Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 899: Ambush behind the vines


“…The above is what I know. I hope it can help you.”

Akiket’s face appeared on Bai Jin’s crystal ball, and Akiket told everything he knew.

After the winter battle, he was assigned to the Serovo Gate Plains to perform defense tasks on the plains. He could only catch the whereabouts of Mindalak, and could not be 100% sure of Mindalak’s whereabouts.

“Thank you very much.” Yang Yu took off the mask on his face, revealing his true face.

Akiket smiled and said: “I have heard a little bit about your recent performance on the battlefield.

It’s up to you to stop this war.

Hope your plans go well. ”

Although he didn’t know what Yang Yu wanted to do, Akiket still tried his best to help Yang Yu.

Akiket believes that the two of them have exactly the same purpose, and both want this war to end peacefully.

Yang Yu nodded heavily and asked Bai Jin to cut off the contact.

Running on a familiar road, Lotkar crossed mountains and forests one after another, heading towards the Capital of Flowers.

Before entering the Wansheng Republic, Bai Jin and Ias made the last contact.

Ias and Hemeng’s side barely went smoothly. After Chirom’s talk, the current Emperor Luo Ze finally accepted the reality.

With the cooperation of the peace faction, the banquet turned into a meeting to discuss the follow-up treatment.

Before leaving the royal capital of Luoze, Yang Yu told He Meng and Qi Luo some tips for promoting the meeting.

But those strategies may not work at all. Yang Yu believes that the peace faction can do better.

After all, they have been working hard for peace in their hearts.

Unfortunately, the charm technique used by the lurking succubus is quite advanced.

Even if it is lifted, the charmed person will not leave any memory of the succubus.

The memories of those who were charmed have become quite blurred in the past few years, as if they had had a big dream, and there was a voice that kept guiding them to do something that was not what they wanted.

The lack of information about the succubus means that it is impossible to follow the clues and arrest the succubus.

A large number of succubi are still lurking in the capital.

There is a long way to go to distinguish succubi from all living beings.

However, there is no way.

After learning the location of the [Holy Light Catalytic Stone], the Goddess Cult should come to your door soon.

As long as we can reach an agreement and use the power of the Goddess Cult to screen suspicious persons in the city one by one, select those with strange magic powers flowing in their bodies, and ban and isolate them, it should be possible to restrain some succubi and weaken their power.

This war has not completely stopped. This is a sensitive period. The orcs still hate humans. Yang Yu asked Lotkar to avoid towns and take trails as much as possible to avoid being seen by the orcs and causing unnecessary trouble.

But sometimes, if you don’t look for trouble, trouble will come to you on its own.

Without any warning, a huge wall made of intertwined vines blocked the direction in which Yang Yu and the others were moving.

Getting up awkwardly from Lotkar, Bai Jin chanted a mantra. In front of the white magic circle, a huge ice spear emitting white smoke suddenly formed.

The ice gun obeyed Bai Jin’s command, flew out in the air, and poked a big hole in the huge wall, clearing a path for Yang Yu and the others.

But before Yang Yu and the others could cross the passage, the gap in the wall grew rapidly as if they had received some instruction.

The next moment, the crazily growing vines completely blocked the gap made by the white hibiscus.

Looking around, there is no end to the wall made of vines. If you want to get around it, you don’t know how long it will take.

This city wall made of vines cannot be naturally formed.

There is only one race that can control plants.

If it was as he thought, Hans Morning Glory should have been exposed and turned to Mindalak.

Not knowing whether there was a trap near this wall, Yang Yu decided to use the simplest and crudest way to implement a frontal breakthrough.

“Bai Hibiscus, use fire magic. Lotkar, accelerate through it in one breath.”

Weaving a fiery red magic circle, the surrounding magic turned into a blazing and huge flame in front of Bai Jin.

The white hibiscus threw flames, and the vines instantly turned into raging flames. There were a lot of gaps in the airtight wall, and the burning vines were difficult to regenerate.

Seizing the opportunity, a whirlwind blew around Lotkar’s body. He launched a powerful charge and got through the red wall of fire.

However, on the other side of the wall, someone has been waiting for a long time.

The strong frozen wood stood on Lotkar’s only path. He opened his hands wide and hugged Lotkar’s narrow muzzle.

Lotkar’s strength was great, and the frozen wood was dragged forward by Lotkar, hitting several big trees in succession, but his hands hugged Lotkar from beginning to end.

“It’s really not easy to catch you. We must have made the right bet.”

In front of a big tree, Fengmu finally stopped Lotkar and smiled at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu also smiled and said hello: “Long time no see, General Dongmu.”

Hans Morning Glory stepped on the branches near Yang Yu and the others, observing. Before he could make a sound, several ice arrows shot out at him.

A vine grew from his hand and wrapped around the branch he was standing on. Hans turned 360 degrees along the trunk to avoid the attack of the white hibiscus.

Hans smiled half-heartedly: “We have met before anyway, and it was so unkind to launch an attack from the beginning. I also thought that there would be a touching reunion between us.”

Yang Yu tilted his head and said: “You have a beautiful idea.

You came here to get rid of us, right?

Then we naturally have to strike first.

After saying that, Yang Yu jumped off Lotkar, and the black shadow rolled onto the sword blade, attacking the frozen wood hugging Lotkar.

Just as he was about to hit the frozen wood, a strange, small figure stood in front of Yang Yu very quickly.

The sharp dagger collided with Yang Yu’s sword, creating a black spark.

The powerful force coming from the sword blade, Yang Yu used [Climbing] to grab the ground and deflect the attack.

The short figure of less than one meter kept tumbling in the sky and landed on the trunk of a big tree. Without any pause, the short figure bent down and jumped from the trunk, bursting out with incredible speed and heading towards Yang Yu again. Coming fast.

Yang Yu could clearly see that the figure attacking him was a raccoon orc.

She is a member of the original [Wild Fighter], her level is over 130, her strength and speed both exceed 3000, which is faster than Yang Yu.

The moment Yang Yu saw the figure of the civet cat orc, the figure of the civet cat orc disappeared quietly.

This is the assassin’s skill [Stealth], which can cover one’s body.

The civet orcs are extremely fast and may attack from all directions.

A burst of blood appeared on Yang Yu’s body, pouring into the earth, and a gravity field spread out under his feet.

Yang Yu’s eyes quickly swept around, catching the abnormalities around him.

[Stealth] can make the breath and posture disappear temporarily, but there is no way to make the body volume disappear.

If you can detect subtle movements, you can still capture the assassin’s movements.


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