Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 11: First encounter with evil spirits


Evil thoughts are very difficult to eliminate because they are too numerous and harmless, so the gods don’t even bother to pay attention to them.

Chunyi? You can’t beat me, I feel ashamed for you.”

When the woman in the rose red dress heard this, her face turned cold: “I didn’t force her. That girl was just a fool. She didn’t give me a chance to speak, and she even attacked me. Otherwise, how could she possibly hurt me?” ? You are not allowed to talk about this matter!”

“I have no interest in speaking ill of you.”

Chunyi?Y said coldly: “We are here with a mission this time, please don’t cause trouble.”

“Am I in trouble?”

The woman in the rose-red dress was furious: “I already told you that the problem was with the mentally retarded girl. That girl was very ambitious. No wonder her **** are so flat.”

“What does a flat chest have to do with ambition?”

“How can the world be equalized if the chest is not equal!”


Chunyi?Y was speechless: “Since you are fine, let’s start the mission. Should we act separately?”

“Of course they will act separately, whoever catches them will get it.”


Li Cang was very busy this night.

As he walked, he collected all those illusory figures into the low-dimensional world, decomposed and absorbed them.

Everywhere he passed, the streets and alleys became clean, and not a single illusory figure was left behind.

During this process, Li Cang discovered that not all illusory figures were humanoid.

In fact, most of the illusory figures are in the shape of beasts or even monsters.

For example, an eight-legged snake, a dog with three human heads, etc.

This discovery made him more certain that he was doing good deeds. How could such a weird thing be a human soul?

However, Li Cang still used his mobile phone to check the Internet. Unfortunately, there was no explanation on the Internet. He only saw some fragments of words in some very niche posts.

Through these few words, he knew that this illusory figure was called evil spirits and residual thoughts.

But when he specifically searched for these four words, he found nothing.

After Li Cang thought for a moment, he roughly guessed the reason.

Maybe it’s because I don’t want ordinary people to know.

Because if ordinary people knew that there were dense shadows of monsters around them all the time, how terrifying would it be?

Even though those monster phantoms have no attack power and cannot be seen themselves, just thinking about them makes me feel uneasy.

Li Cang collected all the evil thoughts and thoughts wherever he passed.

His low-dimensional world is becoming more and more powerful, which can be felt.


At around one o’clock in the morning, the low-dimensional world rose to another dimension again.


Although there was no change in the low-dimensional world itself, Li Cang felt a buzzing sound inside his body.

The buzzing sound seemed to come from a distant imaginary world, enter reality, and enter his mind.

Immediately afterwards, an energy more powerful than any before appeared in his body out of thin air, rapidly strengthening his limbs and every cell in his body.

This kind of energy is very gentle, and it has an all-inclusive feeling, strengthening his body in all directions.

At the same time, Li Cang vaguely felt that a very positive force appeared on his body.

With the emergence of this ‘positive energy’, the cool feeling in the evening breeze disappeared.

Because of the existence of this ‘positive energy’, my whole body felt warm and inexplicably at ease.

It seems to have some kind of power to protect the body.

“Is this because my divinity has increased?”

“So that very positive energy is divinity?”

Li Cang’s heart moved and he was secretly surprised.

“But by the way, I have ascended the dimension once before, but I didn’t feel this power before. Is it because the divinity was not increased at that time? Or is it because after the divinity was increased this time, it reached a certain level?”

He sensed himself, but found that although he could sense the very positive power, he could not mobilize it.

That power is like passive body protection.

It was already late at night, and although the street lights were bright, there were no pedestrians on the street.

There are very few vehicles. It usually takes ten minutes and half an hour for a car to pass by.

But they were all passing by in a hurry, and the people in the car would not take time to pay attention to Li Cang on the roadside.

After all, Changmin County is just a small county with only three to four hundred thousand people, and its nightlife cannot be like that of a big city.

Because he was not afraid of being seen, Li Cang stood on the side of the road, silently feeling the feeling of his physique being strengthened.

This feeling is very good, the whole person seems to be sublimating. After the physical improvement, the breathing becomes longer and the energy becomes more abundant.

The feeling of sleepiness originally caused by staying up late also disappeared.

About half an hour later, this enhancement finally disappeared.

“My strength has increased, although it’s not much, but it also makes me very strong!”

Li Cang felt it and felt that this time he had only gained a few dozen kilograms of strength at most.

But he is not sorry because his level of the Kingdom of God is still too low.

After the Kingdom of God’s level increases in the future, his improvement will definitely be considerable.

Li Cang checked the low-dimensional world again and found that the time in the low-dimensional world accelerated at this time and dropped to a million times again.

“Does this one million times mean that one million meters inside is equivalent to one meter in the real world?”

Li Cang thought of the evil and evil thoughts of those who were brought into the low-dimensional world before.

