Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 887: Concatenation? in parallel.


Both the Rodissa sisters possess very high-level [Charm Girls], but Yang Yu cannot conclude that they must be succubi.

Yang Yu has seen several situations where she is not a succubus but has a very high [Charming Girl].

Whether it is Asna from the Silver Orchid Chamber of Commerce, or the beautiful Jade Rose from the plant family, or the Qiuye Dolain that I just met not long ago…

Judging from their performance alone, although they have very high-level [Charm Girls], they are not succubi at all.

The special item [Charming Girl] should be very close to [The Person Blessed by the Goddess].

The elves generally have very high [people blessed by the goddess], but not all people with [people blessed by the goddess] are elves…

Speaking of which.

[Charm Girl], a special item that simply enhances the charm skill, is quite suitable for the succubus setting.

This world has experienced the baptism of the devil more than once.

There must be many demons who have invaded this world. It would not be surprising if some demons fell in love with humans and gave birth to children.

The offspring of a succubus and a human should be called a half-succubus. If a half-succubus has offspring with a human…the offspring of a half-succubus will have an offspring with a human…

Thinking of this, Yang Yu’s mind suddenly buzzed, as if something connected everything together.

Yang Yu noticed again what he had noticed before.

Some things must be thought over again immediately and immediately to see if there are any mistakes.

“General Volshi, can you please wait a moment? I suddenly have something that I need to think about.”

Seeing Yang Yu’s expression that suddenly became extremely serious, General Volshi nodded, crossed his arms, stopped talking, and simply looked at Yang Yu.

Closing his eyes, bit by bit and various memory fragments after participating in the war appeared in front of Yang Yu’s eyes.

These memory fragments are connected to each other one after another, and finally point in one direction.

Slowly opening his eyes, there was a burst of bright light in his eyes. Yang Yu took a long breath, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and showed a smile.

He not only found a stepping stone to pry open the man’s mouth.

There are some things that don’t need to be bothered, and Yang Yu understands them completely in his heart.

General Volshi raised his right hand and pinched his beard:

“Sure enough, I should have seen you somewhere…

It seems that you have already thought about all the questions you should think about.

It’s almost time to get ready to answer my questions. ”

Yang Yu apologized and said with a smile: “I made you laugh. There is always a moment when people, how should I say, have a sudden inspiration.

This time, I finally grasped the flash of inspiration. ”

Walshi had no expression on his face, but his eyes showed appreciation and said:

“It’s not enough to do things based on inspiration.

Without enough experience, you will eventually make a mess.

Let me see how much experience you have.

As for the inspiration you have captured, let me take a look at it when you are willing. ”

Yang Yu responded with a smile: “Yes, thank you General for your love.”

After that, Yang Yu and General Volshi had many discussions on military issues.

Wolshi also saw that Yang Yu had two skills.

But just talking about it like this is ultimately just talk on paper. If you don’t implement it on the battlefield, you will never understand the cruelty on the battlefield.

Whether Yang Yucheng becomes deputy general or not, in Wall Shi’s view, it doesn’t actually matter. What matters is that the support given by Qilome is in place.

If Yang Yu succeeds in winning the battle, everyone will naturally be happy. General Volshi does not mind giving this young man more opportunities. After all, this young man has a very similar personality to him when he was young.

If Yang Yu fails, just follow the military regulations. Then, for Chirom’s sake, you can open a back door for Yang Yu and sell favors.

――“This young man has certain military qualities.

Even if it fails, it will not lose too many manpower.

You can trust him with your troops. ”

Wolshi planned to report this to the emperor of the Luoze Empire.

Although Yang Yu didn’t know what Wall Shi was thinking at this time, he could see that his answer was basically in line with what Wall Shi wanted in his heart.

Soon, it was time to end the visit.

General Volshi stroked his beard with satisfaction:

“It’s getting late. I still have a combat meeting to hold. That’s it for today. You are welcome to come again next time.”

“It was a great benefit to be able to talk to General Volshi. It was us who interrupted without permission. Next time, let’s wait until the war is over before we talk again!”

After a few brief greetings, Yang Yu and General Volshi said goodbye, agreeing to visit again after the war, and then left with Bai Jin and the others.

Until the end of the conversation, Yang Yu did not see any charmed status on Bai Jin’s status bar.

It’s hard to say whether Sister Rodissa is being careful.

Being charming when meeting people will indeed increase the possibility of exposure.

Maybe they will only release their charm on some special people to get the information they want; maybe they just can’t find the right time to release their charm; maybe they really think too much and they are just ordinary people… ….

The people who were charmed were filled in the list according to the strength of the charm. Yang Yu wrote the suspicious people who were considered to be succubi at the end of the list.

Soon after that, Yang Yu found Chirom, handed him the list, and told Chirom what he realized.

In the kitchen, Chirom sat on a stool absentmindedly, listening blankly, muttering to himself:

“Is this actually the case… There is such a thing.”

Knocking his head bitterly, Chirom clutched his hair and chef’s hat.

Yang Yu said: “This is what I realized, which is most likely to be close to the ‘truth’.

I don’t know how many people will accept it.

It is estimated that many people cannot accept it.

That’s why people in the past buried this part of history forever.

Mr. Kilome, what are you going to do?

Should I follow the original plan and give an explanation that misleads the people, or should I make the ‘truth’ I discovered known to the public.

…Even this truth may cause social unrest and be scorned by others. ”

Facing Yang Yu’s question, Chirom was silent for a long time, and finally gave his answer:

“I don’t know what happened in the past.

But if it is really because of this truth that the previous wars stopped, I choose…

Make the truth of what we have deduced known to the public and do our best to prove it.

If you reach the wrong conclusion, we will publicly apologize and correct our conclusion. ”

“Sure enough, I am right to cooperate with you. I can rest assured that Luo Ze Empire will leave it to you.” Yang Yu had a smile on his face.


Yang Yu waved to Ias and Bai Jin, letting them enter the soundproof barrier, and announced his next plan.




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