Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 923: The banquet begins


Looking at the Royal Capital under the setting sun through the car window, Bai Jin, who was riding in the same carriage as Ladis, shrank up cautiously and fidgeted.

After being invited to the house by Latis, Ladis said a lot to her.

Bai Jin didn’t want to admit her feelings for Yang Yu to Latisse at first, but Latisse was straightforward and told Bai Jin that some opportunities would be gone if she missed them.

The words Ladis said were like water drops, breaking through the defenses in Bai Jin’s heart bit by bit.

Everyone is possessive of the person they like, and Bai Jin is the same.

This was the first time she met a love rival who so clearly expressed his feelings for Yang Yu, and Yang Yu did not clearly reject the woman. Bai Jin didn’t know what to do at all.

Ladis saw Bai Jin’s anxiety.

Although Ladis has never experienced love, as she is in a high position in the Luoze Empire, she is always considered to have come into contact with all kinds of noble men, which has led to many close friends coming to her for love counseling.

As they went back and forth, while they were cultivating Latisse’s desire for gossip, Latisse actually relied on other people’s love experiences and had a tendency to become a master of love.

“Bai Jin, you are indeed not very good-looking, but being ordinary is only temporary.

In this world, there are ways to make ordinary girls beautiful.

The trick lies in makeup. Makeup with the same effect can make a girl look more beautiful.

Ordinary girls can become beautiful as long as they dress up carefully. ”

“Men are creatures that like more than just beautiful girls. Contrast is also a useful weapon.

Miss Bai Jin always looks like this, and it is extremely easy to create contrast.

Don’t worry, leave it to me. My dressing skills are top-notch. As long as he sees you, his eyes will be attracted to you.

When the time comes, all we have to do is go with the flow…”

“In short, first find an opportunity for the two of you to be alone together.

You also need to be skillful in chatting. Start with common topics first, and slowly talk in a direction that both of you are interested in. In this way, countless topics can be opened up, and the atmosphere becomes more and more harmonious.

Appropriate small actions can also add a lot of color to the atmosphere between two people…

After you have been with him for such a long time, you can always find one or two topics that he is interested in. It is definitely not difficult to create an atmosphere. ”

“You have to learn to judge the atmosphere and attack tentatively.

Showing your feelings when the atmosphere is at its climax can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

You can grasp the heartbeat of a man even if you click hard and play hard to get.

There is only a thin layer of paper between you and him… No need to play hard to get.

If you apply more force, you can easily break this layer of paper…”

Is it really possible to pierce this layer of paper?

Does he really want me to pierce the paper?

What exactly does Yang Yu think of me… If it fails, will the relationship between the two of us become extremely awkward?

Bai Jin was worried about many things, but decided to take another step forward.

She put on an exquisite evening dress that she was not used to. She also had part of her hair cut off by Latisse. She was manipulated like a doll and put on a good make-up.

Ladis’s craftsmanship is extremely amazing.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, Bai Jin is indeed very different from before.

Perhaps, she really becomes a lot prettier…

Bai Jin tried to smile, but she was so nervous that her muscles twitched. The smile she originally planned to smile turned into a terrifying smile mixed with disdain and contempt.

It’s just like the contemptuous smile that the villain in the book often shows when facing the protagonist.

Of course this kind of smile didn’t work. Ladis put her hand directly on Bai Jin’s face and taught Bai Jin how to smile from scratch.

It took a long time, but Bai Jin barely passed the test, and Ladis continued to teach her some other skills.

The carriage gradually stopped, and Bai Jin’s heart was beating hard. She didn’t know what Yang Yu would say when he saw her now, and she didn’t know whether the skills Ladis taught her could be used. Useful.

However, it was rare that Ladis gave such a good opportunity, and Bai Jin did not want to waste it.

The carriage gradually came to a stop, and the soldiers standing at the Prince’s Mansion stood up straight to welcome the arrival of the royal family.

The emaciated Emperor Luo Hui was helped out of the carriage by the second prince, followed closely by the eldest prince and his fiancée, and finally Ladis and Bai Jin.

The prince’s butler presented the most precious courtesy to the royal family and led the group into the hall.

As we walked into the hall, all kinds of richly dressed dignitaries came and went. The arrival of the royal family caused a brief commotion.

Suddenly countless eyes were cast on them, and Bai Jin and Ias felt that they were out of place here.

Bai Jin glanced back and forth in the hall, looking for Yang Yu.

Next to a pillar, she found Yang Yu.

She couldn’t stop taking steps, and she couldn’t wait to show Yang Yu her current self.

After taking a few steps, Bai Jin froze on the spot.

Yang Yu was talking to the girl who delivered cookies yesterday. They were talking and laughing with each other, exuding a unique atmosphere where strangers were not allowed to enter.

The presiding prince took the initiative to talk to Emperor Luo Hui and invited Emperor Luo Hui to sit down with General Walshi.

After noticing something strange about Bai Jin and seeing Yang Yu chatting freely with Jin, Ladis said hello to her father and left the team.

Coming to Bai Jin’s side, Ladis pushed Bai Jin’s shoulders, found an area with few people, and cheered:

“Don’t worry, you are unusually cute today.

Remember what I taught you, you will have an extraordinary advantage compared to today.

Now is the time to show what makes you special.

If we back down now, wouldn’t it be the same as before? ”

Under Ladis’s instigation, Bai Jin plucked up the courage again and took steps towards Yang Yu.

Bai Jin got closer and closer. I don’t know if Jin did it on purpose. His feet seemed to have sprained and he fell forward.

Yang Yu gently caught her with both hands, lifted her up slightly and said:

“Is it okay!”

Jin raised his face and smiled happily, “Thanks to His Highness Yang Yu, I didn’t get embarrassed here.”

“Helping women is what men should do.”

A gentle smile appeared on Yang Yu’s face, and Bai Jin stopped again because of this smile.

It turns out that he can show such a gentle expression to anyone…

Seeing Bai Jin flinch again, Ladis put her hand on Bai Jin’s shoulder again and pushed her towards Yang Yu:

“Yang Yu, look at Bai Jin today, isn’t she very different? She dressed up carefully for today.”

Ias didn’t know when she appeared near Jin, grabbed Jin’s wrist, showed a very kind smile, and said:

“Miss Jin, can I delay your time?

The two of us went there alone to chat. Your cookies yesterday were delicious. I would like to ask you for the recipe and technique.

It just so happens that my companion also has something he wants to tell our captain.

Don’t bother them. ”


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