Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 961: Despicable tricks


The bronze dragon Owen chattered endlessly in Yang Yu’s heart.

The handshake lasted only a few seconds, but Yang Yu felt as if half a century had passed.

Not all dragons are indifferent to the outside world and only observe and record. At least Yang Yu can see that Owen has a strong interest in him.

…As long as it’s not that area of ​​interest.

If he was knocked down by the giant dragon, Yang Yu really had no way to resist.

As the most powerful creature in the world, few people can resist the dragon.

After issuing the invitation letters and shaking hands with all qualifying players, Irving returned to the main seat and emphasized several times the matters that need to be paid attention to when participating in the official competition, and then announced the end of the qualifying competition.

The official competition of the Dragon God Conference is scheduled to be held on October 10th. Players who have passed the qualifying competition will have sufficient time to rest and adjust.

The contestants left one after another, and the staff of the Dragon God Conference began to dismantle the square platform and crystal walls in the martial arts hall.

Kalos happily walked to Yang Yu and shook the invitation in her hand,

“Congratulations to big brother and big sister for successfully qualifying. I also successfully qualified.

Looking forward to playing against big brother and big sister in the official competition.

——Goodbye. ”

Kalos narrowed his eyes and showed a slightly weird smile.

Without waiting for Yang Yu to respond, the petite Cocolos got into the crowd waiting outside the martial arts club and disappeared completely.

Yang Yu noticed something strange and had a premonition that something was about to happen.

However, he is a mortal after all.

He didn’t know what Kokaros was thinking, let alone what the Curse Sect’s plans were.

It wasn’t until after the qualifying round that Yang Yu went to the dwarf settlement again that he became aware of the idea of ​​the cursed sect.

Thinking that if Braun Redbeard created new epic equipment, he could adapt in advance and win the Dragon God Conference more steadily, Yang Yu chose to rush to the dwarf settlement after the game.

As soon as he arrived at the dwarf settlement, Braun Redbeard’s disciples found him in a hurry with a letter.

Brahn Redbeard, who should have been forging in full swing in front of the fire, suddenly evaporated.

No matter how many places Braun Redbeard’s disciples searched, they could not find him. In the end, they only found a letter left for Yang Yu near the forging furnace.

The signature on the outside does not look like Braun Redbeard’s handwriting at all.

Brahn Redbeard’s disciples were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

After much thought, they decided to give this letter to Yang Yu.

Extremely fortunately, Braun Hongxu’s disciples met Yang Yu on the edge of the settlement before they left the settlement.

When he opened the envelope and looked at it, Yang Yu frowned.

The Curse Sect takes action.

They kidnapped Braun Hongxu and asked Yang Yu to meet them at a designated place, otherwise they would kill Braun Hongxu.

“How despicable.”

Yang Yu originally thought that as long as he took good care of his team, he wouldn’t have to worry about the Cursed Sect luring them out of the city and launching an attack, leaving the Cursed Sect to have to wait until the end of the Dragon God Conference before they could take action.

For more than a month, Yang Yu and the others have been deliberately avoiding too much contact with other people.

I am afraid that if I get too close to someone, that person will be persecuted by the cursed sect.

Unexpectedly, the people from the Curse Sect actually took action directly.

Yang Yu has never met Braun Hongxu a few times. To kidnap Braun Hongxu, it would be better to kidnap the owner of the hotel where Yang Yu lives. The owner of the hotel can’t be seen without looking up.

Not long after reading the letter, some other dwarves gathered around and handed the letter to Yang Yu in a panic.

Opening the envelope and browsing through it one by one, not only Braun Redbeard, but also several forging masters who had nothing to do with Yang Yu were also mysteriously missing under the influence of the cursed sect.

There is only one way to save them.

Without much thought, Yang Yu immediately asked Bai Jin to contact [Put the Corpse in the Coffin], saying that he had found traces of the cursed sect’s actions and needed their help.

But before Bai Jin could contact her, a female dwarf stumbled from the dwarf settlement to Yang Yu in a daze.

She raised her head, her eyes glowing green, as if she was being manipulated.

The female dwarf did not speak, but a voice could be heard slowly,

“Don’t ask anyone for help.

I can’t guarantee what will be done to anyone else if you dare contact them.

You only have two hours now. Leave the dwarf settlement and go southwest to Macuder. You will see a stone forest.

As long as you get there on time, I will let them go.

Two hours is enough. If you delay, do so at your own risk. ”

After speaking, the female dwarf with glowing green eyes couldn’t stop falling down and fell unconscious.

The dwarves present looked at each other. This was the first time they had encountered such a thing, and they had no idea how to deal with it.

Several dwarves took the letter and asked the law enforcers for help, but it took some time for the law enforcers to respond.

If the person who kidnapped the Blacksmith Master is really cruel, the consequences will be disastrous.

The remaining dwarves finally focused their attention on Yang Yu. They were eager for Yang Yu to follow what the letter said, go to the designated place, and save the lives of the forging masters.

After collecting the letters one by one, there was nothing to hesitate. Yang Yu climbed up on Lotkar’s back and patted Lotkar’s shoulder gently.

“Lotkar, go southwest. Everyone else, be ready to fight at any time.”

“Yeah!” Bai Jin and Ias responded in unison.

Yang Yu knew this was a trap.

Furthermore, he knew that the danger of this trap was immeasurable.

To be able to take away such a dwarf at once, the Curse Sect must have come prepared.

Of course Yang Yu also has a way of ignoring letters. Simply ignoring the letters is the safest way.

According to Yang Yu’s character, he would not be kidnapped by the saying “it’s all your fault, so they died”…

It was like two people being **** by a pervert. The pervert grabbed one person and said to the other, “Every time you take a breath, I will stab the other person.” At that time, was even breathing wrong?

Never make a mistake about who is wrong.

The ones who really deserve to be punished are the masterminds who force others and think they control everything.

Yang Yu could leave, but he did not intend to ignore these letters, nor would he let the dwarves fend for themselves. He felt a smell very similar to his own from Braun Redbeard. It would be a pity to let the old man die like this.

Besides… a new emergency rescue mission also appeared on Yang Yu’s panel.

Yang Yu had even fewer reasons to refuse.

The enemies are very strong, but they are not infinitely strong. How can you know how strong they are without trying it yourself?

It’s not too late to escape.


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