Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 929: Selling a favor


Back in the basement, Yang Yu took out a rope and tied the unconscious Jin and brought him back to the ground.

The top combat forces of the Luo Ze Empire arrived one after another and surrounded Yang Yu.

Yang Yu said that he just followed Chirom and Kraloqi’s plan and tried to lure out the hidden succubus and subdue it.

After that, Yang Yu generously took out the tape recorded by He Meng and played it for everyone present.

After Clark briefly explained the situation to Emperor Luo Hui, he quickly rushed to Yang Yu’s side, took the transformed succubus from Yang Yu’s hand, and helped Yang Yu smooth things over:

“Sorry for frightening you.

As Yang Yu said, this is all our plan.

We have noticed from a long time ago that there are still many succubi lurking in this country.

I know that the succubi have regarded Yang Yu as a thorn in their flesh.

That’s why I teamed up with him to direct everything today. If you want to blame, blame it all on me…”

Yang Yu patted Kraloqi’s shoulder affectionately, pretending to be extremely tired and said:

“Your Highness, I have done as you asked, but I didn’t expect that Miss Rodissa is also a succubus.

What a mistake…let her run away…

Don’t forget what I ask for. Feeling a little tired, I took my partner back to rest. ”

Putting his hands on his chest, Kraloch bowed slightly to express his gratitude,

“Thanks to Mr. Yang Yu for obeying our willful request, we were able to uncover the succubus.

Thank you for your hard work. I will take care of the rest. Please go back and have a good rest. ”


In response, Yang Yu dragged himself, called Bai Jin and Ias and slowly left the villa.

Next is Kraloch’s stage.

Yang Yu originally just wanted to see if he could dig deeper. It didn’t matter whether the merit was his.

Since it doesn’t matter, it’s not a bad idea to sell it to Kraloqi as a favor.

To be honest, dealing with these nobles is very tiring.

The next dance is definitely going to be a bust, and the follow-up is just a retelling of the whole story and answering questions, which is boring and boring. It’s better to go back and sleep.

Kraloch naturally didn’t know Yang Yu’s true inner thoughts. He just felt that Yang Yu was really a trustworthy and reliable figure and watched him go away gratefully.

Ladis also rushed to where Claloc was. When passing by Yang Yu, she stopped and said to Yang Yu:

“What a mess. Even if you don’t tell me, you won’t even tell Bai Jin and the others. They are also your partners after all.”

Yang Yu explained: “I don’t know if there are other succubi hiding in this country. The fewer people who know about it, the better, so as not to be exposed by other succubi.

It is undeniable that this time it did make them both worried.

His Royal Highness Kraloqi can handle the rest well and there is no need for us to appear. ”

Putting away the folding fan, Ladis stared at Yang Yu, “You won’t leave without saying goodbye, right?”

“I am not you.

You can finally feel Tico’s mood.

We still have some things to investigate, and you’ll find out tomorrow. ”

Yang Yu smiled and walked away from the Prince’s Mansion again. On the way, he met Emperor Luo Hui and saluted respectfully.

Looking at the direction in which Yang Yu was leaving, Ladis opened the folding fan again and sighed alone: ​​”It is really impossible to keep such a person.”

Mounting on Lotkar, Yang Yu and the others set off back to Chirom’s mansion.

He Meng kept chattering along the way, and Yang Yu could only buy her injured soul with a lot of four-leaf clovers.

The biggest contributor to the completion of this plan is He Meng.

Even though it was unpalatable, He Meng still digested the radio bit by bit, understood the structure inside, and then understood the principles through the encyclopedia. After countless fiddling, he finally perfectly reproduced the functions of the radio.

Actually, you can just let He Meng take the repeater and record directly.

However, the opportunity is rare, and Yang Yu certainly wants to try how far He Meng can mimic.

If it were any other time, He Meng would not cooperate at all. Under special circumstances, coercion and inducement are more effective than others.

Now that He Meng can transform into a radio, will it be far behind to transform into a helicopter in the future?

After returning to Chirom’s villa, Yang Yu began to distribute new equipment to everyone, including legendary equipment obtained from the dragon and epic equipment obtained through Chirom’s connections.

Yang Yu originally wanted to distribute these equipment after the name of his S-level adventure group was officially announced.

Plans cannot keep up with changes.

What happened recently has once again reminded Yang Yu that reality is so unreasonable.

In the future, enemies will only become stronger and stronger. Who knows when the enemy will attack and how they will attack.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet.

It is impossible for me to beat them violently again and again, and I may even be beaten violently by them.

Once you miss, you and your partners will be in danger.

What I can do now is to leave what I know to my partners and leave the best equipment to my partners.

Yang Yu personally put the legendary robe [Pitch Black Flow] on Bai Jin.

This piece of equipment can increase MP by 10% and reduce magic damage by 20%. When hit, [Pitch Black Stream] will charge one layer, with superimposed cooldown of 2 seconds. It can charge up to 100 layers. Consuming the charge can generate a A solid shield, the shield value is the charging value

It can be said to be a pretty good life-saving equipment.

The dragon’s equipment query interface also has some detailed instructions about this equipment.

[Jet Black Flow] can also superimpose the charge number when in shield state, and can achieve double shields in crisis situations.

Yang Yu believes that Bai Jin will be able to use this equipment well.

Then, Yang Yu gave Lotkar a piece of equipment, which was a rare transforming weapon.

[The Finger Tiger of the Irud Plan]: In human form, it is in the form of a finger tiger, with strength +20%, HP +15%, and a +200 physical attack when attacking; in Warcraft mode, it is in the form of arm armor. Strength +10%, Defense +10%, Magic Resistance +10%, HP +10%, obtain the passive [Wild Stance], which restores 0.5% of health per second. When the health is full, it adds 0.5 to the next attack every second. % of maximum health physical attack (up to 20 stacks).

Yang Yu kept the last piece of legendary equipment obtained from the dragon.

It was a pair of boots with a very rustic style called [Incredible Brake Boots].

It has an initiative called [Forced Braking].

As long as you have these boots, even if you jump from 1,000 meters in the air, as long as you use this initiative to cushion before landing, you will not be injured.

Of course, exceptions are made when the head is on the ground or other parts of the body are on the ground.

If you use this initiative well, you can also float on the water with ease.

The disadvantage is that it consumes quite a lot of mana. It costs 100 mana at a time, which is equivalent to a medium-sized skill.

However, for Yang Yu, he has never worried about mana consumption.

When choosing these boots, Yang Yu was also afraid that he would not be able to stop the car at the critical moment, or would be killed when he jumped from a high place and became stiff. With these boots, Yang Yu did not have to worry about such things happening.


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