Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 881: Old man, give me money


The war resumed, and the Luoze Empire switched from offense to defense.

Due to the emergence of special demi-human troops and changes in the combat methods of the orc troops, the Luoze Empire lost several cities in a row.

Fortunately among misfortunes, the lost city is basically located on the edge of the empire.

After the defeat in the autumn, the Luoze Empire moved most of the civilians in the fringe areas to the interior. This way, the vast majority of civilians saved their lives and did not have to worry about being involved in the war for the time being.

At the beginning, the Luoze Empire was defeated steadily due to morale, military strength, etc., but after the king decided to make the translation of the prophecy public, the Luoze soldiers rekindled their fighting spirit.

They can’t lose anymore. If they lose again, the orcs will push deeper into the heart of the country.

They don’t know what cruel things the bloodthirsty orcs will do on their land.

By then, countless people will surely die under the slaughtering knives of the orcs.

The hatred for the orcs gradually overshadowed the soldiers’ fear of war. Under the command of General Luo Ze, they reunited and unleashed unprecedented power.

The Luoze Empire is the main battlefield, and Luoze soldiers who are familiar with the terrain have a unique advantage.

In addition, with the whole country working together, the speed of resource allocation seems to be much faster than before…

Not long after the war started again, the Luoze Empire gradually found some ways to deal with the orcs’ attack, and the war gradually developed into a stalemate.

I don’t know when this war will end.

If people in both countries believe that the translation is true and believe that different races will fight to the death, there will be no way to usher in true peace.

Past history seems to be repeating itself in Chirom’s eyes.

About three hundred years ago, humans also treated various demi-humans in the same way.

After the end of the Dark Ages, humans and various demihuman races who once fought on the same front turned against each other and became enemies soon.

Many kingdoms began to drive out and massacre various demi-human races, which eventually led to the demi-human races that were once widely distributed in human countries, or poured into the Ocean Principality and the Dragon God Council, or established at the western end of the continent Wanshengguo.

After consulting a lot of information, Chirom could not find how the past war ended.

Many countries have unanimously erased this period of history from the recorded history of their respective countries.

Perhaps only one person knows the truth about that war.

Elves can live a long time.

Mindalak, the prime minister of the Wansheng Kingdom and the current consul of the Wansheng Republic, once personally participated in the founding battle of the Wansheng Kingdom.

There are rumors that it was because of Mindalak that all human nations realized their mistakes and finally stopped persecuting demi-humans.

From this point of view alone, Mindalak should be a person who advocates peace and will do everything possible to push the two countries towards peace…

But in the end, he chose war.

Perhaps it was because he saw that humans had not changed over the long period of time that he finally changed his mind about peace and chose to fight against humans to the end.

That’s why he disclosed the translation of the book pages to the orcs.

It is quite difficult to understand other people’s thoughts, not to mention the elf who is nearly a thousand years old.

Chirom had no way of knowing whether what Mindalak did was a means to achieve his goal, or whether it was the real deal.

For the former, there is still room for negotiation, but if it is the latter, the peace faction headed by Chirom no longer knows what to do to restore peace between the two countries.

They never want to see both sides bleeding into rivers and one side being destroyed.

If there was no black swan event like the arrival of the devil, there might still be time to find a solution…

But…next year is the time when the devil comes.

It is really ironic that people in this world are still fighting with each other.

The records of the story of the Demon King and the Hero are quite vague, but it seems that every time it ends with the Hero’s complete victory.

Many high-level officials in the Luoze Empire believe that this Demon King’s invasion will definitely end with the Demon King’s defeat, so there is no need to make a fuss about it.

How arrogant and irresponsible.

They also use the brave to do stupid things like that, wasting the precious development time of the brave.

In some ways, those people are hopeless. They are trapped in the demihuman war and cannot extricate themselves.

I think it is more important to deal with the demi-humans than the devil.

Have they never thought about how many people would die if the Demon King showed his true strength from the beginning?

How can two such hostile countries put aside their past differences and jointly deal with the Demon King?

Should we reveal the arrival of the Demon King to Mindalak?

After receiving this news, will he believe it, or will he laugh it off and think that humans are cheating…

Chirom gets a headache every time he thinks about this problem.

I have been disturbed by these troubles, and the food he makes seems not as delicious as before.

Externally, he can only say that he has reached a bottleneck period.

Sitting in the blocked restaurant, Chirom smashed kitchen utensils and threw ingredients as he pleased, venting his inner unhappiness.

Others from the peace faction came up with several plans, but they were all unsatisfactory.

Chirom became increasingly agitated.

Today, as always, he was smashing things in the kitchen to vent his emotions.

But he never expected that a “distinguished guest” would come to his door.

“Mr. Kilome.” The secretary knocked politely on the kitchen door.

“What are you doing! I told you, don’t bother me if you have nothing to do!” Chirom stopped what he was doing, his sunken eyes filled with anger.

The secretary said without changing his expression: “There is an acquaintance outside the door who wants to see you. He is the man we met in the Library of All Things.

You have ordered that as long as this man comes to your door, he will disturb you even if you are cooking. ”

Hearing what the secretary said, Chirom quickly knew who was coming:

“Let him come in and let me talk to him alone. Go get ready!”


In response, the secretary took Yang Yu and the others to Chirom’s spacious restaurant.

We haven’t seen each other for a year and a half. The former boy in front of Chirom has grown taller, but Chirom recognized the boy in front of him at a glance from the smile on Yang Yu’s face:

“Boy, I haven’t seen you for more than a year. Have you found any novel food while exploring the underground maze?

Are you going to use those novel foods to blackmail me? ”

Yang Yu smiled and said: “How can this be called blackmail? How can a transaction between you and me be called blackmail?”

Chirom snorted coldly: “You’re still the same as before, always good at talking. Let me see what you brought!”

Yang Yu made a gesture asking for money, and his whole body exuded the smell of profit:

“This time I have prepared a lot of good things to honor you, but you must be prepared for heavy bleeding.

There is also the agreement we made before. It has been more than a year, so it is time to pay us once. ”


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