Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 931: A clumsy confession


Holding the tea cup tightly, Bai Jin lowered his head and saw the ordinary face reflected in the tea.

So far, Yang Yu has met many beautiful girls, many of whom are better than her.

Does he really have something that can compare with them and let Yang Yu choose him?

The face reflected in the tea cup became confused again, and Bai Jin’s heart retreated slightly. If Yang Yu could just say “Bai Jin, do you already have someone you like?”, he might be able to be bolder. Tell him everything.

You have already mentioned this, why are you still so slow…

Big idiot.

Bai Jin buried her head lower.

Yang Yu scratched his head, found a chair, and sat face to face with Bai Jin, just waiting quietly for Bai Jin to speak again.

Yang Yu also has a lot to say to Bai Jin.

However, Bai Jin had to speak first.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity that can make Bai Jin change.

We must wait for Bai Jin to speak.

Bai Jin kept persuading herself to muster up the courage, and finally thought of a way to confess, but hesitated to deny it…

Time and time again, the black tea in her hand has become cold. I don’t know how long it has passed, but Bai Jin returned to the original idea and said in a hesitant voice:

“…All in all, there are many, many places where money is needed.

Because I saw the future, so…”

Talking on and on, but not getting to the point…

At the end, Bai Jin took a deep breath and made up his mind.

She can no longer go on like this, she must not go on like this, she must give herself an explanation.

“Yang Yu, listen to me, I already have someone I like.”

“Yes.” Yang Yu responded softly.

“Don’t you want to know who the person I like is?” Bai Jin urged.

Yang Yu replied: “Is it me?”

Bai Jin closed her eyes, as if she wanted to use all her strength to speak out.

“The person I like is actually…you…

Huh? ”

Hearing Yang Yu’s answer, Bai Jin suddenly raised her head and saw Yang Yu’s smile close at hand. The blush instantly spread across her cheeks, making her overwhelmed and she almost spilled the tea in her hand.

His eyes were wandering, and Bai Jin suspected that he had just heard wrongly. He did not dare to look directly at Yang Yu, but kept peeking out of the corners of his eyes.

“Bai Jin, the person you like is me, right?” Yang Yu repeated it clearly again.

Bai Jin was at a loss again. After a while, she lowered her head and nodded,

“Did you…know this early in the morning?”


“How early…I knew.”

“Before going to the Library of All Things.”

“Is it so early?…You already know my thoughts, why…”

Bai Hibiscus searches for memories…

There were indeed several perfect confession opportunities in the past, but Yang Yu said some inexplicable words that completely ruined the atmosphere.

Did he deliberately avoid my confession before?

Are you deliberately avoiding my confession to avoid embarrassment?

I’m such a fool, I should have noticed earlier…

Bai Jin’s body trembled slightly, becoming more and more uneasy.

“What should Bai Jin say…First of all, let me give you an answer first!”

Leaving the chair, Yang Yu kicked the chair away and put the already cold tea in Bai Jin’s hand on the desk.

With nothing in her hands, Bai Jin’s heart also became empty. She sat blankly, like a criminal waiting for trial.

“Bai Jin raised her right hand.”

Hearing Yang Yu’s voice, Bai Jin raised her hand tremblingly.

The next moment, Yang Yu grabbed Bai Jin’s wrist and pulled her up.

When Bai Jin was panicking, Yang Yu put his lips on Bai Jin’s lips and hugged Bai Jin’s waist.

In the original world, Yang Yu had no formal experience with girls. At most, he had online relationships with various female netizens who “claimed themselves to be female netizens but didn’t know if they were true.”

Yang Yu didn’t know many things between lovers.

But he knew that now he must respond to Bai Jin’s feelings handsomely and without any regrets.

If you miss something, you will regret it. This is what he has learned from countless games.

The cruel thing about reality is that no one can predict when the “miss” will happen. When it is discovered, all that is left is regret.

I seemed to have died inexplicably in the last world.

There are still so many things I want to do that I haven’t done yet, yet I died.

Yang Yu doesn’t want to let go or regret.

Bai Jin’s eyes widened in disbelief. She had never expected such a thing to happen. For a moment, she actually thought it was a dream.

But the touch on her lips could not deceive her. Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if her heart was about to burst at any time, and kept beating “bang bang bang”.

After a while, Bai Jin accepted the status quo and closed her eyes.

Even if it is fake, she just wants to quietly feel the happy time now.

I don’t know how long it took.

It feels like everything is very long, but it also feels like everything happens in an instant.

It wasn’t until Yang Yu’s lips moved away that Bai Jin reluctantly opened her eyes.

Yang Yu opened his mouth and showed a gentle smile: “Bai Jin, this is my answer.”

As soon as she saw Yang Yu’s face, Bai Jin’s face turned red, her eyes wandered again, and her own heartbeat could be heard in her ears.

Fingers touched her lips lightly, Bai Jin still couldn’t believe what just happened,

“Is it really possible for someone like me?

I am just one of those girls who can be seen everywhere, and there are a lot of girls who are prettier and cuter than me.

I don’t have any special skills, and sometimes they don’t come in handy…

Can I do this…”

“Don’t belittle yourself so much, be more confident.

I said, if you call it ordinary, there probably won’t be many ordinary people in this world.

No matter how ordinary you are, for me, you are irreplaceable. ”

Bai Jin felt relieved after hearing Yang Yu’s confession, but there was one thing that kept lingering in her mind.

“Since, since…since this is your answer, why before…

Are those intentional? ”

Yang Yu nodded and said: “It’s all intentional.

Sorry for cutting you off when the mood was just right…

I also have my own ideas.

At the beginning, I had the mentality that I could overcome anything, thinking that everything would fall into place and there was no need to rush.

Later, I gradually realized that the world was different and more dangerous than I imagined.

We will only come into contact with more and more powerful enemies in the future.

I have no way to escape…

It won’t work if you settle in one corner.

In the future, you or I, Hemeng, Lotkar, or Ias may inevitably lose their lives in the following events.

If you establish a relationship with me, if one day in the future, only one person survives… I will probably spend the rest of my life in memory.

If a relationship is not established, if one person dies… the greater the probability that the other person will step out of the shadows.

So, before, I always thought it was not the time, it was not the time, it is not the time yet…

Over and over again, it got passed by.

But… now, my state of mind has changed again. ”


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