Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 986: Oil and muscle are better matched


Another acceleration spell, Dianwen came to Yang Yu’s eyes in the blink of an eye, and stabbed Yang Yu’s chest with the wand in his hand.

Yang Yu raised his shield and used [Shield Block].

Dianwen’s wand deviated in front of Yang Yu, no longer aimed at Yang Yu’s heart, but instead aimed at Yang Yu’s shoulders.

It was already too late to move the shield to block.

If you dodge sideways, you can still barely avoid it.

However, Yang Yu did not dodge.

This is Yang Yu’s intuition, a judgment on what just happened.

Yang Yu caught the stick with his body. What was incredible was that before Dianwen’s stick touched him, he was pushed back a distance and his health dropped a lot.

After receiving this blow, Yang Yu finally knew what was going on.

Dianwen actually hid part of his wand!

Speaking of which, when he first met Dianwen, he seemed to be using invisibility magic to try to catch people selling contraband.

This magic is not surprising.

“I discovered the magic I was using so quickly.

There is no sign of defense. After you judge that you have to avoid it, will the situation be worse than now? ”

Dianwen held the wand in his hand with both hands, and the wand was shorter than before.

Invisibility magic is a very complex high-level magic. The person who uses this magic will seem to disappear completely, without seeing any shadow or hearing any sound.

But it’s not imperceptible.

Bai Jin once sensed Dianwen in the invisible state through the fluctuation of magic power.

Yang Yu does not have the same ability as Bai Jin, but since this magic does not make people disappear completely, there are countless ways to deal with this magic.

“You really impress me now.

But if you want to defeat me with your little cleverness, you still have a long way to go.

Even if you use invisibility magic to hide your whole body, I can still solve it all.

Come here and let me take a good look at your growth. ”

Yang Yu is full of confidence and his words are full of provocation.

“Really? Then I’m welcome.” Dianwen continued to chant the incantation and completed the invisibility magic. His wand slowly disappeared, and then his arms began to disappear, and his figure became thinner and thinner. Finally disappeared completely.

Yang Yu took out a large bucket of cooking oil from the system, cut the mouth of the bottle with his sword, held the lower end of the bucket, and poured the oil around like a goddess scattering flowers.

Everyone present knew Yang Yu’s intention. He wanted to mark the dianwen with oil to determine the location of the dianwen.

This idea is quite naive.

Invisibility magic is a very advanced magic. Although it consumes an astonishing amount of energy, no colorant or smell can continue to mark the user.

Those objects will only make the user temporarily visible, and then the objects will become invisible like the caster.

During that short period of appearance, did Yang Yu have any way to continue to mark Dianwen, or a trick to win with one blow?

The giant dragon in the stands watched all this with relish.

Invisibility magic is certainly powerful, but magicians with good magic education can make this magic ineffective. This magic can only bully laymen who are not very good at magic.

After the invisibility magic is completed, no other magic can be used, otherwise it will appear; on the contrary, as long as no other magic is used, the invisibility magic will last for a long time.

Dianwen already has a buff, so it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t use other skills.

So, he decided to use the invisibility magic that consumes a lot of money but can make people unable to catch the trace, intending to quietly approach Yang Yu and continue to attack him.

The dragons can tell how well a person masters magic and know the magical power of the text.

If Yang Yu doesn’t have a good idea, he will face Dianwen’s torture for more than ten minutes.

It would be better if Yang Yu could spread the oil all over the battlefield. He could also judge the location of the text based on the oil stains.

But will Dianwen give Yang Yu the opportunity to spread the oil all over the venue?

Obviously not.

In the dragon’s perception, Dianwen had already launched a charge towards Yang Yu.

As they imagined, the oil could only make Dianwen visible for a short while, and the traces of Dianwen quickly disappeared. There was no trace on the road, and no sound could be heard.

Speaking of which, it would be more appropriate to sprinkle flour over oil.

When someone steps on flour, some of it will stick to it, leaving a string of white footprints.

Yang Yu can even kick randomly on the flour and judge the movement of Dianwen based on the direction in which the flour smoke blows.

Did Yang Yu only bring oil and not flour or anything like that?

The answer is no.

Yang Yu looked around and mobilized every sense in his body.

The enemy cannot be seen and will not make any sound. At this time, it is important to observe the surroundings.

At the same time, Yang Yu is also waiting for something…


A drop of oil fell on the ground and made a sound.

The cooking oil fell from Dianwen’s smooth skin.

With this drop of oil, Yang Yu had no way to determine Dianwen’s specific location and attack movements, but with this drop of oil, Yang Yu was able to determine the direction of Dianwen’s movement.

This is enough for Yang Yu.

Taking out the shield, an illusory shield formed in front of Yang Yu’s shield.


Another drop of oil fell.

This time it was on the right side of Yang Yu. Yang Yu was not polite. A red streak appeared on his body, like a red missile that hit in that direction.

Faced with Yang Yu’s sudden attack, Dianwen did not change his mind.

He is already very close to Yang Yu. If he uses magic to avoid him now, he will definitely appear.

By then, he may not have a second chance to use invisibility magic.

Walking between hiding and not hiding, seeing Yang Yu’s illusory shield getting closer and closer, Dianwen no longer hesitated and moved his wand forward.

He still has a lot of strengthening magic on his body, and his exercised muscles are also cheering, ready to face the challenge.

Yang Yu has the courage to hide if he can’t hide, so how can he lose to him?

Furthermore, this situation of being unable to use magic was also a situation he had imagined countless times.

What’s the use of shrinking back here and taking this path on your own?

A strong resistance stood in front of Yang Yu, and the speed of the advancing red missile was gradually slowing down.

Sure enough, we hit it.

Since they bumped into each other, Yang Yu naturally would not miss this golden opportunity.

Under the red missile head, another golden flame ignited, and Yang Yu used [Burning the Cauldron] to increase his power in one breath.

The missile head, which had just been slowing down, suddenly increased in speed.

Dianwen wanted to keep his feet firmly on the ground, but Yang Yu had pushed him onto the spilled oil ring.

With a “squeak”, the huge battle stage slid out of a smooth trajectory.

Yang Yu easily brought Dianwen to the edge of the fighting stage, and pushed Dianwen out of the field with a push of his legs.


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