Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 907: Birdcage


Seeing Yang Yu blocking the attack, Behemoth smiled coquettishly:

“Interesting, kind of interesting. I never thought you could do it to this extent, so what about this trick?”

Stretching his wings, a strange black demonic wind blew up from under Behemoth and spread to all sides, just like an ordinary wind.

Yang Yu didn’t feel any pain, but he could feel something taking away his power from his body.

After glancing at the panel, there was no abnormality on Yang Yu’s status bar, but one-fifth of the health bar disappeared out of thin air, as if a water outlet had been opened.

Bai Jin’s blood volume was directly cut in half, and Lotkar’s also lost one-third.

This trick can quietly take away the life of a person, a village, or even a city…

The situation was unprecedentedly serious, Yang Yu threw several bottles of medicine at Lotkar,

“Lotkar, take Bai Jin and leave first.”

Biting the medicine bottle that was thrown at him, Lotkar did not hesitate, picked up the white hibiscus and ran down the ridge.

Flapping his wings and landing in the crater, Behemoth looked straight at Yang Yu with his strange eyes:

“At this age, I can withstand the wind of my death.

You can basically be convinced.

Naive, really naive.

No matter which side they are on, they are extremely naive.

If I didn’t meet you here, I would like to watch all this from the special seat.

Now that I have met you, I still have to kill you!

I will keep your soul and torture you to my heart’s content.

Don’t think that if you act separately, your partners will survive.

My second favorite thing is chasing prey.

I like to see them panic and at a loss.

Let you see the tragic image of your partner dying in front of you! ”

“You talk so much nonsense that you want to kill me. Just show me your so-called true ability.”

Withdrawing the sword blade, a black shadow rolled over the blade. The next moment, Yang Yu came to Behemoth.

Stretching out his claws, Behemoth’s sharp fingertips pinched the blade that drew a black track.

Yang Yu moved to the right, and the blade of the sword moved strangely from Behemoth’s paws, and struck the outside of Behemoth’s right thigh.

Turn a blind eye to the pain, and the purple magic circle spread rapidly outward from Behemoth’s feet, bringing a large area of ​​deceleration.

The blade of the sword shined with orange light. While Yang Yu activated [Copper Wall and Iron Wall] and [Steel Body], he also used a double-sided slash to hit the demon’s thigh.

“Don’t get carried away!”

Releasing his magic power, Behemoth instantly repels Yang Yu.

Several imps instantly emerged from the purple magic circle and rushed towards Yang Yu from all directions with their teeth and claws open.

Yang Yu knew that Behemoth also released the [Ghost Shadow Array], but unlike Bai Jin’s [Ghost Shadow Array], Behemoth summoned real imps with real health bars and attributes.

With a [Zhizhi Roar] to reduce the attacks of the surrounding imps, Yang Yu drew his sword [cleave] and knocked down several incoming imps in a row.

Behemoth gathered a thick black air mass in the palm of his hand and threw it into the ridge. With it as the center, black spikes shot out from the ground without any distinction between friend and foe.

The kid who surrounded and suppressed Yang Yu was instantly pierced. The impaled kid’s face was distorted, and he roared and pulled his body. He dragged his torn body and rushed towards Yang Yu, but was pierced by the newly grown black spikes. .

Putting up his shield, Yang Yu activated [Red Blood Clearance] towards the attacking spikes, and rushed towards Behemoth again like a bullet, creating a path.

Behemoth smiled slyly, danced his black claws, and struck Yang Yu, but Yang Yu used [Shield Block] to catch him.

Pressing her head, Bai Jin climbed up from Lotkar’s back and saw Yang Yu fighting with Behemoth.

Just when she was about to take out her magic wand, Sigh Seed, to remotely assist Yang Yu in fighting, a bolt of electricity passed through Bai Jin’s mind, causing her to hold her head in pain.

A new picture began to play in front of Bai Jin’s eyes.

Her father, who had died long ago, appeared again.

Father’s voice sounded in Bai Jin’s ears again:

“Bai Jin, if you can see this image, it means I am dead.

Please forgive me for not being a qualified teacher and father.

You will recall this memory, which means that there was something unexpected in the destruction of [Gate of the Abyss].

If everything goes well, those memories should never appear before your eyes.

According to my guess, destroying the [Gate of the Abyss] seems to require a huge amount of energy, and opening the [Gate of the Abyss] also requires powerful energy.

When the [Gate of the Abyss] is destroyed, the demon may escape.

Demons are extremely powerful and cunning, but there are ways to deal with them.

Bai Jin, do you still remember the magic wand I gave you?

That wand was transformed by me and has the power to seal demons.

Use it to catch the demon, and then hand it over to someone with powerful holy light for purification.

How to use the staff…I’ll teach you now! ”

Bai Jin’s sight was connected to the outside world again, and what came into view was the fierce battle between Yang Yu and Behemoth.

Yang Yu tried his best to parry the demon’s attack and counterattack, but because the demon knew some skills that Yang Yu had never seen before, Yang Yu was rarely deflated in several attacks, and his body continued to have scars. Add up.

Suddenly, a red light shone on Yang Yu’s body. Yang Yu moved like thunder, and the sword blade wandered around Behemoth’s body.

But Yang Yu is a defensive warrior after all. Even with the blessing of [Raging Blood] and full real damage, he still has more than enough energy to face the BOSS with half a million blood.

Bai Jin patted Lotkar’s back gently and read in Lotkar’s mind:

“Lotkar, get closer to that demon. That demon is not that easy to solve. I have a way to seal it.”

Putting up the medicine in his mouth and looking back at the medicine bottle falling safely into Bai Qin’s hand, Lotkar stopped briefly:

“How confident are you? I want to ensure your safety and you are not allowed to mess around.”

“It’s definitely not random.

My father expected that the devil would appear.

Trust me, come closer. ”

Bai Jin’s words revealed determination. Lotkar no longer had any doubts and turned around to climb up the ridge.

After drinking a bottle of potion, Bai Jin took out the staff left by her father. She input the magic power into the staff intermittently and according to a certain pattern according to what her father taught her in her memory.

In front of the smooth staff, three magic arrays of different sizes appeared instantly. The patterns on the magic array were something Bai Jin had never seen before.

These three magic arrays seemed to be draining all the magic power from Bai Jin’s body, greedily sucking the magic power from Bai Jin’s body.

Bai Jin tried his best to maintain consciousness and controlled two of the magic circles to fly towards Behemoth.

Behemoth and Yang Yu were fighting fiercely, with various skills emerging one after another, so that it didn’t notice at all that there were two magic circles on top of its head, rapidly expanding.

When the magic circle stopped expanding, it was like someone dropped smoke bombs on the edge of the magic circle and pulled up white silk threads to form a huge birdcage in the crater.


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