Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 991: It’s so shameful


This time, Duofeng was the first to board the battle stage.

He folded his arms, his eyes flashed with light blue light, and his eyes followed Walkers, looking at him.

If you want to become the leader of the Wind Wolf Clan, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of others is the most basic quality.

Zhoufeng could see that Vokris was very strong, and his strength should be on par with him, or even slightly better.

This battle is destined to be a tough one.

Volkis walked up to Qiao Feng with his head held high, and his behavior showed a bit of contempt for Qiao Feng.

In Walkers’ view, Yang Yu is his old enemy and the hurdle he must overcome.

The protagonist in the story will never lose to the same enemy twice, and every time he defeats an opponent, he becomes half stronger.

Any enemy that appears before he fights his old enemy is just a stepping stone that can be kicked away at will.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen an enemy who can laugh like this when facing me.” Duofeng let go of his arms and flexed his knuckles, “I hope you won’t let me down.”

Volkis raised his head, unwilling to be outdone, “Don’t let me down, I want to see what tricks you can take on me.”

Zhoufeng did not respond to Vokeris’s words. He just waved his hands and put on a posture. A gust of wind blew up from nowhere, causing his soft hair to dance in the air.

“Both sides are in their positions!”

The referee raised his hand, and Vouklis pulled out the sword that looked a little shabby at the Dragon God Conference from its scabbard. A cyan vortex appeared from Duofeng’s shoulder, swimming around along Duofeng’s body.


With the referee’s order, the two people on the field officially took action.

“[Multiple Sharpness]

【Rapid Wind】

[Blessing of Clarotes]……”

Walkless’ body flashed with rays of light one after another, continuously strengthening himself, and at the same time, his eyes were always fixed on Qiu Feng’s every move.

Showing out his sharp claws, Seizing the Wind took steady steps, approaching Vokris step by step. With every step he took, there would be one more cyclone on his body.

In a short time, nine cyclones surrounded and captured the wind.

Suddenly, blue light bloomed in Duofeng’s eyes, and his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Vouklis like thunder, and his huge wolf claws pounced on Voukris’ head.

Volkis reacted in time and barely avoided the attack with a dodge. At the same time, he stopped applying buffs to himself and used a convenient magic shield.

Walkes was about to swing out the sword in his hand when a sharp howl came from the mouth of the wind. As if Woke was facing a typhoon, the speed of swinging the sword became extremely slow.

The giant claws of Seizing the Wind struck, and with a “crack” sound, the shield woven by Voukris was like a bubble, which was easily shattered by Seizing the Wind.

The shield that could resist one or two skills was shattered like that.

Changing the direction of the sword, Voukris wanted to block the claws that were attacking Seizing the Wind. However, a cyclone traveling on Seizing the Wind actually caused Voukris’ body to move towards Seizing the Wind.

The next moment, a huge fist hit Vocris hard in the abdomen.

Volkis flew out instantly, rolling continuously, and was about to fall off the fighting platform.

Struggled to activate the ice magic on the sword, Voukris forced the blade to form thick ice cubes, blocking the blade, and then used the blade to drag his body to avoid falling out of the field.

Volkis’s face was full of disbelief, but he was more worried and scared than disbelief.

It would be really shameful for him to be knocked out of the field with just one blow. He would be shameless in front of everyone.

Even if he announces the identity of the hero in the future, he will definitely attract countless doubts.

He must stand up and then use his overwhelming strength to knock down his opponent.

As long as you persist, things will definitely turn around.

What is even more incredible than Vocris is Seizing the Wind.

He repeatedly opened and closed the hand that had knocked out Vokris, confirming the feeling just now, and couldn’t believe that his first attack hit like this.

“It shouldn’t be… it shouldn’t be…” Duofeng muttered in his mouth.

A person with such an aura that is on par with him should have crossed countless Shura fields like himself. It is impossible for his attacks to hit so easily.

Seizing the Wind does not mean that Vouklis can completely defend himself in the end. At least he has to block one or two moves. If not, at least he should adjust his posture when he flies out, so as not to look so embarrassed.

The light blue light in Duofeng’s eyes disappeared, and he looked at Wo Chris with cold eyes,

“Stand up! Show me your true strength. This is the Dragon God Conference. Everyone who comes to participate in this conference should have only one purpose.

I don’t know what you were bound to, but you didn’t give up or let yourself fall directly.

This shows that you still have the heart to win.

Stand up! ”

Volkis propped up his body with his sword, his body flashed with light, his eyes were particularly determined,

“You don’t need to tell me, I will do the same. It was just a mistake. Facing a powerful enemy, falling into a desperate situation, and finally making a comeback is the standard protagonist. I will use all my strength to defeat you. Defeat!”

Qiaofeng put down his hand and stood there,

“Then come here and let me see how strong you are.”

The brave Warcris used his skills unceremoniously, and a large amount of brilliant light surrounded him.

In order to be able to deal with his opponents in the most chic manner, Vouklis worked hard and tried many skill combinations, as well as the power of those combinations.

What he is using now is the most powerful and gorgeous skill.

Light blue ice butterflies danced beside Vocris, and countless flowers bloomed under his feet. A golden light slid from the sword edge to the hilt, like a golden meteor dragging out a long beautiful line.

Volkis gathered strength in his legs and moved his sword forward. Like an elegant dancer, his feet stepped lightly, but he burst out with incredible speed. In the blink of an eye, Vocris was in front of the wind, shining golden Liuguang’s long sword slashed towards Duofeng’s head.

Zhuofeng stepped back and dodged the first slash from Voukris. Voukris stabilized his body and swung the first, second, and third sword, but every time the brave Vouklis swung, Every strike was perfectly dodged by Qiao Feng.

Volkis tried to use some auxiliary skills to make his attacks hit, but they were all dodged by Seizing the Wind.

The more he observed Voukris’s movements, the angrier he became.


When Vouklis’s sword struck again, Qiao Feng no longer avoided it. He raised his hand, flashed his sharp claws, and grasped the edge of the sword that the hero was slashing at.

Quiet Wind’s eyes were fixed on Vouklis, and he asked coldly:

“Is this all your strength?”


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