Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 948: This thing can’t be beaten


The sun gradually sets in the west, coating the town with orange-red light.

The night has not yet fallen, and the sound of “ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, pong, etc.” has not yet fallen.

It is not uncommon in Makudel for the same race to gather in a certain area.

Compared to other races, it is indeed more comfortable to live with people who look similar to myself.

As a result, different races formed “settlements” in the city in Makuder.

Most of these “settlements” in the city maintain internal intermarriage, but they will not refuse marriage with other demihuman races.

It’s just that… couples of different races will have a lot of troubles.

This is especially obvious in the dwarf race.

In this world, the setting of dwarves is similar to that of dwarves in most games. They are a group of short races with an average height of about 1.23 meters.

They are short and lean, with strong muscles.

Even women are as strong as men.

Only a very small number of races with the same aesthetics as the dwarves will accept them.

To understand dwarf men, they need to learn to appreciate beards, blacksmithing techniques, and fine wine.

Because the dwarves are proficient in blacksmithing, many people come here because of their reputation. There is no shortage of business in the dwarf settlement of Macudr.

They hammered iron non-stop during the day, got drunk at night, and often slept until noon.

Of course, not all dwarves indulge in wine.

Some dwarves who want to create superior equipment and achieve self-transcendence often stay up all night forging.

These dwarves are also the ones most likely to possess superb blacksmithing skills.

It’s not that they don’t like drinking, they just understand that if they want to create a unique work, they must concentrate on it and complete it in one go.

They only have a drink after finishing their masterpiece.

Visitors who know this secret will often follow the sound of knocking in the night to select a satisfactory blacksmith.

Yang Yu would not use such unreliable methods. His goal was clear from the beginning.

When he was in the Library of All Things, he found several dwarf blacksmiths who were recognized as having superb skills. Some of them had indeed forged epic equipment, and those who had not, were also rated as capable of forging epic equipment. potential.

Inquiring around on the road, Yang Yu learned that many famous masters would retire after forging several pieces of epic equipment.

Some people want to invite them to come out, but they will just politely refuse and let their disciples greet the guests.

It is extremely difficult to meet them.

They will only meet visitors unless they are offered good wine.

By coincidence, Yang Yu got some rare Baihua wine from Baihuadu, and there are still a lot of Maotai and Laobaigan in the system.

Meeting a famous blacksmith should not be a difficult task.

Soon, Yang Yu found the first famous blacksmith who was willing to meet him.

The name of that famous blacksmith is Braun Redbeard.

Led by Braun Hongxu’s apprentice, Yang Yu and the others braved the heat and passed through the flaming red forging furnaces. Then, they stepped through the messy mineral storage room and entered a small, slovenly room. Inside, I saw Braun Redbeard.

That was an old man with a red beard who was shorter and stockier than an ordinary dwarf.

Due to lack of care, his hair and beard looked messy, his eye sockets were sunken, and his mental state was not very good. He was completely different from the high-spirited dwarf recorded in the Library of All Things, who even wore braids on his beard. people.

Opening the wine can and smelling the aroma of wine, Braun Hongxu, who was lying on the hammock, rolled off the hammock, dragged his thick body to Yang Yu, and snorted coldly.

It can be seen that Braun Hongxu is not in a good mood, but Yang Yu does not back down and serves the wine step by step,

“Mr. Braun. Hongxu, my name is Yang Yu. This is the Baihua wine I specially brought from Baihua City. Please taste it.”

Braun Hongbeard had no expression on his face and did not respond. His apprentice took out a wooden beer glass, filled it with wine, and handed it to Braun Redbeard.

Taking the wine glass, Braun Redbeard sniffed it vigorously and smelled the faint floral aroma in the wine before pouring the wine into his mouth.

After drinking, Braun Redbeard returned to the hammock…

Yang Yu was speechless for a while, “If you don’t do anything, why did you drink my wine? How can I visit other famous blacksmiths?”

Hearing what Yang Yu said, Braun Hongxu let out a deep voice,

“If you are specifically visiting those already famous blacksmiths and want them to forge epic equipment for you, I advise you to give up as soon as possible.”

“Why do you say that?”

Braun Hongxu did not respond to Yang Yu. He just raised his hand and waved it, asking his disciple to see the guest off quickly.

After all, this is their territory. Even if Yang Yu complains, he can only leave here temporarily and visit other famous blacksmiths.

And just like Braun Hongxu said, even if Yang Yu had his hands full of fine wine, those famous people would avoid him.

Even if Yang Yu said that remuneration was not an issue and that he only wanted to get a handy weapon, few people were willing to talk to him and rejected his request for forging.

The famous blacksmith who treated Yang Yu best also shook his head secretly and said goodbye to Yang Yu after Yang Yu took out the materials he wanted to forge.

This rhythm is far beyond Yang Yu’s imagination.

It’s not so much that they don’t want to forge as they are afraid of forging.

After thinking about it, Yang Yu found Braun Hongxu’s apprentice again and said that there was a kind of wine that Braun Hongxu had never drunk before, and he wanted to invite Braun Hongxu to try it. Again I successfully met Braun Redbeard.

Braun Hongxu got up from the hammock and saw Yang Yu taking out a goblet and pouring a glass of 1982 Lafite for Braun Hongxu.

This is the most expensive wine Yang Yu can offer, and there is only one bottle.

Smelling a fragrance that was mellower than Baihua Wine, Braun Hongxu’s stern face relaxed slightly. After drinking the wine, he asked Yang Yu to show him the thing to be forged.

Yang Yu placed the Celestial Stone and the Qili Raw Stone on the table. Braun Hongxu picked up the two raw materials, looked at them, shook his head, put the things back on the table, and said:

“I’m sorry, I can’t hit this thing. Can you give me another drink of the wine you just drank?”

Yang Yu has never seen someone so shameless. He said he couldn’t fight, but he came so blatantly to ask for a drink.

Pressing the wine bottle but not taking the wine back into the system, Yang Yu said:

“You say you can’t fight, but in fact you are just afraid of forging, right?”

Braun Redbeard let out a long sigh and put down his wine glass, “My master once told me that even if one day I have the strength to forge epic equipment, I should not forge epic equipment. Before, I never understood this sentence.

It wasn’t until I actually forged the epic equipment that I gradually understood what he said…”


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