Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 176: The first battle ends


At this time, a human demigod and a metal life demigod were fighting inextricably, and even the human demigod had begun to be suppressed and beaten.

The defense of the metal life demigod is really too strong and cannot be defeated at all.

The demigods on the human side are not good at melee combat capabilities. In addition to having a slight advantage at the beginning, when they were approached by the metal life demigods, they began to be suppressed and beaten.

Seeing Li Cang and Zhao Ying coming to kill, the human demigod was overjoyed, but the metal life demigod’s expression changed drastically.

Because the place where Zhao Ying defeated the demigod was not far from here, both demigods discovered it.

Although Li Cang didn’t have a record of killing demigods, he had killed legends so easily before, so he probably wouldn’t be far behind.

At this time, Zhao Ying still kept her body enlarged, and she struck with a palm from a long distance away, and at the same time she used Shrink to the Ground.

The moment she slapped her palm out, the person was already approaching.

The metal life demi-god was so anxious that it freed up a hand to resist the palm. It did not despise this Zhao Ying at all, because this kind of being who can grow to a huge body is an existence with strong combat power.


Two huge palms clashed with each other, and the terrifying power crushed the air.

The metal life demigod was shocked by Zhao Ying’s palm and fell backwards, and his arms were somewhat deformed.

But Zhao Ying just took a step back and attacked again.

The human demigod on the other side took the opportunity to distance himself, and then suddenly slashed out a huge wind blade.


The huge wind blade fell on the metal life demigod, only to create a ten centimeter deep wound.

And Zhao Ying struck down again with a powerful and heavy palm.


One of the shoulders of the metal life demigod was directly deformed.

Human demigod: “…”


At this moment, Li Cang struck out a golden lightning.

If the metal life demigod felt something, he punched forward fiercely, just in time to catch the golden lightning. Although he was as powerful as the demigod, his body was not detonated like other legends. He only trembled slightly and lost control of his arms. moment.

At this moment, the gigantic Zhao Ying struck down with a palm sword again.


Half the body of this metal life demigod was split open.

The next moment, Zhao Ying’s huge palm like a palm fell from the sky, directly knocking the metal life demigod from the sky to the ground.

“Boom, boom, boom…” Li Cang hurriedly shot out streaks of lightning.

The metal life demigod seemed to sense the crisis and hurriedly released a shield to block the lightning that made him feel threatened.

But at this moment, a huge wind blade from the human race demigod fell, splitting open the protective light shield of the metal life demigod.


Li Cang’s thick lightning fell again.

Suddenly, the metal life demigod seemed to be full, and then his expression changed drastically.


With a loud noise, its body exploded into two pieces.

“What kind of lightning is this?”

This metal life demigod was horrified that he was not completely dead.

Watching Li Cang kill legends one by one before, he didn’t feel much at all.

But now that I have personally encountered them, I have discovered that this kind of lightning is really weird and can destroy their body structure.

“This guy is very hard.”

Zhao Ying frowned slightly, suddenly fell from the sky, stepped on the head of the remnant body of the metal life demigod, and directly crushed it.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Li Cang continuously shot seven or eight lightning bolts in the distance, detonating the other half of the metal life demigod’s body.

Finally, this metal life demigod was killed.

Nearby, the human demigod looked complicated. Although he was able to kill the metal life demigod this time, Li Cang and Zhao Ying contributed even more.

When did the Manifestation of Saints become able to overwhelm demigods?

At this time, Zhao Ying said to Li Cang: “This guy is much tougher than the one I stepped on before. He may be a top demigod. Fortunately, I have your help, otherwise I might not be able to kill him alone.”

Human demigod: “…”

So he is dispensable?

At this time, Zhao Ying once again stared at the metal life demigod in the distance that was suppressing the human demigod. Her eyes boiled with fighting spirit. Li Cang felt that if she took the path of the God of War, there would be hope.

Suddenly, Li Cang saw a silhouette flying backwards in the distance, and it turned out to be Chunyi?Y.

He hurriedly shot a golden lightning across a thousand meters.


The metal life legend that knocked Chunyi?Y away was detonated instantly, like a powerful cannonball, which almost injured Chunyi?Y.

Finally able to stabilize her figure, Chunyi?Y looked back at Li Cang, who was a thousand meters away, feeling shocked and complicated in her heart.

I think that when I first brought Li Cang back to school, Li Cang was just entering the divine body for the first time.

But now, Li Cang’s combat power has far exceeded his own.

How long has it been since?

It only takes two or three months.

“Senior sister, your abilities are not suitable for participating in battles. You should help the people on the human side to improve their health from a distance.” Li Cang said in a message.

Chunyi?Y was startled, and then her eyes widened slightly, shocked that Li Cang could transmit sounds from such a distance.

You must know that her third-level divine consciousness can only cover three hundred meters.

To transmit sound with spiritual consciousness, at least the spiritual consciousness must be able to extend to the location of the target, or the spiritual consciousness must be used to contact the other party’s spiritual consciousness.

“Thank you, Junior Li Cang, I… am just a little reluctant.”

Chunyi?Y responded, and then quickly retreated. This time she originally wanted to kill a powerful enemy and gain luck.

But as soon as he went up, he was beaten to the point of doubting his life.

If Li Cang hadn’t rescued him, he might have been in danger.

In fact, there are many people like her, and most of the people who participate in the war come here to fight for their luck.

“For luck?”

Li Cang asked, and then he came to a metal life legend and exploded half of his body with one palm.

Then he grabbed the arm of the remnant of metal life and threw it violently.


This metal life legend was thrown directly a thousand meters and shot towards Chunyi?Y like a cannonball.

Chun Yi?Y’s face changed, and she reflexively fired out a palm print that emitted colorful light.


As a result, the flying metal life was directly destroyed by her.

Suddenly, an invisible power of luck came to her body, making the recovery speed of her consumed divinity much faster, as if her thoughts were clearer at this moment.

Chunyi?Y was stunned and looked at Li Cang.

As a result, Li Cang had already fallen into the battlefield at this time and did not look here again.

“Thank you!”

Whether Li Cang could hear it or not, Chunyi?Y said something with complicated and grateful emotions.

On the other side, Li Cang once again entered the camp of another world and was invincible.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

His golden lightning is like a death scythe, and wherever it passes, metal life explodes, without exception.

It has only been a few minutes since the war broke out, and the alien camp has suffered heavy casualties. More than a dozen demigods were killed, and the number of legendaries killed by Li Cang alone reached hundreds.

Although there were casualties on the human side, almost all of those who died were from the Holy Saint Realm. The number was far less than that of the other world camp, and none of the demigods died.

Obviously, the accumulation in other worlds is far inferior to that in Hanhai City.

After all, there will be no Divine Path University in another world, and the method of becoming a **** will not be spread all over the world.

The divine path taken by those metallic beings is completely different from that of the human race.


Suddenly there was a roar from the direction of another world, followed by a terrifying aura that enveloped the entire battlefield.

At the same time, a terrifying aura descended from the human race, competing with that aura.


A majestic voice came from the other world camp.

Then, the metal life in the other world camp receded like a tide.


On the human side, there are also gods speaking in the clouds.


Li Cang finally shot another bolt of golden lightning, blowing up a legendary metal being. He felt as if a terrifying gaze was staring at him, so he hurriedly stopped and retreated with the others.

But when he was retreating, he had a thought and used the pulling technique.

Suddenly, the remains of the nearby metal lifeforms that he killed quickly flew towards him and retreated with him.

Others followed suit and took their trophies back one after another.

However, some people flew back carrying the bodies of their comrades.


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