Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 989: Bullfighting


The first round of the Dragon God Conference took four full days.

Yang Yu watches the games carefully every day to see if he can get some inspiration from their battles.

The outcome of most games was as Yang Yu expected.

There are only a few games where the weak defeat the strong.

Yang Yu singled out the few players who were weak against the strong, silently raised their evaluation levels, and kept an eye on them to prevent them from pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

If possible, Yang Yu would actually like to come to Bo to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but he became famous too early.

After the first round of competition, Yang Yu went to the black market again.

Information dealers on the black market not only revealed the identity of the leader of his S-class adventure group and the man in the colorful mask, but also the skills and equipment he used.

Yang Yu simply doubted that these information dealers would strip him of his underwear in a few days.

Fortunately, Yang Yu was not the only person who had his underwear taken off at the Dragon God Conference.

Some players who only missed a few tricks in the competition have been found out by intelligence dealers. What skills they have, what habits they have, and what equipment they have have been discovered clearly.

As the saying goes, there is a sequence of learning, and there is a specialization of skills.

Yang Yu still underestimated the determination of the intelligence dealers to make a lot of money, and underestimated their intelligence gathering capabilities.

There are many players like Yang Yu who come to spy on the enemy, but the main force in buying information is actually people who want to make a lot of money by relying on the Dragon God Conference betting.

In every Dragon God Conference, there will be people who will go bankrupt gambling.

And what you earn will always be an information dealer.

On the fifth day, the second round of the Dragon God Conference began.

Yang Yu was the first to appear.

In the second round, he faced the Ocean Principality’s anchovy family.

The anchovy family has armor made of spikes. When faced with danger, the strong members of the anchovy family can not only inflate their armor like a real agouti, but can also split the armor into spikes again. Launched.

The contestants from the Abackifish family fired spikes and scattered nails all over the field in order to restrict Yang Yu’s movements.

Yang Yu’s strategy is also very simple.

Facing a trap, the best way is to stand still.

After sea-dwelling species reach the coast, they must replenish water regularly. The more strenuous exercise they do, the faster the water in their bodies will be depleted.

The more water they use, the weaker they become.

In this battle, Yang Yu fully demonstrated his qualities as a tank.

Every time the enemy attacks, Yang Yu either uses small movements to avoid it, or raises his shield in time to defend.

After an hour and a half of offensive and defensive battle, the contestants of the attacking agouti family were panting.

Yang Yu calmly took out the broom and cleaned the spikes in front of him.

The contestants from the anchovy family had no choice but to abstain.

Back in the audience, Yang Yu is waiting for the start of Walkers’ game.

There is no doubt about the match between Brave Warrior Vockris.

Volkis achieved a unilateral crushing. He did not use any skills. He just released a few skills to strengthen himself and used gorgeous combinations to end the game.

After the game, he raised his sword to declare his victory, eager to bask in the applause of countless people, but in the end, only a few applauses were heard.

Spectators prefer close matches in which the weak defeat the strong.

Walkes’s performance was like a matador killing the bull as soon as he entered the bullring. People would marvel at the matador’s power, but they would not applaud for it.

They came to watch the bullfight. The bull was killed at the beginning, so what else were they watching?

There was very little applause, and the smile on Walkers’ face was a little stiff. He put away his sword and walked off the stage pretending not to care.

Shortly after that, the next group of contestants took the stage.

The first to come up was a tall, slender young man from the Republic of Tren, and his opponent was a two-meter-tall blue werewolf.

The werewolf’s name is Duofeng, and he is the next leader of the Wind Wolf Clan. He has learned the ultimate secret of the Wind Wolf Clan at the age of only 26, and is the most powerful competitor to win the Dragon God Conference.

If nothing unexpected happens, Seizing the Wind will be the next opponent of the brave Warcris.

As soon as the competition started, Zhuofeng walked forward step by step with heavy steps, and the hair on his body fluttered with him.

Without using any skills, Seizing the Wind just walked towards the opponent.

His hunting instinct told him that his opponent was much weaker than him, and he did not need any extra preparations at all. He only needed to simply approach and take action to determine the outcome.

Duofeng showed off his sharp claws and approached step by step. The young man from the Republic of Tren quickly took up his stance and prepared to face the enemy.

A blue light flashed in his eyes, and in the blink of an eye, Sui Feng was in front of his opponent.

The opponent who seized the wind had no time to react, and his head was pinched by sharp claws, and then he was smashed into the ground mercilessly.

The player from the Republic of Tren snorted and fell completely unconscious.

Zhuofeng grabbed the man’s neck, stood on the edge of the single platform, and then threw his opponent out of the field like trash.

When the referee announced his victory, Zhuofeng turned around and left without saying a word.

There was a moment of silence.

What is a king? This is called the true king!

Even though it was not the first time they saw Duofeng use such a move, they were still stunned.

Yang Yu condensed his gaze and noticed the abnormality of Duofeng’s attack. Duofeng dealt an amount of damage that was extremely inconsistent with the panel.

Not a difference of one or two times, but a full four times.

With one attack from Seizing the Wind, nearly 13,000 of the opponent’s lives were taken away in almost one stroke.

That attack was definitely not a normal attack, but a skill used.

Yang Yu could think of many similar skills, but he couldn’t find any that were completely consistent with the current situation.

What can be concluded is that if you are tricked from the beginning, your chances of winning will be greatly reduced.

I don’t know if the brave man saw that move just now…

If he could have seen that move, would he still have that confident smile just now?

Thoughts flashed through Yang Yu’s mind. He was not sure who would be his opponent in the fourth round, so he decided to focus on his opponent in the next round.

The second round had a total of sixty-four games and took three days to end.

Before the start of the third round, Yang Yu and the others had one day to rest and adjust.

On this day, Yang Yu did not run around, but ran to Bai Jin’s room to help Bai Jin analyze the situation in their half of the area.

Compared to Yang Yu’s left half, the right half is much easier.

If the right half is further divided into upper and lower halves, there are basically not many strong opponents in the upper right half. A man from the Shadow Hand tribe will continue to fight against players below A until reaching the semi-finals.

Yang Yu had to admire this man’s luck.

The lower right battle area is basically where strong people gather together, and there are many people who need to pay attention.


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