Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 949: The past is unbearable


Braun Hongxu had a depressed look on his face, as if he was regretting that he had touched an area that he shouldn’t have touched, but his eyes were not full of regret.

Yang Yu reopened the wine bottle, took out the wine glass, filled a glass of red wine, and pushed it towards Blaan Hongxu.

“What have you been through? Is there any curse in forging epic equipment?”

Braun Redbeard shook his head vigorously, “If it was a curse, I wouldn’t be able to sit here and tell you everything so peacefully…”

As he spoke, Braun Redbeard couldn’t help laughing, without any joy, but with helplessness and bitterness,

“Maybe it’s right to say it’s some kind of ‘curse’. Not only me, but everyone who plays epic equipment has been ‘cursed’…

Every time I pick up the hammer, my hands tremble.

Once you experience that feeling…

I will never forget it.

I can’t do it, I really can’t do it…”

Bulaan Hongxu gradually became incoherent. He did not look at the red wine that Yang Yu pushed over, but stared at the Qili rough stone and the stone of heaven that Yang Yu put on the table. His voice trembled and he tried his best to endure something.

He tried to take some time to calm down and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hands, but more and more tears were wiped away, and his eyes were unknowingly filled with bloodshot eyes.

After a while, Braun Hongxu asked Yang Yu in a calmer tone:

“You look like an adventurer… Let me ask you, what do you think the equipment is?”

Yang Yu didn’t know why Braun Hongxu suddenly asked this question, but he answered without thinking for long:

“I think equipment is an extension of a person.”

Grabbed the wine glass that Yang Yu pushed over and drank all the red wine in it. Braun Hongxu smashed it in his mouth without asking why Yang Yu thought this way.

Braun Hongxu stood up and held Yang Yu’s Qili rough stone in his hand. The full energy contained in it made people yearn for it.

Feeling this abundant energy, Braun Hongxu’s mood improved a lot, and he felt that the topic that he couldn’t continue just now seemed to be able to continue.

“If you want to forge a good weapon, materials like this are essential.

With the same forging ability, the amount of rare materials can even determine the quality of a weapon.

If you want to forge epic equipment, you must use all such precious materials.

Only such equipment can become an extension of a person.

But it doesn’t mean you can succeed just by using precious materials…

I will never forget the day I tried to challenge the epic equipment for the first time.

People have advised me not to do that countless times, but at that time I was arrogant and thought that they had already achieved success and were just afraid that I would challenge their authority.

So, I no longer listen to anyone’s advice.

I secretly prepared the materials and started the challenge.

The material I use is that I often use rolled blue iron.

This material is extremely suitable for forging swords.

When forging a sword, adding just a little bit of it can make the blade sharp but also give it a little bit of chill.

I wanted to forge a sword that could cut through anything, so I prepared a large piece of blued iron to make the blade.

According to the market price at that time, that piece of blue iron could probably buy several villas.

High-level magic materials are completely different from ordinary materials. They contain almost no impurities and do not require any purification.

As long as you can understand their properties and put them into a craftable state, you can start forging directly.

This is not a difficult thing for me…”

Speaking of this, Braun Redbeard paused,

“Confirming that the blue iron was in a forgeable state, I struck the first hammer steadily.

In an instant, countless blue rays of light that I had never seen before burst out from the blue iron.

With every hammer blow, the blue iron under my hand seemed to come to life, and the light blue light that only I could see gradually surrounded me.

My consciousness seemed to have entered the blue iron, and I could see every change in the blue iron.

Intuition tells me the best shape for each place.

In the end, I forged an unprecedentedly sharp weapon, and an unprecedented sense of satisfaction surrounded me. At that time, I never thought that it would be the beginning of my nightmare…”

Holding the goblet tightly, Braun Redbeard’s strong arm strength instantly tore the goblet into pieces, and it fell to the ground with a crackle.

“I am smug and complacent about successfully forging that weapon.

The piece of equipment was sold quickly.

After all, blue iron is expensive.

In order to create epic equipment, I spent half of my fortune, and I also want to get my blood back.

After selling that piece of equipment, we now have this blacksmith shop.

At that time, I took it for granted that with my current strength, I would soon be able to leave those stubborn old men behind and have more wine than I could drink in my lifetime.

I even brazenly declared that I would attack the realm that no one has reached yet and forge legendary equipment.

The result…”

Braun Redbeard let out a long sigh and put his hand on the table covered with broken glass.

“I don’t remember how long ago that was.

A customer came to me in a hurry with a very rare ore, hoping that I could forge the best equipment.

At that time, I took it for granted that since I could see ‘light’, I could easily forge epic equipment.

While building, I could still see light, but compared to that day, the light I saw in the material was minimal.

I don’t understand that kind of ore at all and can’t see what’s going on inside it…

As you can imagine, the final product was so fragmented that it barely reached the level of rarity.

Because materials are extremely rare, many materials will lose part of their quality after being smelted.

I ended up losing a lot of money because of my arrogance.

I once thought that I was in poor condition that day, so I tried to fight again, but failed again and again…

During that time, I was just crazy…

There were a few successes, but overall I lost more than I won. I was so obsessed with building that I didn’t even know I owed a huge debt.

Later, I learned that I was not the only one who could see that so-called light.

Everyone who has built epic equipment has had similar feelings. They have also gone through the same period as me, and they have been as crazy as me, and in the end they almost went bankrupt.

At the end, I suddenly realized…

They stepped in to share part of my debt, and I…

It has turned into the decadent look you see now. ”

Braun Redbeard’s voice was low, and he was quite dissatisfied with his current situation.

Yang Yu asked tentatively: “Are you decadent not just because you are in debt?”

Braun Redbeard asked: “Then why do you think I am decadent?”

After calming down and thinking for a while, Yang Yu blurted out his thoughts:

“The reason why you are so obsessed with those things…is it because as long as you continue to temper a certain substance, the ‘light’ you see will also become stronger, even if it is just a little stronger, but it is true Are you really getting stronger?”


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