Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 930: I’m just waiting for you to say


After distributing the equipment, Yang Yu also distributed potions and a large amount of money enough to live for a period of time to everyone.

With golden light shining in front of her eyes, Ias’s eyes widened.

Having lived in the human world for so long, Ias already understood the importance of money, but she just didn’t understand why Yang Yu would give them so much money at this juncture.

“Just change what was unreasonable before to make it more reasonable.

The management was a bit strict in the past.

After leaving the Luoze Empire, we will officially be active in this world as an S-class adventure group.

When others see that I am so strict, they will definitely come to poach me.

It is better to do less than to do more. When others dare to come and poach, I will beat them up without any scruples, haha.

In the future, I will distribute the proceeds from my adventures according to my work.

He Meng, there is an unlimited supply of four-leaf clovers, but you need to buy them with money from me. ”

He Meng stuck out her tongue at Yang Yu, “You black-hearted businessman, I don’t want it! Just provide me with all-you-can-eat four-leaf clovers every day! Don’t give me all these fancy things.”

“Yang Yu, I don’t need it either.” Lotkar put the money bag back into Yang Yu’s hand. “My awareness of money is extremely weak. My village is isolated from the world and cannot use so much money. Besides, I have not yet fully repaid your kindness to me.”

Ias looked at the golden coins, hesitated for a while, took out a few gold coins of large denominations, and handed the rest back to Yang Yu: “I’m afraid that I will spend money lavishly. Even if I keep this money with you, .”

Yang Yu smiled helplessly and looked at Bai Jin who was holding a heavy money bag.

When Bai Jin received the money bag, she didn’t know what she was thinking. She just stared at the money bag in a daze.

In the end, she was the only one to accept the money bag.

Yang Yu said with a smile: “It’s only right that we all learn from Bai Hibiscus! Today, everyone should be tired and have a good rest. Tomorrow morning, I will tell you the next plan.”

Taking the lead back to the villa, Yang Yu said good night to everyone, closed the door and started working.

Before he could forget it, Yang Yu tried his best to recall the scene he saw in the passage, roughly restored it on the drawing, and marked various noteworthy points.

The first thing to bear the brunt of is time.

Night has fallen in the royal capital of the Luoze Empire, but the sun is shining brightly outside the castle. This means that there is a large time difference between the two places, which is enough to exclude most areas.

Then there are the people standing next to [Blood Earl], including Harpies, sea-dwelling murlocs… and a race that I have never seen with similar characteristics, and it is very likely that they are also demons… ..

The most important thing is Steel Dragon Wolf. If you can find out where Steel Dragon Wolf was transported, you should be able to find him…

While Yang Yu was thinking about his future route, someone gently knocked on the door of his room. When he opened it, he saw that the person who came was Bai Jin.

Bai Jin is still wearing an evening dress, but all her makeup has been washed away, and there are still some water stains on her hair.

When he came back, Yang Yu found that Bai Jin’s makeup was a little smudged. Even though he had improved his physical strength and used so much magic in a short period of time, it was impossible to maintain his beautiful makeup.

Maybe Bai Jin tried to repair her makeup, but because it was too difficult, she simply washed it off.

Bai Jin glanced at the room and said, “Excuse me… I’m working as expected. Can I come in?”

“What’s the matter?”

Yang Yu stared at Bai Jin’s eyes, trying to see something in Bai Jin’s eyes.

Unconsciously avoiding her eyes and pinching her bangs, Bai Jin tried to cover her wandering sight with her short bangs, but found that her bangs had been cut so short that she could no longer block her sight.

Bai Jin hesitated and said: “I…I have some things that I want to chat with you alone. It may take a long time…”

Closing his eyes, he tapped his forehead with his left index finger. After struggling for a while, Yang Yu said, “Okay, I’ll listen to your thoughts and do my job. Do you want something to drink?”

Bai Jin shook his head, took a big step forward, and walked into Yang Yu’s room. Yang Yu was about to close the door, but Bai Jin blocked the door.

“I, come on.”

Yang Yu let go of the doorknob, and Bai Jin carefully closed the door, and then tiptoed to the bed. He didn’t dare to look around, but just stared straight at the floor without saying a word.

It wasn’t until Yang Yu asked, “Would you like a cup of black tea?” that Bai Jin softly said, “Yes.”

While Yang Yu was making black tea, Bai Jin glanced at the door inadvertently several times, and then hurriedly left to look at Yang Yu’s tall back.

“Black tea.”


Taking the black tea, Bai Jin touched the teacup lightly. After finding that it was not very hot, he held the entire teacup in his palm.

I thought I had mustered up the courage again, but when it came time to go to the battlefield, I was still so cowardly.

Maybe now is not a good time to confess…

That’s right, Yang Yu is planning the future now, it’s not the time to come and disturb him.

…Have I been using this method to convince my past self?

At that time, she chose to believe Yang Yu, but Bai Jin still felt a little uneasy.

In the final analysis, it was the failure to express one’s feelings that caused the harm.

If you express your feelings and get a clear response from him.

At that time, were you not so uneasy?

Bai Jin could not confirm, but she knew that she could not wait any longer.

It was fake this time, will it be fake next time?

When Bai Jin took off his evening dress, he saw the shallow wound on his chest.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Jin finally tried to muster up the courage.

She put her evening dress back on and then knocked on the door of Yang Yu’s room.

“Yang Yu, do you know why I accepted the money bag?”

Yang Yu held his chin and thought: “Is there anything you want to buy?”

“No!…??.” Bai Jin rubbed her fingers back and forth on the teacup, “I do have many, many things I want to buy.

I saw my future in those gold coins.

It’s very expensive in all aspects…

Finding a place to live, buying furniture, and taking care of the neighborhood all cost a lot of money…

Maintaining daily life will definitely require a lot of expenses…

If you have… small children, and you need to buy a single room, clothing, toys, and education for the children will definitely be a lot of money…”

“Yes. That’s true. It does cost a lot of money. If you really take it seriously, it’s normal to save money from now on.” Yang Yu said.

“Won’t you laugh at me?”

“It’s normal for adventurers to crave peace and quiet after saving enough money.” Yang Yu said.

The scene fell into silence again.

Bai Jin seemed a little disappointed as she didn’t hear what she wanted to hear.

It’s not that Yang Yu didn’t notice anything.

He was just waiting for Bai Jin to say what Bai Jin wanted him to say and ask the questions Bai Jin wanted him to ask.


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