Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 898: Deceiving yourself


Seeing the slightly funny look on Closhu Mira’s face, Emperor Luo Hui froze in place, his lips trembling slightly, not waiting for anyone else’s answer:

“Chirom, tell me, tell me quickly, what is going on?”

Looking at Emperor Luo Hui, Chirom sighed:

“The reason why we went to war with Wansheng Kingdom was all because of the devil’s conspiracy.

Your Majesty, do you still remember that you received reports of the succubus’ appearance?

They are probably the Demon King’s advance troops… who appeared on this continent early in the morning.

It was intentional to reveal the truth at that time, to lure the brave there. Otherwise, the brave would expose the succubus lurking in the capital.

The purpose of the succubus is to cause the countries on the continent to fight and weaken the power on the continent from within.

In this war that lasted for more than nine years and nearly ten years, countless outstanding soldiers from us and the orcs died in the war.

Our two countries have spent a lot of manpower and material resources on this war, but they have not yet decided the winner. It is they who are hindering it.

We don’t know where the devil will attack from, but all fools know that persimmons need to be picked softly.

They will certainly invade from war-torn countries that have become vulnerable.

Our country and Wansheng Republic are the first to bear the brunt.

Why can’t the fight between the two countries stop even though it’s such a simple truth and the arrival of the Demon King is so close!

Why? Are you looking down on the devil?

Or are you being led to ignore the devil? ”

Emperor Luo Hui gritted his teeth bitterly, unable to accept what Chirom said:

“What is the explanation for the ancient prophecies?

That prophecy indicates that we and the demi-humans will always be at odds with each other. If the demi-humans are not eliminated, we humans will definitely be killed by the demi-humans.

It was precisely because of that prophecy that I finally decided to start a war! ”

Chirom’s gaze seemed to penetrate Luo Hui, and he slowly said: “Your Majesty, who on earth told you this?

Who told you that demi-humans will replace humans?

Who gave you this understanding? ”

Emperor Luo Hui looked at the team responsible for the ruins in the corner. The person in charge of the ruins and several officials knelt down directly with trembling legs and said:

“Your Majesty, the translation and interpretation of the ancient text should be interpreted with reservations.

We don’t know how the person who wrote that article felt. We need to verify it from many sources before we can determine the general explanation of the translation.

I must have been manipulated by someone at that time, so I said those words in front of His Majesty, and I beg Your Majesty to forgive me. ”

After hearing this, Emperor Luo Hui didn’t know what to do for a while, and even envied those officials who had dispelled the charm.

If even he was bewitched, at this moment he could smile and say to the people present, “Damn succubi, I will definitely catch you all and burn them at the stake.”

But Emperor Luo Hui is very sober, and he has never been controlled by a succubus.

Even if a succubus infiltrates the country’s institutions, he is the one who makes the final decision.

He is still the one who listened to the slander, launched a war, and pushed his country into the abyss.

Now he can’t be so shameless as to say that since everyone has been charmed by the succubus, he should think of a way to expel the succubus from this country, stop this war, and unite with the orcs to fight against each other. Demon King.

Even if the ministers here can accept it…can the people accept it? Can those soldiers who have died in battle and who have so far believed in the Empire fighting on the front lines accept it?

Do those war-torn orcs accept it?

Can’t stop anymore.

Emperor Luo Hui was riding a tiger. He couldn’t think of a way to solve so many things at the same time, and he couldn’t help but start to escape:

“You said that at that time, in fact, that was what you were thinking!

The demi-humans will eventually wage war against us humans and replace us. We just strike first.

You just hide the truth you believe in your hearts, and the succubus just exposes your hearts in front of me, so I started this war.

Say it! Is this what you think? That’s definitely what you think, right?

Don’t be afraid, tell me what you really think.

I said, tell me what you really think!

Tell me quickly!

Tell me that starting this war is the right thing to do! ”

The members of the ruins research team pressed their foreheads against the cold floor and said nothing.

Even though they were bewitched by the succubus, the words they once said indirectly caused this war.

In order to comply with the emperor, they can say that the emperor is right, but once it is proven that what they said is false, they will lose their heads.

If they don’t answer now, the emperor will lose his temper at most and then dismiss them from their posts. This is much better than losing their lives.

Every one of them can carry it clearly.

“Why don’t you speak? I’m asking you questions!” Emperor Luo Hui grinned and clenched his fists tightly.

Chirom couldn’t help laughing. Called the emperor by his name:


Luo Hui, you haven’t changed much since before.

I advise you to find a mirror and take a good look at how ugly you are now.

Can this also be called the emperor of this country?

Let me tell you.

Even if that prophecy is true, the prophecy has already been fulfilled.

Luo Hui grabbed his forehead with one hand and smiled as if he had found some light: “Realized? How is this possible? You are indeed confused. Aren’t we humans all standing here now? ?”

Chirom stood up straight, suppressed his smile, and said seriously:

“Then let’s see how His Majesty defines human beings.

But no matter how Your Majesty defines human beings, it is probably different from the human beings defined by the author of that ancient article.

The person who wrote that ancient article may have lived during the war between the gods and was one of the founders of the ruins.

The human beings they define are truly pure human beings.

What about us…

Your Majesty, when do you think humans began to live together with various demi-humans?

That is an immeasurably long past. Even if the demi-humans are expelled by us, it will not change the fact that they were once widely distributed in this world.

Since they are widely distributed in this world, no matter how many there are, intermarriage between demi-humans and humans is inevitable.

Children born from intermarriage between demi-humans and humans will gradually have fewer characteristics after being combined with humans from generation to generation, until they are no different from humans in the end.

After many generations, if you put the descendants of humans and demi-humans next to ordinary humans, can you tell them apart?

If there is no way to distinguish, there is no way to inhibit the blood fusion of demi-humans and humans…

Nowadays, human blood has long been impure.

The ancient humans were aware of this, so they wrote the so-called ancient prophecies.

Perhaps, in the eyes of ancient humans, we are “dirty”, “savage”, “disgusting” sub-humans. ”

Emperor Luo Hui stretched out his hand, covered his ears, and said:

“Stop saying it…Don’t say it anymore, I will never admit it.”

Chirom shook his head: “Whether you admit it or not, it will not change the facts.

Besides, although you have consciously ignored it, the dragon seems to be a kind of demi-human.

Will humans really be able to defeat such monsters in the future?

Even if everyone dies, the dragon will probably still roam the sky.

After all, all this is just you deceiving yourself. ”


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