Those evil remnants are only about as tall as him in the real world.

After being placed in a low-dimensional world, it is like a **** standing tall and upright, even being forced to bend down.

Li Cang immediately brought a human-shaped evil spirit into the low-dimensional world again.

Sure enough, he discovered that the size of the evil spirit in the low-dimensional world this time was much smaller than before.

This time, although the illusory figure is still standing tall, it can no longer fill the entire world, and there is still a lot of space.


With Li Cang’s thought, dense lightning appeared in the low-dimensional world.


Like a world-destroying divine thunder, it struck down wildly.

In just a moment, the illusory figure was shattered into ashes.

“The thunder in the low-dimensional world is even more powerful!”

Li Cang was overjoyed. It had taken a long time to eliminate an evil thought.

The difference is huge.

A dimensionality upgrade has raised the level of the low-dimensional world a lot, and the power of the laws of heaven and earth has also become greater.

This is what he wants.

At this moment, he had a sudden thought: “By the way, since it can kill even illusory figures, then this kind of thunder should be able to exist in the real world, right?”

With a thought, he tried to summon that kind of thunder.

The next moment, his fingers glowed slightly, and an electric snake smaller than a hair could be seen flashing away.

But just for a moment, this weak electric snake disappeared, as if it could not last forever in the real world.

“It’s really possible. I can summon the power in the low-dimensional world. So, I can control lightning in the future?”

Far from being disappointed, Li Cang was very excited.

It doesn’t matter if you are weak now, it will be fine if you can become stronger in the future.


Suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart, sensing a huge threat, and saw a figure approaching him quickly from the corner of his eye.


The first thought in Li Cang’s mind was, did Liang Kun send someone to kill him?

However, when he looked up, he saw a blood-red figure rushing towards him ferociously.

It was a **** humanoid figure, as if it were made of **** light. One moment it was dozens of meters away, and the next moment it was close.

This speed made it impossible for Li Cang to dodge.

But the strange thing is-

The look in the blood-red figure’s eyes was not cruel, but more like the feeling of a desperate person who wants to die with his enemy in despair.

“Evil spirit?”

Li Cang was shocked. Although he had never seen the evil spirit with his own eyes, the thing in front of him was so recognizable.

When it came close to his body, his body felt frozen.

What is this if it’s not evil?

At the critical moment, instead of hiding, Li Cang took the initiative to meet him.

The next moment, his body suddenly emitted light, and his divinity was rapidly consumed, and he was automatically protecting his body.


The blood-red figure screamed, and the blood on its body was melting like the summer sunshine encountered by winter snow.

But it doesn’t care, it wants to possess Li Cang, and it wants to drain Li Cang’s energy and spirit.

“Go in, you!”

In horror, Li Cang snorted and suddenly opened the entrance to the low-dimensional world. His skin was the entrance, and his whole body could be the entrance.

The blood-red figure that was about to be forcibly possessed suddenly disappeared into thin air.


In the low-dimensional world, as soon as the blood-red figure appeared, the world was shattered, and the acceleration of time was forced to stop, unable to accelerate.

Here, its body is nearly two million meters high. It is so terrifying, standing tall against the sky and the earth, like a world-destroying demon that came out of ancient times!

When its aura escapes, the mountains, rivers and land will be frozen, and the entire low-dimensional world will be frozen. Even many plants will be infected and mutate.

But at this moment, Li Cang forcibly mobilized the thunder of the low-dimensional world to wildly bombard the **** figure.


As soon as a large number of frozen areas appeared, they were shattered by thunder, and the **** figure was also screamed in agony.

The newly mutated plants were purified by the power of thunder in the blink of an eye.

Thunder in the low-dimensional world contains absolutely positive power, destroying all evil forces and purifying all dark forces.

But the **** figure who was attacked was just stunned, and then began to resist, exuding an evil aura unscrupulously, and resisting the thunder of the low-dimensional world.

“If the low-dimensional world does not return to chaos instantly, then there is hope to destroy this thing!”

In the real world, Li Cang secretly wiped away a cold sweat while continuing to control the thunder in the low-dimensional world to bombard evil spirits.

He also didn’t expect that after two years of time travel, he would encounter evil spirits the first time he wandered outside at night.

Before, Su Mixin often ran out in the middle of the night, and nothing happened.

In the outside world, the power of the low-dimensional world cannot exist for a long time, but in his divine world, he is the master. This low-dimensional world seems to have its own independent operating rules.

Here, he has a great advantage.

I saw that huge **** figure like an ancient demon god. Under the bombardment of the world-destroying thunder in the low-dimensional world, the power on his body was dissipating little by little.

But if you want to kill it completely, it will be difficult to do it in a short time.


Suddenly, Li Cang felt a breath approaching again.


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