Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 905: Memory connection


After listening to Elena’s story, Yang Yu frowned.

It is precisely because the magic power in herbs accumulates in the body and affects absorption that he acquires the so-called ‘drug resistance’.

Not only this, there are also many things worth pondering in Mingtu Saiqiut’s words.

The first to tame magic…which means that magic did not exist from the beginning.

Yang Yu asked: “In addition to accurate translations, did the previous queens say anything that was difficult to understand?”

Elena thought about it carefully and said: “In this way, I remember that the previous queen said something particularly difficult to understand, saying that ‘magic and magic come from tiny carved objects’.”

“What do you mean.”

“I don’t know, she didn’t explain it to me.”

Yang Yu continued to try to pry some information from Elena, but this was all Elena knew.

Mingtu Saiqiut, the previous queen, usually would not take the initiative to talk about some particularly weird things. Even if she did, Elena would often not listen carefully or laugh it off.

If you continue to ask, you may not be able to find out anything.

So, Yang Yu ended the conversation and headed to the next stop – celebrating the volcano.

After leaving Wansheng Republic, Yang Yu and the others did not know when they would return here again.

Maybe he won’t come back until the devil comes.

A year ago, Yang Yu asked Bai Jin to wait a little longer because he was not strong enough.

Now, he doesn’t want to delay it any longer.

Sending a greeting to the Chihuo Tribe living in Qinghe Volcano, hoping that the Chihuo Tribe would come forward to help in an emergency, Yang Yu and the others followed the rugged volcanic ridge and arrived at the crater.

The crater of the volcano is still the same as before, with wisps of gray smoke and a pungent smell all around.

When you walk to the edge of the crater, you can look down and see the red magma flowing slowly inside.

Standing on the edge of the crater, with waves of heat sweeping over him, Yang Yu opened the panel and said to Bai Jin behind:

“Bai Jin, get ready now.

After confirming that the thing was destroyed, we left here immediately without stopping.

I wonder if the guys from the Curse Sect will ambush them. ”


Approaching the crater cautiously, Bai Jin’s heart couldn’t stop accelerating and pounding.

As long as the [Gate of the Abyss] can be completely destroyed, she can complete the task assigned to her by her father and fulfill her father’s long-cherished wish.

Bai Jin has a hunch that things will not end so easily.

But she is completely different from two years ago. Not only has her strength been greatly improved, but she has also met a reliable partner.

She believes that no matter what happens in the future, she will be able to cope with it.

Raising his hand, Bai Jin’s palm shined with light, and the black ping pong ball-shaped [Gate of the Abyss] appeared in Bai Jin’s hand.

There seemed to be something calling her in [Gate of the Abyss], asking her to pursue power, but Bai Jin remained unmoved.

Without hesitation, Bai Jin took a deep breath and threw the [Gate of the Abyss] towards the hot magma.

Like a pebble falling into a pond, the [Gate of the Abyss] splashed with magma and was gradually swallowed up by the hot magma.

However, seeing the beads falling into the magma, the [Destruction] task on Yang Yu’s panel was not completed.

Realizing something was wrong, Yang Yu hurriedly patted Bai Jin on the shoulder:

“Bai Jin, is there still a connection between you and that bead?”

Bai Jin did not respond, maintaining the posture of throwing the [Gate of the Abyss], standing at the edge of the volcano in a daze.

“Bai Jin! Answer me!”

Grabbing Bai Jin’s shoulders, Yang Yu shook Bai Jin vigorously, intending to bring back Bai Jin’s consciousness, but Bai Jin’s expression was still in a trance, with two blazing flames in his eyes.

At that moment, Bai Jin’s sight seemed to be connected with the [Gate of the Abyss] sinking into the magma, and his eyes were filled with fiery red.

Some memories that did not belong to Bai Jin appeared in front of her eyes.

The first thing that appeared in front of Bai Jin was a bartender who looked very similar to her, but was much more beautiful.

“How is your recent research on ancient Chinese? Don’t just go to the bar and drink whenever you encounter any problems.”

The camera flashed and the bartender showed his crimson cheeks.

“I’ve been coming to the bar just to see me… It’s a shame you can say such embarrassing words.”

“Huh? Ask me if I can marry you. I really can’t do anything to you, so I’ll accept your proposal reluctantly!”

The scene turned again, and the woman was wearing a wedding dress and smiled towards Bai Jin.

“Today is the day to get married, don’t be so timid, my dear.”

The screen changed again, and the woman with a big belly grabbed a pair of hands and placed them on her belly, smiling happily

“Look, the child is kicking me. I have thought about it. I like white hibiscus flowers. If it is a girl, it will be called Bai Hibiscus. As for the boy, I will leave it to you…”

The picture was frozen here, and Bai Jin instantly understood that the woman in front of him was her mother, and knew that this was the memory of his father.

This was the first time Bai Jin really saw her mother. Her lips trembled, wanting to call out mother to the sunny and lively woman in her memory.

But the warm tones in my memory instantly turned cold and dark…

In the next scene, the surroundings were extremely dark, thunder and raindrops were pounding outside the window, and a baby’s cry was mixed with a man’s sobbing.

Bai Jin knew that her mother was gone.

Subsequently, Bai Jin saw a huge rock.

White powder danced in the sky as her father scattered her mother’s ashes into the sea.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of incomprehensible words and drawings were poured into Bai Jin’s mind.

Her father tried to numb himself with work… but… failed, and turned to drinking to drown his sorrows.

At this moment, a man wearing a black dress and holding a strange chandelier suddenly appeared in the dark night. He said:

“All of this is the goddess’s misbehavior. The responsibility for your wife’s death does not lie with you at all, but with the goddess who is playing with our luck.

You should not believe in any goddess at all. What you should believe in is yourself. Curse the goddess with us!

What we should really believe is that the devil will definitely gain if he is willing to pay.

As long as you are willing to pay for Lord Devil, with your talent, Lord Devil will definitely realize your wish and let your wife come back to you again! ”

The man’s words seemed to have a special magic power. Bai Jin’s father stepped closer to the man holding the lantern.

“Don’t go there…Master, father…”

Although she knew it was a memory, Bai Jin still couldn’t help shouting.

But precisely because it was a memory, Bai Jin could not stop what her father had done to resurrect her lover.

He killed the heretics for the cursed sect, looked for sacrifices, and then studied cursed magic day and night…

Years are like one day.

Then, he finally got the qualification to talk to the devil.


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