Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 886: Visit the General


Originally, you only need to give the letter in your hand to Ladis and ask her to forward it to the emperor of this country, and then you can get the minimum position required to complete the plan.

But Yang Yu still took the trouble to chat with Ladis about a lot of things.

All of this is to establish his own image in Ladis’ heart.

For taking advantage of Ladis, Yang Yu actually felt a little bit guilty.

In addition to Ladis, Yang Yu really couldn’t find a better candidate.

I heard from Chirom that there are also peaceful people in the royal family, but because he is too handsome, he has always been ignored.

If he leads Yang Yu and introduces Yang Yu to others, the consequences he needs to bear are far greater than imagined.

Once the matter is exposed and there is no time to take the next step, the panic may range from being detained in a detention center to losing the head in the worst.

After much thought, only Ladis is the most suitable.

Ladis is the main militant.

Even if the matter is exposed, given her status as a militant, most people will only think that she was deceived.

Chirom used to be the royal chef and had taken care of Latisse’s diet. Therefore, Latis had been trying every means to draw Chirom into the camp of the main war faction.

Now that she got what she wanted, she naturally let down her guard against Yang Yu.

Emperor Luo Hui is also very willing to believe in Ladis, who is the main militant faction.

Seeing that Ladis had known Yang Yu before and seemed to have a good relationship, Emperor Luo Hui gave her the task of taking Yang Yu around.

In order to fulfill her mission, Ladis helped Yang Yu formulate a visit plan and contacted the person being visited in advance to avoid causing trouble to others due to the sudden visit.

Hearing that Yang Yu is a relative of Chirom, and that Chirom treats Yang Yu like his own son and takes good care of him, many nobles suddenly realize that Yang Yu is likely to become Chirom’s dessert The successors of the empire postponed their own schedules one after another, eager to welcome Yang Yu’s arrival.

Some even go so far as to prepare their own daughters for a long time…those who don’t have daughters even look for the daughters of their seventh aunt and eighth aunt…with the intention of establishing a relationship with Yang Yu.

An ordinary visit was turned into a large-scale blind date by these snobbish nobles.

In addition to being speechless, Yang Yu was still speechless.

If he had nothing to do with Chirom, no matter how successful he looks, few people would care about him.

However, if others could see the gold coin balance on his panel, they would definitely flip it like crazy.

Chirom gave too much, and Yang Yu had the wealth that the dragon said he could enjoy for a lifetime.

The more nobles he visits, the more Yang Yu laments the reality of this world.

After five days of non-stop visits, Yang Yu, led by Ladis, finally arrived at the last stop of the journey.

——The residence of General Volshi.

Because Yang Yu and the others had greeted them in advance, they were ushered into the living room by the housekeeper as soon as they arrived.

In the living room, General Volshi and his two daughters were waiting there for a long time.

After some tedious etiquette, Yang Yu politely handed the gift in his hand to General Volshi:

“A small care is not disrespectful. This is the dessert prepared by Mr. Chirom. Please enjoy it with the general and the two ladies.”

Yang Yu opened the panel and confirmed the attributes of everyone in front of him.

Everything was normal with General Volshi, and there was no sign of being charmed by the succubus.

“Thank you…” General Volshi gently stroked his mustache and cast a sharp look at Yang Yu, “I think you look familiar. Have we met somewhere?” ”

Of course I have, I was right across from you during the negotiation.

Of course it was impossible for Yang Yu to say such words, and flattered: “I have never met anyone like the general before. If I can be met by the general and be remembered, it will be a blessing. .”

“Forget it, since I can’t think of it right now, I won’t think about it.”

General Volshi put down his hand stroking his beard,

“I heard that Chirom strongly recommended you to become the deputy general. Not everyone can be the deputy general. I will give you a test, and if your answer satisfies me, I will approve you to become the deputy general. Lieutenant General.”

Yang Yu said with a smile: “His Majesty the Emperor has asked me many questions. If the general wants to test my truth, I will accompany you at any time.”

Without any emotion or joy on Wall Shi’s face, he responded:

“Yeah. Very good. A person’s tactical thinking can well reflect his personality.

It’s time to start, please listen carefully, I will only say it once, don’t miss any questions…

What I despise the most is people who think it’s just a test and are absent-minded. ”

Rodelia suddenly smiled and said to Yang Yu: “I’m sorry, my father is like this. If he can’t find a topic to talk about at the moment, he will always bring up some very serious topics.”

Walshi coughed slightly and signaled Rodissa to stop talking. It was rare for the other party to answer his words so simply and confidently, so there was nothing wrong with letting the topic continue like this.

Jin, who was hiding behind Rod Lisa, poked his head out slightly, and his eyes fell on Yang Yu’s gift. He looked at it for a while and then quickly took it back. He stood aside cautiously as if he was afraid that he had done something wrong.

Yang Yu smiled and said: “Don’t worry about this daughter, the general also has his own worries.

What we are going to talk about next is obscure and difficult to understand, and we don’t know how long it will take.

The two young ladies will definitely feel bored, so they are invited to enjoy delicious cakes with Her Royal Highness Ladis and the three female companions I brought, and have some conversations that only young girls can have.

I have been an adventurer before, and these friends have been with me through life and death. You will definitely hear some interesting stories from them. ”

Ladis winked at Bai Jin and the others. It was such an important visit and she shouldn’t have brought extra attendants. However, under Yang Yu’s strong request, Ladis still asked Bai Jin and the others to follow Yang Yu. around.

At this time, the benefits of taking Bai Jin and the others finally came to light.

Sisters Ladis and Rodrissa have known each other since they were children and often chat together. They have already talked about almost all the topics that should be discussed.

This time, the participation of Bai Jin and others will inject considerable vitality into the chat between old friends.

Ladis smiled and said: “It’s been a long time. Rodissa, Jin, please let us go aside so as not to affect the two of them.”

When Ladis spoke, the two sisters Rodissa naturally had no reason to refuse. Following Ladis, they went to the side to enjoy sweets and have a girls’ tea party.

Wolshi put his hands on the table and tapped the table with his right middle finger, constantly thinking about what topic to start with.

Yang Yu sat quietly aside, opened the team panel, and stared at the panels of Bai Jin, Ias, and He Meng.

One of the Rodissa sisters who are talking to Bai Jin and the others is a charm girl of LV.9, and the other is a charm girl of LV.MAX. It is necessary to pay attention to them.


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