Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 977: A meager clue


Ias instantly understood the meaning in Yang Yu’s eyes and walked forward helplessly.

Yang Yu communicated with Icaro Flo and asked Ias to decide to spy on the timing of releasing the magic.

Icaro Flo didn’t know the meaning of this, but he still agreed to Yang Yu.

The white electric current released by the five spiritual bodies firmly controlled Jasmine’s soul. Icaro Flo changed his gestures and stared into Jasmine’s eyes like a torch:

“You are ready and you can start at any time.

After completing the basic operation, her memory will flash rapidly and randomly.

The timing of stopping is also determined by you.

According to the strength of her soul, she can only sustain it for about three times.

Start??? ”

Ias has long been accustomed to being regarded as a “mascot”, so she casually replied:

“Let’s get started!”

Icaro Flo slapped his palms three times in a row, with his fingers facing each other. Five gray currents quickly climbed along the white current, injecting Jasmine’s soul. After a while, countless smoke seeped out of Jasmine’s head, It condensed into a gray cloud.

The patterns emerging on the gray clouds change rapidly, and they are all scattered fragments.


Ias shouted out this word based on her own intuition, and the pattern on the gray clouds was fixed on a sunny round lake.

After about a second or two, the frozen scene played slowly like a movie, and the breeze blew across the calm lake, making the waves sparkle.

This is Jasmine’s memory. What they saw were real events that happened from Jasmine’s perspective.

The perspective slowly turned, revealing a handsome and sunny man, speaking sweet words towards Yang Yu and the others.

Yang Yu understood immediately. This was Jasmine’s former lover. His words were so disgusting that it was a shame he could say them out loud.

I slapped my forehead suddenly, but I didn’t expect that the car would overturn as soon as I got up.

However, Yang Yu was not discouraged.

Considering that it was possible that his bad luck had neutralized Ias’s good luck and interfered with the result, Yang Yu immediately retreated a certain distance with Bai Jin.

After the man on the gray cloud finished swearing to each other and a series of disgusting words, the picture on the gray cloud began to beat erratically again.

Ias closed her eyes and selected the memory node again based on her own feelings.

This time, the gray clouds were pitch black.

Just when Yang Yu thought he had failed again, a holy light appeared at the top of the screen. As the perspective moved, a holy light reflected on the black lake came into Yang Yu’s eyes.

A figure was wrapped in the holy light. Her figure had already become extremely illusory, as if she was about to disappear at any time.

Icaro Flo’s eyes widened, and in his sad eyes, unspeakable excitement overflowed,

“She is a saint from the Goddess Sect. I recognize her. She has grown up a lot than before.”

Icaro Flo has long heard about the death of the goddess who taught the saint.

Due to the sudden death of the Saint, the Goddess Cults around the world were in chaos. In the end, the Goddess Cult headquarters in the Holy City established a new Saint, which barely calmed down the riots in the Goddess Cults everywhere.

It is a pity that the impact of the death of the Saint has not ended yet.

The power of the goddess’s gift has not returned to the hands of the Goddess Religion. If the power of the goddess’s gift cannot be found, the newly established saint will be in name only.

The Goddess Cult is frantically looking for the culprit who attacked the Saint. Otherwise, they can only wait for a long time for the power of the Goddess’s gift to be restored.

“It’s true. The Saint was indeed killed by people from the Cursed Sect. Now that there is clear evidence, we may be able to win over the Goddess Sect and jointly deal with the Cursed Sect.” Icaro Flo immediately commanded a spirit body, Record this scene now.

The scene on the gray cloud continued to change. As the perspective moved, Yang Yu and the others saw a door in the darkness.

The sonorous and powerful footsteps echoed in the empty hall. Yang Yu and the others followed the footsteps and stepped out of the door.

Outside the door, it turned out to be an extremely ordinary town, without any darkness or haze.

The place was bustling with people, people coming and going, hawking constantly, and children laughing and playing.

Everyone around them nodded respectfully when they saw Jasmine, showing no fear at all. They also wished Jasmine a smooth completion of her work.

Icaro Flo never expected to see such a sight.

In Icaro Flo’s impression, a dark organization like the Curse Sect should have an extremely strict hierarchy.

When people saw the disciples, they would bend down and kneel down to show respect, but the fact surprised Icaro Flo.

Is this really the stronghold of the Curse Sect? Is that door some kind of transmission device? Teleported Jasmine to a very ordinary town?

If this is the case, it becomes quite troublesome.

Jasmine’s gaze continued to move, and in a blink of an eye they arrived at the edge of the town.

Jasmine asked the gatekeeper to confirm that there was nothing abnormal, and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, the scenery in Yang Yu’s sight changed. The originally bustling town street scene was instantly replaced by rugged mountains, desolate and lifeless.

Jasmine gazed at the pleasant scenery and completed the rendezvous with the cursed sect believers who had been waiting outside for a long time.

What on earth is going on?

If it were teleportation magic, it would be impossible to have that kind of visual effect…

Did they build a barrier in the mountains to hide everyone in the cursed sect? Those people are just living ordinary lives, are they really members of the cursed sect?

Before Icaro Flo could think about it, Jasmine’s memory came to an abrupt end.

Jasmine, who was surrounded by two colors of electric current, kept staring at Yang Yu with resentful eyes, wishing she could rush out and kill Yang Yu now.

She seemed to be aware that her memory was being spied on, and tried to resist in the two intertwined currents, but no matter how she resisted, it was to no avail.

Under the instruction of Ias, Icaro Flo started the third spying.

This time, Yang Yu and the others saw a stronghold where the Curse Sect often stayed.

Halfway through the spying, the scene on the gray cloud suddenly became distorted. No matter how much Icaro Flo manipulated it, it could not be saved. The gray cloud gradually dispersed irreversibly, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Jasmine’s spirit body gradually became illusory, completely turning into a burst of light.

Icaro Flo shook his head and sighed,

“As expected of a disciple of the Cursed Sect, her willpower is stronger than I imagined. She is willing to make her soul suffer and prevent us from prying into the information in her memory.

Sorry, there is only so much information that can be collected at the moment.

However, this is already more powerful than the intelligence we collected before.

There are many things we need to do. The first is to identify the stronghold of the Cursed Sect.

I remember the scenery of those two suspected strongholds.

I will organize manpower to conduct an investigation, and you can attend the Dragon God Conference with peace of mind. ”


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