Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 967: Rope the rope


The weird music continued to reverberate, penetrating into the solid ice, and a dark red light ignited in the eyes of the frozen cursed sect believers.

The icicles burst, and the cursed sect believers burst out of the ice.

Most of the cursed sect believers lost their lives in Baijin’s [Blizzard], but a different kind of force dragged their souls into their bodies.

Under the influence of that special magic power, they are now like living puppets on strings. They maintain a certain degree of self-awareness and can control their bodies to a certain extent, but they can never disobey the pull of them. manipulating hand.

But they don’t need to be disobedient.

After death, they will continue to fight for the cause of the Cursed Sect throughout their lives. This is their long-cherished wish.

Some believers even secretly feel sorry for surviving.

[Concerto of the Dead] is a magic that controls the dead to fight, but [Praise] people don’t like this skill very much.

Every believer is an important resource in the cursed sect.

Many actions, such as absorbing new believers and preparing supplies, require living people to do it.

Important believers died in battle, and it was helpless to drive their dead bodies to fight.

The bard is not a spiritual manipulator. He can only allow believers to maintain a certain self when they die for the first time. After that, the dead people will become walking zombies and gradually decay.

The bards are responsible for the intelligence collection work of the [Cursed Sect], and it is impossible to spend time maintaining the bodies of these dead people.

The dead believers will return to dust forever after this battle. At most, they will leave their souls for the use of the spirit operators.

The bards were extremely sorry that even though they had given many blessings to the believers, they still could not let them all survive in the end.

The bards can only make the best use of their resources to mobilize these walking corpses and launch attacks in order to reverse the situation.

The members of the cursed sect who broke the ice, regardless of whether they were living dead or not, roared and rushed towards Yang Yu and the others with their teeth and claws bared.

The giant black shark approaching Ias seemed to be summoned by something. One head was divided into two, and the two were divided into four. The size was decreasing exponentially, but the number was increasing.

Quality is not enough, they plan to win with quantity.

However, what awaited them was the electric magic released by Bai Jin when he inserted his staff into the ground.

Blowed by Bai Jin’s [Blizzard], how could these black shadows withstand Bai Jin’s powerful electric magic, and instantly turned into black smoke.

This suicidal attack is not meaningless, they are covering the attack of the living dead.

When the living dead attacked, Yang Yu calmly blocked Jasmine’s giant sword and tried to persuade Jasmine again:

“As expected of the Cursed Sect, you actually have such skills, but you are at the end of your game. Let me ask you again, do you want to surrender?”

Faced with Yang Yu’s “contempt”, Jasmine became even more angry, and once again had a fierce confrontation with Yang Yu with the giant sword in her hand,

“It’s useless no matter how many times you tell me, I won’t change my beliefs, and you can’t get any information from me about those dwarves.”

“Then there’s nothing we can do.”

Yang Yu’s body swayed, and the huge giant sword passed by him, bombarding bursts of gravel.

Jasmine used [Taunt], and an invisible force pulled Yang Yu’s body to attack Jasmine.

Turning her body, Jasmine allowed Yang Yu’s attack to hit the armor hard. Then, she raised her heavy sword and hit Yang Yu’s head hard.

Jasmine never expected that at this moment, patches of thorns would grow rapidly from the cracks in the gravel.

These thorns did not immediately coil around Jasmine’s body, but intertwined with each other in mid-air, weaving into a tough rope.

As the saying goes, one chopstick can be broken, but ten chopsticks can be broken continuously.

After the skill [Binding of Thorns] was strengthened, Yang Yu became more and more skillful in manipulating the created thorns.

He spent a lot of time and consciously trained Thorns.

There is a limit to how much a single thorn can withstand, but if multiple thorns are braided together like a hemp rope, it will produce unimaginable strength.

Unfortunately, weaving the growing thorns together requires a high degree of concentration, and the number of thorns growing in an area is also limited.

Weaving such a rope now is Yang Yu’s limit.

But this thick rope of thorns is woven together according to the method recorded in the Library of All Things. This rope has unimaginable toughness. Even the head of the family who is as strong as a blood lion may take several seconds to completely remove it. Holding this thorn.

The disadvantages are not without. It takes time for all the thorns to be wrapped into a ball. The thorns are all tied together, which will also affect the speed of the thorns. If you are not careful, you will be avoided.

Facing an agile opponent, the ordinary [Bound of Thorns. Modified] is more practical and convenient.

For this moment, Yang Yu had already planned the timing of releasing [Bound of Thorns. Modified].

In e-sports competitions, the most relaxing time for players is the few seconds before their life-saving skills are about to cool down.

Countless people often think that as long as they have life-saving skills, they can escape and ascend to heaven or complete a counter-attack. Little do they know that their mentality can also be exploited by others, thus allowing them to lose their advantage.

Yang Yu specifically aimed at Jasmine’s [Rapid Charge] and released [Bound of Thorns. Modification] before it had a few seconds to cool down. Before that, he used words to distract Jasmine.

By the time Jasmine discovered this thick and tough rope, it was already too late. There was no way for the heavily armored warrior to avoid Yang Yu’s thorny rope at such a close distance.

The thorn rope was like a thorny python, wrapping around Jasmine’s arm. With a strong force, the trajectory of Jasmine’s giant sword swung towards Yang Yu was deflected.

Yang Yu remained motionless, letting Jasmine’s giant sword sweep across his body, cutting off one or two hairs.

The tough thorn ropes then wrapped around Jasmine’s waist, wrapped around her thighs, and finally plunged into the ground, making Jasmine unable to move, exposing all the flaws in her body.

“Damn it!”

Just when Jasmine thought that Yang Yu wanted to launch another fierce attack to take her life, Yang Yu used [Rescue Charge] to stand on top of He Meng’s head, which had turned into a city wall.

“Exchange combat partners.” Yang Yu simply shouted to Bai Jin and the others, and then gave an order to Hemeng, “Hemeng, come out as a slingshot.”

“Here we go again.” Hearing what Yang Yu said, He Meng muttered in his heart, but still followed Yang Yu’s request. His body shape changed instantly, and the top of his head was sunken, leaving an area with a An elastic belt is placed in the center of this area.

In order for Yang Yu to eject smoothly, He Meng also built a long launch belt for Yang Yu.

Yang Yu retreated quickly, tightening the belt behind him instantly to gather enough strength.

“He Meng, adjust the trajectory.”

He Meng kept Yang Yu’s area unchanged and aimed his slingshot at the incoming cursed sect believers.

As soon as his feet were loosened, Yang Yu was ejected like a cannonball by a huge slingshot at an unimaginable speed.


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