Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 969: Revenge (laughing)


Pluck the strings, [Flowing Wind of Praise] is ready to attack, and at the same time, it is also thinking about its retreat.

The growth rate of Yang Yu and his team is far beyond their imagination.

A year ago, I could deal with them with ease with [Humility] and [Chaste Jasmine].

If the vice-captain of [Potianshi] hadn’t suddenly intervened, they would have been sure to take care of Yang Yu, who turned into a man with colorful hair and a mask.

But now…

This attack was prepared against the Yang Yu team they expected.

Yang Yu and his party far exceeded the expected specifications, and also had some strange equipment. If they continued to fight, the hope of victory was extremely slim.

Two [Praises] have died at the hands of Yang Yu, but Carlos is injured again. Even if he is unwilling to do so, retreating is the best option.

Several strings flew out from the harp played by [The Flowing Wind of Praise], intertwined with each other, built a cage, and flew towards Yang Yu.

Yang Yu only swung the sword a few times and cut the cage into pieces.

While launching skills, [Liu Feng of Praise] also used his own abilities to have a conversation with Yang Yu:

“If you continue to attack, I can’t guarantee what will happen to those dwarves!”

As if Yang Yu didn’t hear these words at all, he picked up his sword and continued to sprint, and in a blink of an eye he was in front of [Liu Feng of Praise].

Chaos plucked the strings, and a light blue shield rose up around the [Flowing Wind of Praise], blocking Yang Yu’s sword blade at the critical moment.

Red and light blue splashed, and the rumble of the collision of swords and shields echoed in the empty stone forest.

Kolos wanted to support the praising Liufeng, but she was already too overwhelmed to take care of herself and could not protect herself.

The red blood had stained the lining under her blue checkered robe, making her somewhat unable to use her strength.

Bai Jin and Ias’s attacks are endless, and they must continue to keep distance to avoid entering their range in order to have a chance of survival.

Jasmine, who was helpless against Bai Jin and the others, finally gave up attacking Hemeng who turned into a tower, and ran towards [Liu Feng of Praise] to provide support.

However, Jasmine is a heavily armored warrior after all. Even if she uses [Rapid Charge], it will be difficult to provide support in a short time.

[Liu Feng of Praise] Now I can only rely on myself.

Hiding behind the shield, she tried to communicate with Yang Yu again,

“Let’s make a deal. If you stop attacking now, we will immediately release the dwarves, retreat, and swear not to cause you any more trouble.”

This time, Yang Yu finally had some reaction.

Without a breath of relief or any doubt, Yang Yu had a smile on his face, a strange and nonchalant smile,

“Do you really think we are here for the dwarves?

I know better than anyone about my relationship with you that the contradiction between us is irreconcilable.

Those of you who try to summon demons will always be on the opposite side of us.

Only one of us will survive.

It’s rare that you have exposed your own flaws and used such a stupid method, so I naturally don’t want to let it go.

No one of you can escape today. ”

It’s not that Yang Yu doesn’t want to save the dwarves, but the Curse Sect has moved out the dwarves at this point in time and must be thinking about some reversal strategy.

If you show any concern or hesitation now, you will only play into their hands.

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. Who knows if the Curse Sect will kill all the dwarves Yang Yu “treasures” in revenge after threatening him.

In this case, it is better to put on a face of “You want to kill or chop into pieces, feel free! Anyway, I am going to kill you all today”, making them feel that not only will they not get any benefits from killing the dwarves, On the contrary, it may bring disaster.

[Liu Feng of Praise] stared at Yang Yu, trying to catch Yang Yu’s flaws, but she just couldn’t see any flaws in Yang Yu. In desperation, she could only test again,

“Do you really not care about the life and death of those dwarves? Those dwarves will all die because of you.”

Yang Yu said categorically: “Wrong, they all died because of you.

This is your responsibility, don’t just blame it on me.

We just tried our best and failed to protect them.

Killing you now can be regarded as avenging them. ”

Yang Yu’s sword blade crackled against Liufeng’s shield. Liufeng’s shield was not a shield that was completely immune to damage, but a shield that would break after absorbing a certain amount of damage.

Faced with Yang Yu’s powerful attack, a crack instantly appeared in the shield, and then it turned into countless fragments and dispersed.

Without any pause in the movement, Yang Yu’s sword blade passed through the broken light, blowing towards the flowing wind like a hurricane.

Yang Yu’s sword cut off Liu Feng’s harp without mercy, pierced Liu Feng’s chest, and ended her life.

All the living dead who tried to attack Yang Yu were like kites with broken strings, falling to the ground one after another.

Several living members of the Curse Sect rushed to Yang Yu’s side, but Yang Yu completed the final blow.

“You bastard!”

Jasmine roared and burst out at an unprecedented speed. Her giant sword hit the ice with a crackling sound, bringing up countless ice shards.

The several [Praises] waiting in the stone forest no longer guarded the dwarves and walked straight through the stone forest.

They received the message from [Liu Feng of Praise] before his death.

They knew that if they appeared on the battlefield now, they would be quickly eliminated by the amazingly fast Yang Yu. Therefore, they unanimously decided not to get close to the battlefield, but to find a quiet place and weave a teleportation method that could quickly leave here. Array.

Several guards from the Cursed Sect who were protecting [Praise] jumped down from the nearby stalagmites and tried to kill the dwarves entangled in the black ropes. However, when they saw [Praise], they shook their heads at them.

If Yang Yu really came towards them, killing these dwarves would not help.

…Killing these dwarves might bring trouble to them.

If Yang Yu uses the deaths of these dwarves to publicize the horror of this sect, thus prompting the Dragon God Council to form an alliance specifically to combat the cursed sect, then there will be big trouble.

Even if we don’t know how capable Yang Yu is in making this happen, in this extraordinary period, the fewer accidents that happen, the better.

Leaving the lives of these dwarves may leave others with the impression that “the Cursed Sect is nothing more than that. They were beaten to this level by a young man, and they were so scared that they voluntarily abandoned the hostages and ran away”, thus despising today’s society. thing.

They don’t care whether the sect will be respected by others, they only care whether the sect can accomplish its great cause.

Until that day comes, the less things happen, the better, and the Curse Sect’s situation is as safe as possible.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Curse Sect decided to let these dwarves go.

They originally had no intention of “deliberately” involving ordinary people.

Even if they have involved many people before, they may also involve a large number of ordinary people in the future.


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