Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 12: Conflict


Soon, he saw a woman wearing a rose-red dress coming quickly.

The woman’s body exuded a dark red light, and she was obviously a divine person.

Li Cang’s first impression was that this woman was beautiful, but had a cold temperament, and she had an aura of innate nobility about her.

But he did not let down his guard. How could a woman wandering around outside in the middle of the night be a good person?

This world is not the Earth of the previous life. It is easy to encounter dangers here at night, especially evil spirits.

He just met one and he hasn’t killed him yet.

“Li Cang?”

The woman frowned and said, “Why are you here? Where is that evil spirit?”

Li Cang also frowned slightly when he heard this, so it was this woman who drove away evil spirits and almost killed himself?

“Who are you?” he asked.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. How did you catch the evil spirit? Give me the evil spirit. That is my mission goal. I only want the evil spirit and will not hurt you.” Wearing a rose-red dress The woman said coldly.

Li Cang frowned: “What evil spirit? I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Don’t say that he doesn’t believe this woman. Even if what this woman says is true, he can’t let go of the evil spirit now.

Because the evil spirit is currently at odds with the world laws of the low-dimensional world. As long as he relaxes a little, he may be counterattacked.

The evil power was so weird that he worried that the low-dimensional world would not be able to function after it was frozen.

“No need to hide, I have been chasing behind the evil spirit, and I have sensed the residual aura of the evil spirit on your body. You must have fought against that evil spirit.”

The woman in a rose-red dress said coldly: “Give me the evil spirit, and I can exchange it for you.”

“Sorry, I can’t get you what you want.” Li Cang said solemnly.

The voice of the woman in front suddenly turned cold.

“Why bother? Li Cang, I have seen your test scores. Your divinity is seventy points. Among the college entrance examination scores, this is considered very high.”

“But this bit of divinity is not worth mentioning in my opinion. You have to know that before people can show their holiness, the divine ones have no fighting power. I will not investigate the method you used to take away the evil spirits. I am right. I’m not interested in the treasures on your body, I only want my mission goal, and that evil spirit is very important to me.”

The woman in a rose-red dress approached step by step: “I say it one last time, give me the evil spirit! Otherwise, don’t blame me for bullying the small!”

Li Cang narrowed his eyes slightly. He is also a **** person. Otherwise, how do you think he traveled through time?

The thoughts in his mind flashed like lightning.

“I wonder if the low-dimensional world can accept another person?”

“But if the low-dimensional world is exposed, then we will have no choice but to act recklessly. Even if we self-destruct into chaos, we will not hesitate to let this woman come out alive.”

“Currently I cannot let others know that I can open up a low-dimensional world.”

“At worst, I’ll be severely injured. According to my reasoning, in theory, as long as I don’t die, I have a chance to start over again. And as my energy and spirit become stronger, the chaos I create next time may be even greater. Big, the level of the low-dimensional world should be very high from the beginning!”

These thoughts flashed through Li Cang’s mind very quickly, and he saw that the noble-tempered but cold-looking woman in front of him was about to take action.

The battle was about to break out, and Li Cang directly forcibly opened the entrance to the low-dimensional world——

At this moment, the woman in front suddenly felt a huge threat, making her hair stand on end.

“Yu Qianqian, what do you want to do?”

Suddenly a shout came from afar.


The woman in front suddenly retreated.

Li Cang was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly and quietly closed the entrance to the low-dimensional world that he couldn’t even see but could only sense.

I saw Chunyi Y coming, shrouded in seven-colored light. One moment she was at the end of the street, and the next moment she was already a hundred meters away.

When she took another step, she was already close. First she glanced at Li Cang strangely, who had not returned home at night, and then looked at Yu Qianqian coldly: “What are you going to do? Want to attack high school graduates again?”


This thought flashed through Li Cang’s mind.

However, he did not let down his guard. Although this Chunyi?Y claimed to be their senior sister, she was not familiar with him.

Even blood relatives may kill each other for profit, let alone strangers who just studied in the same school.

The woman in a rose-red dress, also known as Yu Qianqian, stood ten meters away, looking at Li Cang in surprise and saying, “This guy stole our mission target.”

“Take it away?” Chunyi?Y was confused, but she was a little happy in her heart. If Yu Qianqian didn’t get that special evil spirit, then she would still have a chance.

