Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 990: Third round


“Bai Jin, with your strength, it is not difficult to defeat the next enemy and the next one.

The difficulty is the sisters [Duan Fengliu] encountered in the fifth round.

Faced with such a high-speed assassin-type swordsman, a magician has very little room for error. One step may be wrong, and every step may be wrong.

Duan Fengliu also has some very tricky skills.

For now, I will write you all the skills you need to pay attention to, and try to think more about how to deal with them. ”

Yang Yu has fought against Aslit before and knows the difficulties of Duan Fengliu.

Originally, Yang Yu thought that Qiuye Dolainen would be able to qualify safely and smoothly, but after watching Aslit’s two games, Yang Yu changed his mind.

Aslit’s attributes have increased dramatically for some reason, and she is even better than her younger sister. She won the first two games more decisively than Seizing the Wind.

Qiuye Dolainen has always been called the number one genius of [Duan Fengliu], but Yang Yu has never seriously fought against her and does not know her true strength.

If the two really fight, the outcome will be hard to say.

No matter what the grudge between the two sisters is, Bai Jin must face [Duan Fengliu].

“Yes. I will be careful. You have done a lot of training with me before, and I know how to deal with it. Don’t worry too much.”

Bai Jin boldly sat next to Yang Yu and leaned against Yang Yu.

She knew that the racial essence of the Dragon Clan was very important to Yang Yu, and would even determine the intensity of their subsequent adventures.

Bai Jin was very happy when she was assigned to the other half area.

If two people work hard in their respective half areas, the chance of obtaining the essence of the dragon race will be doubled.

In addition to more opportunities, Bai Jin also has a little selfishness of her own.

Bai Jin is also a girl, and she occasionally desires to show off in front of her lover, wanting to show her good side and let her lover praise her.

But Bai Jin is not good at cooking or dressing up.

She once secretly dressed herself up according to the makeup methods taught by Ladis, and also asked the girls who studied together in the Wanwu Library to teach cooking skills, but… these, Bai Everything was a mess.

The only thing Bai Jin can do is magic.

She wanted to use her magic to do more things for Yang Yu and see Yang Yu’s approving eyes on her.

Playing alone in the Dragon God Conference is an excellent opportunity to perform.

Bai Jin is full of confidence in the upcoming Dragon God Conference.

Time passed and it was the next day.

The third round of the Dragon God Conference officially began, and Yang Yu was the first to appear as usual.

His opponent in the third round was also a tough opponent. He was third on the genius list, the genius paladin from the Kingdom of Sertis, Portseus Marling.

Perseus Maling was born into a family of a certain Duke in Sertis, and is a rare [Person Blessed by the Holy Light lv.9].

When he was seven years old, his potential for the Holy Light was undoubtedly revealed. When he was nine years old, he entered the important church of the Goddess Sect to study. He returned after completing his studies at the age of fifteen, and has been serving as the guard of King Sertis ever since.

Before the sage predicted the arrival of the Demon King, he had been favored by King Thetis.

The king even once wanted him to marry a princess with an eccentric temper, but he declined politely for various reasons.

With his status, if he really married, he would be a good match.

Yang Yu has fought against the Holy Light Knight before.

As soon as the game started, Yang Yu took full advantage of his experience with the Holy Light Knight.

After several confrontations, Portseus Ma Ling failed to gain any advantage from Yang Yu.

Perseus Ma Ling instantly realized that the man in front of him was unusual, and he concentrated on thinking about countermeasures. At the appropriate time, he gave himself holy light treatment to resist Yang Yu’s harm.

Yang Yu does not have Bai Jin’s [Treatment Taboo], nor does he have the gain bonus of Ias. Facing such a profession with recovery, it is very important to maintain the blood volume and continuously reduce the opponent’s blood volume. Important matter.

Soon, this battle turned into a tug-of-war.

Protracted warfare is what Portseus Marling is good at.

At the beginning, Portseus Ma Ling realized that Yang Yu was also ready for a protracted war, and he was secretly happy. Since his holy light could not attack him, he would try every means to bring him down.

But as time went on, Portseus Marling felt more and more something was wrong. The enemy in front of him seemed to have endless physical strength, and slowly penetrated his body with the perseverance of dripping water through stone. defense.

The enemy in front of him became more and more courageous as he fought. Fighting a protracted battle with Yang Yu was his worst choice.

When he came back to his senses, Portseus Marling was already standing at the corner of the battle stage.

Yang Yu used the attributes of passive stacking and the instantaneous increase in power of [Breaking Cauldron] to smash the square platform, causing Perseus Ma Ling to fall to the ground to determine the winner.

Perseus Marling patted the dust on his armor and shook his head secretly.

It is true that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

Although I have not missed training every day, since I became the king’s guard, I have no way to pursue strength as before…

Frankly admitting his defeat, Portseus Ma Ling reached out to Yang Yu with a chivalrous spirit and thanked him for his teaching.

Winning another game smoothly, Yang Yu naturally smiled and took over the hand of Perseus Ma Ling, and there was a simple business exchange.

After completing the third round, Yang Yu slowly left the venue.

In the tunnel, Yang Yu met Walkers who was heading to the next game.

Walkes curled his lips dissatisfiedly, “It’s really long.

I waited in the lounge for almost more than an hour.

If I fight against him, it will definitely not take so much time.

Moreover, it ends in that way instead of letting the other party admit defeat openly…

Not only this time, but also the last time…

You are really a cunning person. ”

Yang Yu did not stop, “This is all within the limits of the rules. For me, it’s good if I can win.

Don’t forget the agreement between us. The day after tomorrow should be the time for us to decide the outcome. Think more about the ways I might use to make you lose. Don’t make my game really boring

…Your next opponent is very strong. I hope you can take him seriously and use all your strength to deal with him.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to get out of the line. ”

“You don’t need to say it, I know it. After all, he is just a stronger little character. Now I definitely have the strength to defeat him. You just need to wash my neck and wait.”

After saying that, Walkers glanced past Yang Yu with firm eyes, and quickly walked onto the fighting stage to meet his next opponent.

Yang Yu did not quickly return to Bai Jin and the others. Instead, he sat in the lounge and watched the third round of the brave Walkers’ battle.


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