Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 941: Fragments of the past


“October 29, 2010 in the GK calendar

Unexpectedly, our research has once again hit a bottleneck.

Many plants have gradually tamed the magic power, but it is still difficult for animals to absorb those special plant magic powers.

These magic powers will only accumulate in the animal’s body, eventually causing various complications.

The laboratory has tried countless organisms, but in the end they could not escape the torture of various complications and died unexpectedly.

Plants and animals are very different.

We have grafted genes, but we only gave the original creatures the ability to produce compiled fibers and proteins. They still have no way to use the magic power accumulated in their bodies.

There is a long way to go before applying magic to the biological level.

Out of respect for doctrine, our civilization lags far behind in biotechnology.

Even if it has developed rapidly in recent years, it will be difficult to rise rapidly in a short period of time.

We also need a lot of samples and countless trials and errors.

Fortunately, there is a laboratory that has adjusted the program to use magic power to carry out precise strikes.

I’ve been to the scene and I can tell that ‘magic’ has been born.

The plan that those people thought was nonsense at the beginning may actually be realized.


January 1, 2011 in the GK calendar

Today is a new year, and here comes some exciting news.

Lab No. 71245 did it. They improved the method and mastered the technology that can aggregate magic power for a long time.

Virtuality is reality, and reality is virtuality.

Plans for implementing this technology are now being drawn up.

With this technology, our soldiers can first use virtual technology to implant combat memories, then use medicine to strengthen muscles, and finally use this technology to coordinate and coordinate the body.

Someone proposed to name this technology “maze making technology”.

I played ancient RPG games when I was a kid, and they seemed to have similar settings.

Unexpectedly, there are also like-minded people in the research laboratory.

I casually suggested, ‘Since we want to train soldiers, how about using a feedback mechanism so that they can receive certain rewards after knocking down the enemy? ’, and the result was adopted.

Fighting monsters and exploding equipment is really like a maze.

I don’t know what the first batch of trial soldiers will think after seeing this design.


June 13, 2013 in the GK calendar

Concerning the use of magic at the biological level, we have been blocked by many parties, and we don’t know who exposed our plan to the public.

The public was extremely disgusted with this plan.

We believe that our actions violate the teachings of Lucca.

They know the teachings of the Piluka Sect! After all, it’s just superficial.

The first priority of life is survival, and civilization is just a means for life to survive!

Let civilization blossom and prosper, just to allow life to continue better.

Our plan received so much support from the beginning, all based on this consensus.

We will choose to do this, all in order to escape the shackles, let our civilization continue to prosper, so that humans can better survive in this world.

As long as I can explain it clearly to the people, I thought they would understand, but…

Why are things like this!

Is there someone instigating them behind the scenes?

Well, maybe.

It is necessary to investigate.


August 15, 2013 in the GK calendar

Today, there is still no breakthrough in the use of magic at the biological level, and the demonstrations are getting more and more intense.

We held regular meetings.

At the meeting, a bold and bizarre plan was proposed by a man who specializes in the research of bacterial magic…”

Dark Cloud’s voice stopped suddenly, and the words on the page came to an end.

When it broke off at the critical moment, Yang Yu felt terribly uncomfortable.

It’s like trying to find a level for an unpopular game. I searched for a guide on the Internet and finally found a guide. However, when I turned to the second page, I jumped directly to some small websites that I couldn’t bear to look at.

What was given to Dark Cloud was some incoherent pages, and now Yang Yu can’t find the next page.

The format of these pages is indeed a diary, but it is not like a running account, recording every day, but only recording important events.

This means that the pages are extremely dense with information.

If you want to understand it thoroughly, you must collect all the pages. Otherwise, if you only interpret one or two pages, you will not only have a partial understanding, but also make people feel itchy.

Dark Cloud pushed the page back to Yang Yu: “I have finished interpreting it exactly as it is, and it even contains the author’s certain emotions. I am so dedicated, can you let me go?”

Although he really wanted to ask An Yun to read all the pages of the book, An Yun’s attitude just now was already very clear. Yang Yu accepted it as soon as he could and replied:

“Please do so.”

Dark Cloud stepped forward, and countless black shadows gathered in front of Dark Cloud, forming a black pool.

The dark moon jumped into the black pool like diving and disappeared without a trace.

Then, the black shadow turned into a black spot on the ground, disappearing completely as if it had never appeared there before.

Putting away the pages of the book, Yang Yu looked back at his companions behind him.

This little episode did not change what they wanted to do.

After handing the promised things to Ludace, Yang Yu and his party climbed onto Lotkar again and rushed to other ruins.

At the same time.

The Biological Research Institute of the Luoze Empire is loading large quantities of instruments and the things cultured inside them onto carriages, preparing to transport them to the coast.

The laboratory has become empty, with nearly three-quarters of the equipment missing. The hunchbacked Deputy Director Songgo was filled with emotions. He looked at the special notice in his hand and sighed repeatedly.

After the war, the research here was said to be a simple waste of money.

The superiors have decided to hand over part of the research here to another country that discovered the ruins.

While sharing the results, the Luoze Empire can also reduce domestic expenses.

The hunchbacked Songgo looked at the somewhat coquettish woman not far away, feeling indescribably sad:

“Is there really no room for redemption? We have richer experience, and it must be better to keep those things with us than to give them to laymen…”

The woman turned back, looked at Songgo with her eyes, smiled slightly and said: “This is the decision of the superiors, and I can’t help it.

I tried to fight for it, but in the end the empire only allowed me to go. ”

Songgo lowered his shoulders and said helplessly: “Then…there is nothing we can do.”

“I’ll be leaving soon. I’ll leave this place to you.”

For some reason, when Songgo looked at the woman’s red eyes, he always felt that his mind went blank, and then he seemed to have forgotten something important, and he stayed in place in a daze.

After a while, Songgo sighed again and took the documents in his hand towards the incinerator.

“In this case, there is nothing we can do.

Just leave this to me…

I’ll take care of it.

What a pity, the person who wants to visit. ”


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