When Yu Qianqian heard this, she was a little embarrassed and angry. She was attacked and injured by a high school girl during the day, but now she was snatched away from the mission target by a high school boy.

What she couldn’t accept the most was that she actually felt a huge threat in front of a high school boy.

And these two people were both freshly graduated high school students, which made her doubtful about life for a while.

I am a divine pathfinder in the Holy Realm, but I feel threatened in front of a guy who has just embraced divinity!

This is simply unbelievable, no one would believe it.

“I didn’t take away Xie Sui.” At this time, Li Cang said.

Chunyi?Y looked at Li Cang.

“Impossible, that evil aura has disappeared, and there is a residual evil aura on you.” Yu Qianqian looked at Li Cang with disbelief.

Chun Yi? You won’t suffer any loss if you exchange what you want.”

“Li Cang has met the senior sister.”

Li Cang saluted slightly, and then said seriously: “I did see a blood-red evil spirit before. The evil spirit wanted to attack me, but was frightened away by the divinity in me.”

“It’s just a person who has embraced divinity for the first time. The divinity in his body is impossible to scare away evil spirits, especially that evil spirit.” Yu Qianqian sneered.

A person who has embraced divinity for the first time dares to say that his divinity scares away the evil spirits. How dare you say that!

“Embracing divinity for the first time?” Li Cang took the opportunity to ask.

Chunyi?Y said: “The divine path can be divided into three major realms. The first one is below one hundred points of divinity, which is the first time to embrace divinity. At this time, the divine path can only prevent itself from being contaminated. With evil spirits, it is not easy to get sick, it is not easy to encounter dirty things, and it can see some things that ordinary people cannot see.”

She doesn’t mind introducing some knowledge points to this junior: “When divinity reaches one hundred points, it is the second realm, that is, divine body protection. At this time, the divine path is immune to all evil. It is free from all diseases, and the divinity in the body will automatically protect the Lord when attacked by evil spirits and other evil spirits.”

“When the divinity reaches one thousand points, it is the third realm, manifesting one’s holiness in front of people. At this time, the divine path can mobilize one’s divinity, display some magical powers, and be able to show one’s holiness in front of people and perform some miracles. In this way, some faith can be gained. At this time, all the divine seekers can already absorb the power of faith.”

After hearing this, Li Cang immediately said: “According to what my senior said, I should be a divine protector now.”

“Nonsense! How arrogant and ignorant!”

Yu Qianqian sneered again: “During the exam during the day, I only reached 70 points of divinity. It only took half a day. Do you know how long it takes for a normal person to go from 70 points of divinity to 100 points of divinity? Shouldn’t you Would you say you have a breakthrough?”

“Isn’t it possible?”

Li Cang also sneered: “I really made a breakthrough. I know you are a top student at Shentu University, but don’t look at me with your shallow eyes. Just because normal people can’t do it, doesn’t mean I can do it too.” No. You keep denying me because you can’t do it yourself, so you don’t want to believe that others can do it? I think you are the one who is arrogant and ignorant.”

“You said I was arrogant and ignorant?!” Yu Qianqian was so angry that she wanted to jump up and curse, but her long-term good self-cultivation made her hold back: “You…Okay, since you said you are not a normal person , then show it.”

“To say you are ignorant is to humiliate the word ignorance. Just now, Senior Sister Chunyi Y said that miracles can only be manifested after appearing in front of others. I am just a divine body protector now. You teach me How can I show it at once?” Li Cang sneered.

Chunyi?Y looked blankly at the boy in front of her. This boy should be the first one who dares to say that about Yu Qianqian, right?

Is Yu Qianqian going to be so angry now?

She said to herself, aren’t you afraid of death? Or do you think that with me here, Yu Qianqian won’t dare to take action against you?

Sure enough, Yu Qianqian was about to explode with anger. She was breathing heavily, her plump chest rose and fell rapidly, and her pretty face turned red.

Seeing that Yu Qianqian was losing her mind, Chunyi?Y hurriedly said: “I have a way for you to prove whether you are lying.”

“What can we do?” Li Cang’s eyes lit up.

If the conflict can be resolved, he will naturally be very happy.

Because he didn’t know if he could hold two people in the low-dimensional world even if he was desperate.


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