t know if I can wait until then.

This is a stream of light flying from the ground.

“Your Majesty the Emperor…”

“Human Emperor!”

“Li Cang…”

Many gods have arrived, including Xia Tian, ​​Lan Hai, who has been promoted to high-level divine power, and even Lu Hang, the middle-level divine power of the Deer Clan.

“Li Cang, do you know what happened?” Lan Hai asked as soon as he arrived. He and Xia Tian were almost the only ones here who could directly call Li Cang by his name.

Others, even if they once knew Li Cang, now dare not call him by his first name.

“It’s just being targeted. Teacher, don’t worry. If the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up.” Li Cang said.

“What do you mean?” Xia Tian asked doubtfully.

Li Cang pondered for a moment and said: “There should be an extremely powerful race that is about to enter the earth and dominate this big world. The prerequisite for all this is to overthrow the original ruler of the earth first, otherwise They have no chance.”

“The extremely powerful race…”

“How strong will it be?”

“Our human race now has a main god. If we want to overthrow our human race, we must confront the Martial God.”

After hearing Li Cang’s words, Lan Hai and others were worried and confused.

“What should we do? We can’t just do nothing, right?” Xia Tian asked.

“Get ready for war.” Li Cang said.

Xia Tian immediately asked: “How should we fight?”

“Soldiers will come to block the water and earth. When gods with higher divine power appear, I will handle it. I will leave the rest to you. Don’t let aliens land on the land of the Human Emperor.” Li Cang said.

As he spoke, he took out two golden compasses: “This is a pointing compass, which can guide the direction of all alien races that are hostile to the human race. Teacher and principal, now there are only two of you with high divine power in the land of the human emperor. This matter I’m sorry to bother you.”

Xia Tian and Lan Hai are about to take over the compass.

Lan Hai said: “The top combat power can’t help you, but if you can’t do this well, then I won’t be able to see you.”

Li Cang smiled and said: “Don’t put so much pressure on me. I don’t think what you are doing is useful anyway. I am just worried that you will get sick if you are too busy.”

Blue Ocean: “…”

Summer: “…”

Other gods: “…”

Li Cang is not talking nonsense. As long as he solves all the high-end combat forces, nothing will happen below.

To put it bluntly, as long as he is willing, he can guard the entire land of the Human Emperor by himself, without the help of his subordinates at all.

Because of his magical power, his ability to attack in groups is extremely amazing.

As long as he stops there, everything within a hundred thousand kilometers will be his hunting ground.

And he has teleportation speed and can cross tens of thousands of kilometers or even larger areas in an instant. His amazing mobility makes him even more terrifying on the battlefield.

But as he said, at times like this, if people are too busy, they will really get sick from leisure.

Some people who are weak-minded think that the end of the world is coming, so they will start to cause chaos.

This is not what he wants to see.

So Li Cang emphatically reminded: “The human race has internal security and needs to be strengthened. This matter is more important than annihilating the invading alien races.”

“Leave this matter to me. I was originally the dean of the Law Enforcement Academy. I am familiar with this kind of thing.” Lan Hai said immediately.

“Okay, I’ll trouble you, teacher.” Li Cang nodded.

After everyone else left, Li Cang entered the sea again and continued to set up a defensive formation covering the entire land of the Human Emperor.

Time passes day by day.

Finally, a month later, a huge fluctuation suddenly came from the direction of Zhongzhou.

Even from a very far distance, Li Cang would always see a hand covering the sky appear.


I saw billions of rays of light blooming in that direction, and earth-shattering fluctuations erupted.

A wave of terror rose in the direction of Zhongzhou, but soon fell again.

When the terrifying light faded away, all the gods discovered that the entire Zhongzhou had been sunk.

It used to be that the central continent of the Huaxia region, which was also the most powerful continent, sank to the bottom of the sea in one day.

Space turbulence is raging in that direction, and destructive power is sweeping in all directions, as if the end of the world is coming.


Li Cang did not hesitate to activate the defensive formation of the Land of the Human Emperor, which had not yet been fully formed.

I saw a light mask with a diameter of more than 800,000 kilometers, covering the entire human wasteland, isolating the human emperor’s land from the outside world.

As soon as the defensive formation was raised, a shock wave that destroyed everything swept over. The waves rose thousands of feet high and crashed down crazily.

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