Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 878: Special visitors


“Dead…really died like this…”

Bin Luo couldn’t believe his ears, and Bai Jin and Ias were also in disbelief. The ending was too sudden.

Put away the weapon in his hand and made a gesture to Bin Luo and others to follow him:

“I have to take you to see the situation inside, so that you can feel at ease and have a real sense that great revenge has been avenged.

As you can imagine, that guy is preparing to shed its skin. If it becomes stronger, we may be the ones who die inside.

Its initial plan shocked me so much that I almost didn’t react.

The specific battle process was discussed while walking on the road. ”

For some reason, Binluo burst into tears when he heard Yang Yu’s concerned voice. He nodded heavily, stepped on the ice chips, and walked into the tunnel dug by Yang Yu.

Bai Jin originally wanted to tell her about the wand as soon as they met, but now was not the time to open her mouth. She hurriedly picked up the wand thrown aside and followed her.

He Meng climbed up on Lotkar’s back to rest for a while, but Lotkar returned to his human form, put it on his head, and followed Bai Jin.

The last person to leave was Ias, who didn’t know whether she had succeeded in removing the spirit.

Before taking two steps, Ias caught the sound of the sky breaking. When she looked up, a black dragon crawled out of the crack in the sky.

Ias quickly shouted to Yang Yu and the others: “Wait a minute, the dragon appears!”

With a few simple words, Ias instantly called back all the advancing troops.

Yang Yu raised his head towards the blue sky and saw a huge black dragon, with golden light emitting from its body. Its huge body suddenly shrunk and turned into a middle-aged man with black hair and landed in front of them. .

“I am the black dragon Heiluo, one of the people in charge of the Adventurer Special Committee of the Dragon God Council. Did you just say that you have solved that thing?” Heiluo saluted Yang Yu and the others, and then, Immediately put on a straight face: “If you really get rid of that thing, our dragon will reward you. But if you lie, there will be corresponding punishment waiting for you. This is the rule of the mission.”

Yang Yu looked at Hei Luo, who had transformed into a human form, from head to toe.

During the negotiation, they came only as phantoms, but now they come in person…

Compared with the war that will kill countless people, they care more about the strange creature that may affect their dominance.

What kind of existence is a giant dragon?

After looking at the series of actions, Yang Yu still couldn’t tell what these transcendent creatures were thinking.

“I can guarantee that I knocked it down.

But its appearance is so strange, it just looks like…

I don’t know if the monster I knocked down is the monster you are looking for?

It was really helpful for you to come and confirm. ”

He Luo said very calmly: “Take me in and have a look.”

With a helpless shrug, Yang Yu had no choice but to pick up Hei Luo and lead his companions deep into the Ice Palace again, and came to the defeated Broken Dragon.

Binluo was shocked when he saw it. He collapsed on the floor and couldn’t help but make a sound of surprise:

“Is this… this thing really the mysterious creature I saw before?

This looks too much like a giant dragon… What is its origin?

When I saw it before, it was still a humanoid lizard like a goblin. ”

No one answered Bin Luo’s question, so Hei Luo approached the knocked down Dragon Breaker, leaned down to touch the frozen blood, and confirmed it several times before speaking:

“Did this guy say anything before he died?”

Yang Yu replied: “‘I am the Goblin Emperor, either you die today or I die’ and the like, most of them are just nonsense about temporary struggles.

It is really clever to use this small environment to deal with the intruding adventurers.

As far as I know, it can already control the ice dolls here. If it continues to become stronger, it should be able to open this ice palace. ”

“Really? Is that what you think, Mr. Tudou?” Hei Luo said the pseudonym that Yang Yu had used before very calmly.

Yang Yu had no intention of concealing his identity. His poor cover-up was just deceiving himself and others. He said:

“From the current situation, we can only infer this. I said, is there really magic or technology in this world that can change races?

If everything it says is true, how did it live for so long and transform from a goblin into a dragon like you?

How is this kind of evolution across races possible? ”

Yang Yu pretended to be surprised, but Hei Luo did not follow Yang Yu’s advice and his words remained calm:

“Who knows if there is such magic or technology.”

“Don’t even the omniscient and omnipotent dragons know?” Yang Yu said.

Kuroro stood up and shot out a ray of light from his hand, covering all the corpses of the Broken Dragon:

“Your words are of no use to me, so don’t waste your efforts. We are not omniscient and omnipotent, otherwise we would have provided clues to the adventurers long ago, and it would not have been delayed until now.”

“Then why do you explain why you appeared here so quickly?”

“It’s very simple. Although we are not omniscient and omnipotent, we are still watching the world.

Unfortunately, due to the limited number of people, we cannot look at every corner of the world.

The monitoring magic we deployed cannot penetrate the rock wall and see the situation inside.

Capturing other people’s magical characteristics will also take some time. ”

“Really? I really learned a lot.”

A huge teleportation magic circle appeared under the body of the Destroyer Dragon. In the blink of an eye, the Destroyer Dragon sank into the teleportation magic circle and disappeared into the ice palace.

Yang Yu stretched and said casually: “That guy looks like a giant dragon. No one present can tell anyone about this, right?”

Hei Luo took two steps towards Yang Yu: “Well, the consequences of leaking it will be serious.

From the beginning, I thought you were an incredible guy.

Can you let me copy a copy of your battle memory? ”

Yang Yu said: “Can I refuse? I am still quite afraid of being mentally manipulated, or having my memory manipulated.”

“Of course you have the right to refuse.”

“Then I refuse.”

“You refused without hesitation at all. When you faced us, you showed no fear or awe.”

“I’ve seen a lot of big scenes, and I’ve long been used to it.” Yang Yu spread his hands, “Now that this task has been completed, should you also honor the reward for this task?

I am very much looking forward to seeing what I can get from you. It took a lot of effort to defeat that giant dragon, and I almost died a few times. ”

“Haha-” Kuro smiled for the first time, “It’s a bit funny to say this from your mouth.”

Putting his hand on his forehead and calling the Adventurer Special Committee, Hei Luo said to Yang Yu:

“I will pay you our treasure.

Tell me, you want inexhaustible wealth in your lifetime.

Still want something else.

We dragons are very generous and allow bargaining. ”


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