Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 885: The most suitable candidate


Ordering the servants to prepare good desserts and black tea, Ladis also changed into beautiful clothes.

Although she hadn’t seen him for a long time, when she saw Yang Yu, Ladis felt an inexplicable familiarity with Yang Yu, as if she had just met him not long ago.

As for the other people around Yang Yu, Ladis did not pay special attention to them. Seeing them, Ladis felt that they seemed to have been seen somewhere, but they seemed not to have been seen before, and her impression was extremely vague.

He said hello politely, and then Yang Yu started chatting with Ladis.

Starting with simple greetings, the two soon became like friends they had not seen for a long time, chatting about each other’s current situation. Yang Yu also complained bitterly to Ladis who left without saying goodbye on behalf of Tico.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Yang Yu changed the topic and talked about the reason for this meeting.

The previous friendship between Yang Yu and Ladis was not as deep as imagined. They had only met each other a few times. It seemed a bit blunt to say they were visiting friends.

Yang Yu doesn’t intend to beat around the bush either.

Before clarifying the purpose of coming here, he first repeated what he had fabricated before to Ladis.

Putting down the teacup in her hand, Ladis was surprised by what Yang Yu said:

“Are you serious? Do you really want to help us expel the demi-humans from this country?”

Yang Yu was filled with indignation and his voice was sonorous and powerful:

“Of course we must drive those orcs out of this country and let them suffer a lot.

I have heard about the brutality of the orcs.

They must not be allowed to run amok in this country.

If we let them run wild, there will be a river of blood. ”

This sentence seemed to match the code in Ladis’s heart, making her originally melancholy eyes disappear and filled with indescribable joy:

“I’m glad that we are on the same page.”

After scratching his cheek, Yang Yu said with some embarrassment:

“Let’s talk about business.

Normally, I would have to start with new recruits.

But starting as a new soldier really cannot satisfy my desire to serve the country as quickly as possible.

This time, I made a special trip to visit you.

In addition to chatting about daily life, I also want to see if you can fulfill the promise you made before. ”

Ladis smiled and said: “It’s a shame that you still remember such a distant thing, it was almost two years ago.

At that time, I did tell you that if you wanted to join us, I would welcome you at any time.

I still remember your reaction at that time.

Until now, I thought you would laugh it off. ”

Yang Yu frowned, his eyes dim:

“After all, I didn’t know the situation in your country and the orcs before…

If you regret it, please tell me so I don’t have to waste my breath. ”

Opening the folding fan she carried with her and covering her red lips, Ladis said: “Still the same as before, so outspoken.

What I said at that time was not a joke.

I am also the third princess of the Luo Ze Empire, and I always keep my word.

It’s just… the situation is special now, even I can’t promote you to an important position casually.

“I can understand, so my requirements are not high. The starting point only needs to be a little higher than that of ordinary soldiers.”

Ladis closed the folding fan: “This can meet your needs.

As long as you perform satisfactory feats in this war, we will give you the rewards you deserve.

Let you have the glory and rights that match your strength.

Our empire has always spoken with strength.

If you want to be promoted, you need to show your strength and be strong. Then it will be easier to convince others.

There happens to be a recruit mobilization meeting in a few days, and I will let you attend.

That is your best chance to show your strength. “

Yang Yu raised his hand with a slight embarrassment and said: “If you are talking about the group of soldiers at the training ground, I have already finished fighting, when I enlisted in the army yesterday…”

Ladis was silent for a while, and then showed an incredible expression: “Are you kidding? Are you kidding?”

Later, Ladis left the table in the name of convenience and asked the servant to inquire about the matter.

The result is that Yang Yu did knock down all the recruits who were training on the training ground yesterday, and it seemed very easy, without any effort.

After coming back, Ladis coughed slightly and said awkwardly:

“Your strength is indeed far beyond ordinary people. I underestimated you before… Can I ask, what is your rating?”

“If you’re talking about a soldier’s rating, it’s S-level.”

Ladis became even more stunned and muttered to herself inadvertently: “S-level…”

Yang Yu smiled and said: “After all, before we came here, we were also working as adventurers. Without any strength, there is no way to survive the battle with various ferocious monsters.”

Hiding the embarrassment on her face, Ladis said: “That’s right.

If your rating is S level, then the lowest level is also level 1.

To go further, you need to accumulate military merit. ”

“I am extremely grateful to be here.

The rest is up to you.

I still have to trouble Her Royal Highness. ”

While thanking him, Yang Yu took out a letter from the system and handed it to Ladis:

“I’ve finished my story. There’s one more thing… Mr. Chirom, let me forward this letter to you.”

After taking the letter and opening it, Ladis opened her eyes wide again.

What the letter said was that if Yang Yu could be promoted to deputy general and take him to visit other high-level officials to establish contacts, Chirom would donate a large sum of assets to the Luoze Empire as war funds. .

This is a big deal.

Whether Yang Yu is so valued because of his blood relationship with Chirom, as long as he can get Chirom’s strong support, there will be no worries about logistics.

The opportunity that the Luo Ze royal family has dreamed of is finally in front of them.

Lati did not dare to neglect at all, and asked Yang Yu if he knew the contents of the letter. Yang Yu said that he had no idea at all, and only told the story of being taken care of by Chirom.

Ladis asked Yang Yu to wait for a moment and immediately handed the letter to her father, Emperor Luo Hui.

As you can imagine, Yang Yu was summoned by Emperor Luo Ze.

The Emperor asked Yang Yu questions such as, “How do you think this war can be fought successfully?”, “How should we deal with quarrels and differences among the troops?” and so on.

Yang Yu behaved gracefully, showed elegant etiquette, and expressed his own opinions on Emperor Luo Ze’s issues.

After the questions and answers, the emperor of the Luo Ze Empire asked Yang Yu to step down and asked the eldest prince and the second prince for their opinions.

After thinking for a long time, Emperor Luo Hui finally decided to agree to Chirom’s request and let Yang Yu start as deputy general.


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